Breaking the rules comes at a price.

Ye Hao doesn't think he has this ability now.

Therefore, Ye Hao can only watch jiuchongtian's people struggling in despair.

In fact, there are not many living friars now, because the elite and some middle-level friars of the Terran family have long been transferred, and most of the remaining friars have fallen in the disaster of this decade.

"The catastrophe won't last long." Lonely staring at the front, deep voice.

The lonely guess is right.

Because an hour later, the whole jiuchongtian collapsed in a large area.

This collapse is the collapse of space.

The breath of destruction is vast.

Even if you are lonely, you have to quit.

"Jiuchongtian is about to be destroyed." Lonely eyes burning said.

Who doesn't want the nature of jiuchongtian?

Even lonely is no exception!

And in the process of the continuous collapse of jiuchongtian, one shadow after another appeared.

But most of these figures lurk in the dark.

"I felt an obscure wave just now." Caiqilin changed his color and said, "although I have a glance, I can be sure that it is the existence of the third state."

"The giants of the Archaic period have also appeared, and this fight has become very difficult." Lonely nodded.

"It's time to use forbidden technique." Caiqilin said in a dignified way.

Caiqilin is confident that he is the best in the first place.

But this time, those who came to fight for nature, not to mention the third, even the second.

With the passage of time, jiuchongtian gradually turned into ruins.

But at this time, no one dared to approach jiuchongtian.

Because jiuchongtian contains too much destructive power.

I don't know how long it took. The monks around him noticed the light of creation.

Some of these lights of nature contain miraculous secrets, some contain elixir purple gold, some contain mysterious opportunities, and some are pure light of nature.

"Grab it." After feeling it, the tree quickly bewitches Ye Hao.

"You want me to die." Ye Hao's face is green.

Can this situation be robbed?

"Don't you have the invisible Rune from that one?"

"The invisible Rune may not be able to resist this destructive force." Ye Hao said with a deep thought.

"Do you want to wait for these creatures to disperse before plundering them?" "Even if you have the invisible rune, how much can you grab?" said the tree

Ye Hao thought about it and said to loneliness, "master, I'm going to explore the way?"

"Don't make any noise." "Lonely busy way," now nine heavy days of the situation, even if it is the use of forbidden arts do not dare to close. "

"It's OK." Ye Hao looked at loneliness and said, "if things can't be violated, I will return."

With these words, Ye Hao's mind communicated the invisible symbol.

In the next moment, Ye Hao disappears under the eyes of loneliness and caiqilin.

"Ye Hao." Lonely whispered.

Ye Hao did not answer, but went ahead.

Cai Qilin's mind sweeps for a moment, but he doesn't find any trace of Ye Hao.

"Invisible?" Cai Qilin looks at Ye Hao in amazement.

"The mystery in him is far beyond your imagination and mine." Lonely whisper.

You can't find an immortal statue with the spirit of a lonely demigod.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

However, considering that Ye Hao is one of the evil spirits, their hearts are relieved.

I have to say that's very reliable.

Because Ye Hao didn't feel much when he was near the edge of jiuchongtian.

As soon as those destructive forces approached, they were forced away.

Ye Hao did not rush forward.

It's going forward very carefully.




When Ye Hao was away from the first light of creation, Ye Hao still felt an unspeakable pain.

Invisibility symbol is equivalent to a suit of fireproof clothes.

It doesn't mean that you can isolate all sources of fire.

Now I'm close to the center of the fire. Even the fire-proof clothes can't stop it.

"Don't you have the ability to bring the dead back to life?" The tree of nature bewitches a way, "fight to fall, we also want to get thousands of nature."

"Fall your uncle, do you think it's comfortable to fall down once?" Ye Hao scolded.

"Don't you want these things?"

Hearing this, Ye Hao is silent.

After a short period of time, Ye Hao began to speak, "channeling."

At the critical moment, Ye Hao still used psychics.After using psychics, Ye Hao's strength rose.

It's very fast rising to 3.6 times.

After reaching this level, Ye Hao suddenly felt that the temperature around him was not as unbearable as before.

"Forward." The tree was surprised.

As soon as Ye Hao clenched his teeth, he rushed to the light of nature not far away.

While Ye Hao rushes away, the tree is like a magnet, absorbing one light after another.

Each of these lights of creation is extremely terrifying.

So the tree grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Have you absorbed all the light of nature?" After Ye Hao rushed to the intolerable area, a check immediately blew hair.

"The magic secrets contained in the light of nature can also be absorbed as the light of creation."

"Are you such a loser?" Ye Hao stamped his feet in anger.

At least hundreds of lights of nature have been obtained from this charge just now.

"Don't I promote you?"

"But nature is not so wasteful." Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "you can only absorb the pure light of nature later."

Seeing Ye Hao talking to himself in this tone, zaohuashu also felt that he had gone too far.


"What kind of nature contains time crystal?"

As soon as the tree of creation sensed a little, he pointed to the position of the core and said, "the crystal of time is over there."

Ye Hao's face suddenly changed.

"I can't get through it now."

"Wait until the power of destruction subsides." As soon as the tree of nature said this, the light of nature, which was calculated by millions of people, diffused all around.

At the same time, Ye Hao felt that the destructive power around him was rapidly reduced.

"Go." According to the guide of the tree of creation, Ye Hao rushes toward the direction of the time crystal.

Along the way, both Zaohua tree and Ye Hao absorbed nature with open mind.

The tree of nature strictly follows Ye Hao's words and devours pure light of nature.

And Ye Hao absorbed all the nature.

Of course, Ye Hao just temporarily put these creatures into the small world.

Soon Ye Hao rushed to the center.

But at this time, the creation of time crystal has run a lot.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Hao pulled dozens of lights of nature into the small world.



After Ye Hao's third hand, the creation of time crystal in the center flew to all directions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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