"You know that, too?" Ye Hao was astonished.

"Because you're not making a big fuss for four days." Jiang Hanyu chuckled, "and all the people involved are big forces. It's hard not to be known."

"All right." Ye Hao said here to change the topic, "Haoyue, how do you think of coming to the alliance city?"

"The news of Baoyu Pavilion auctioning a large number of elixirs and magic weapons reached sishongtian, and some of the big forces of sishongtian sent representatives to buy some." Haoyue whispered, "I come to alliance city to represent Yunxiao palace and prepare to buy a batch."

"I'll give it to you."

"This can't be done. I represent the clan. We'll go back to one yard."

"Well, I'll give you the reserve price." Ye Hao thought for a moment and said, "is this OK?"

"You don't get credit, do you?"


"That's good."

After Haoyue sat down, Jiang Hanyu poured a cup of tea to Haoyue.

"Thank you." Haoyue holds the tea cup and whispers.

"Well, I'll go out and have a look. What's the matter? You call the piano at the door." Jiang Hanyu knew that it was not suitable for him to stay here any longer, so he made an excuse to go out.

"You two probably have a lot to say. I'll go out and come in later." Han Fei also stood up.

Han Fei followed Jiang Hanyu for some distance and then said, "have you sent an invitation to Chunfeng pavilion?"


"Ye Hao said to cancel the invitation to Chunfeng Pavilion."

"Good." Jiang Hanyu nodded.

Han Fei can't help but look at Jiang Hanyu.

Jiang Hanyu is such a good woman.

Because under normal circumstances, we will ask why.

"I don't know if the people from Chunfeng pavilion have arrived? I'll go down and have a look, and if I come, I'll invite them out. " Jiang Hanyu immediately said.


When Jiang Hanyu came to the door and was about to ask the service personnel recording the guests, she saw two women in colorful clothes coming from a distance.

The two women, Jiang Hanyu, knew each other.

One is Tang Zishan, the steward of Chunfeng Pavilion; the other is the fairy king of Chunfeng Pavilion, all ice blue.

Tang Zishan was about to hand over the invitation when Jiang Hanyu walked over with a smile.

"I've met the steward of Tang Dynasty, and I've met the king of immortals."

Tang Zishan looked at Jiang Hanyu and said with a smile, "master Jiang Shaoge."

Jiang Hanyu's status is not weaker than that of Tang Zishan, let alone Baoyu Pavilion.

"Someone has just given an invitation to cancel the spring breeze Pavilion." When Jiang Hanyu said this, his face showed a look of embarrassment, "I'm just a handyman. I'm really powerless."

"What?" Tang Zishan's face changed. "Master Jiang Shao Ge, I remember that we didn't offend you Baoyu pavilion?"

"But you have offended the people above me."

"The elder of Baoyu pavilion or your father?"


"Who is that?"

"I think I made it clear."

Tang Zishan thought for a moment, and finally realized, "I don't know if it's convenient for Jiang Shao pavilion to introduce him or her, because we really don't know who the person behind you is? Maybe there was some misunderstanding between them? "

"Misunderstanding?" At this time, a taunt voice sounded in Tang Zishan's ears, "is it a misunderstanding to drive me out of your Chunfeng pavilion?"

Tang Zishan was shocked when she saw who it was.

"How is it you?"

How could Tang Zishan not know Han Fei?

Because it was she who drove Han Fei out of Chunfeng Pavilion an hour ago?

"Didn't expect to see me so soon? Did you feel a little surprised? " Han Fei looked at Tang Zishan with a smile and said, "I can tell you responsibly that you don't want to buy anything in Baoyu Pavilion in the future."

Tang Zishan's face changed.

"You don't have the right to decide about Baoyu Pavilion yet?"

"He is not qualified." At this time, Ye Hao takes Haoyue's hand and comes over.

"But I'm qualified."

"Who are you?" Tang Zishan stares at Ye Hao.

"I provide the elixir and magic weapon of Baoyu Pavilion." Ye Hao said faintly, "now do you think I have the qualification?"

Hearing this, Tang Zishan's face became ugly.

The big forces of wuchongtian want to know who provided the elixir and magic weapon of Baoyu pavilion?

But to this day, we have not come to a conclusion.

But what they knew was that all those who had gone to the middle and high ranks of the Immortal King had been captured.

In other words, behind the one who made the move is the existence of a fairy King's peak.

"Deacon Tang, what's going on?" All ice blue looked at Tang Zishan angrily.Tang Zishan said to all ice blue what had happened just now with a bitter smile.

"Since the other side doesn't care about the status of Master Zhu que, don't you realize that these two people's identities are very noble?" All ice blue wants to smash Tang Zishan's head open to see if it is full of excrement?

"But behind the rosefinch family is the existence of the peak of the fairy king?"

"Do you think there is no fairy King peak behind these two?"

"Me." The reason why zhushanque is so polite to her clients is that she has always been so kind to her clients?

"Two young men." All ice blue is about to plead when Han Fei interrupted, "before I thought your spring wind Pavilion strength is good, now I found that your spring wind Pavilion is just like that."

"What do you mean?" All ice blue looks at Han Fei Dao in disbelief.

"Deacon Tang, I severely damaged Zhuque childe at the gate of your Chunfeng Pavilion. Didn't you check my identity in Chunfeng pavilion?" Han Fei asked, somewhat speechless.

All ice blue can't help but look at Tang Zishan.

Tang Zishan was embarrassed.

She only wanted to cure the Zhuque childe, but she forgot about it.

"I don't know who Daoyou is?" All ice blue asked softly.

"Taoist friends?" Han Fei burst out laughing.

"All ice blue, do you think this one is as powerful as you?" Then an old man in a coir raincoat came over.

"Master Weng." All ice blue was busy saluting.

All ice blue is only the strong one on the fourth floor of fairy king.

And the one in front of me is the fairy king.

The old man named Weng pointed to Han Fei and said, "this one is less than a thousand years old. Do you know who you are offending?"

All of a sudden, the ice blue head was confused.

"Less than a thousand years?" When I chewed this sentence, I felt cold all over.

He couldn't help thinking of one thing or another.

"Do you mean he is a demon?"


"But why can't I see his age?"

"Because people are better than you, both physically and mentally." What did Weng Tongzhi think of when he said, "this one is younger than this one. Tut Tut, it's amazing. You Chunfeng Pavilion is really a bull's-eye, and you offended two demons all at once. "

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