After seeing this scene, Ye Hao realized that it was impossible to get more time crystals.

"Where is the tablet?" Ye Hao suddenly thought of one thing.

"Taoist tablet." After a little induction, the tree told Ye Hao in a direction, "hurry up, the light of nature containing the Taoist tablet is going to penetrate the Great Barrier of the world."

When Ye Hao heard the words of the tree of creation, he displayed the seal of time and space, and instantly appeared beside the light of creation in the Taoist tablet.

As soon as Ye Hao reached out, he put the light of nature into the small world.

At the moment when the light of nature disappeared, Ye Hao noticed that several obscure figures were rushing towards the heaven and earth.

Ye Hao quickly moved away from here.

Ye Hao and Zaohua tree are not idle when they are far away.

These are all nature.

It's not easy to create any one.

Suddenly, Ye Hao saw a vast light of creation.

Ye Hao Ran after him without hesitation.

There is no doubt that the more powerful the light of nature is, the more terrifying it is.

As Ye Hao approached the light of nature, he noticed that another figure in the distance was rushing towards the light.

As soon as Ye Hao reached out, he put the light of creation into the small world.

"Who?" A figure roared in horror.

This is an ancient giant.

He has a great figure and looks like a mountain.

There was an explosive smell all over.

But he found that he could not find any trace.

"Who in the world has taken away my nature?"

For a while, the giant of the ancient times has been staring at it.

Who would have thought that someone picked a peach on the way.

It is true that none of these creations are simple, but only those against heaven are useful to the demigods.

What's the use of more common nature?

At this time, Ye Hao was far away from this area to track other creatures.

However, at this time, it is not easy to trace nature.

Because more than 99 percent of the earth's nature has torn down the Great Barrier of the world and landed on another heavy sky.

Only a part of the creation is intercepted by the semi God strong, but the half god strong intercepts all the great creation, and some of the nature is intercepted by the strong Immortal King. The nature they intercept is not great creation, and there are not many of them.

Because the more nature spreads around, the faster it will be.

With Ye Hao's detention of a somewhat dazzling nature to the small world, Ye Hao put away the invisible talisman.

But there's no need to waste invisibility.

Ye Hao noticed that a quarter of the invisible runes had been burned just now.

Ye Hao's face suddenly turned black.

It's a little fast.

However, Ye Hao's heart was relieved at the thought that he had gained so much fortune.

At this time, loneliness appears beside Ye Hao.

"What's the harvest?" Asked lonely.

"Just so." Ye Hao replied.

"This time I got a top medicine king, which can increase my cultivation after swallowing it." Lonely eyes full of smile.

Can loneliness be unhappy?

For loneliness, in order to set foot in the second state, in addition to perception, it also needs to improve cultivation.

And with this top drug king, this process can be greatly reduced.

"Now it seems that the elder will soon be able to set foot in the second place." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Even with the help of this top drug king, it will take more than 100 years." Lonely but gently shook his head and said, "because the perception can not keep up with or break through."

"Not a hundred years." Ye Hao looks at loneliness.

"What do you mean?" Just talking about this, loneliness realized what, "you found the Taoist tablet?"

"Well." Ye Hao nods.

Loneliness suddenly excited.

Loneliness also wanted to find the Taoist tablet at first.

But after seeing so much light of nature, he gave up the idea of looking for it.

How to find it?

"Brother." At this time, Cai Qilin appears beside Ye Hao.

"Sister, what good things have you got?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"I have captured three or four lights of nature." Caiqilin whispered, "but there's nothing good about it." After a pause, caiqilin then said, "I have to go to badongtian to appease the soldiers in Bailing area."

"Well." Ye Hao nods.

Caiqilin then left.

Lonely and silent for a moment, he said, "I noticed that caiqilin has got a fate that is not inferior to mine."

Ye Hao's eyes flashed, "we should go back."

Lonely deeply looked at Ye Hao, also no longer advised.Just as Ye Hao was about to leave, a clear voice sounded in his ears.

"Remember me?"

Ye Hao turns and sees a woman in purple floating in.

"The cloud is beautiful." Ye Hao was stunned.

This woman is the one who was rescued by Ye Hao in the Wuwang river.

Ye Hao still remembers that Yun nishang once said that he would repay himself when his cultivation was restored.

"It's not suitable for you to call me yunnishang?" Cloud Ni Chang asks with a smile.

"Master cloud." Ye Hao bowed his hands and saluted.

"I remember when I saw you, you were the twelfth floor of the immortal master, but now you are the sixth floor of xianzun." Yun nishang could not help sighing, "now that my accomplishments have been restored, it's time to repay you."

"This woman is not simple." Lonely then slowly said, "her cultivation has reached the edge of breakthrough, I believe it will not take long to break through to the demigod."

Yunnishang looked at her loneliness.

The look of the cloud colored clothes became dignified.

"I don't know who the elder is?"

"Three days of solitude."

"Demigods." Cloud Ni dress a surprised way.

"I don't know what relationship you have with Ye Hao, but if you follow him, it will be the wisest decision in your life." Loneliness said in a dignified tone.

"Ye Hao?" Cloud neon dress suddenly rang out a loud name, "hearsay pushed the younger generation should not be you?"

"It should be me." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"It's no wonder the lonely elders said that." Yunnishang finally realized, "I heard that you have a burning huangzong in yichongtian?"


"If you don't dislike it, I'll help you guard the Yellow Emperor."

"How can you dislike it?" Ye Hao grinned.

It won't take long for yunnishang to break through the demigod realm.

There is a demigod guarding Yan Huang Zong. Do you still have to worry about someone secretly?

After all, man Tun is Cai Qilin's man. How can Ye Hao be completely relieved? Especially after what happened today.

"I'll take you to yanhuangzong." When Ye Hao said this, he looked at loneliness.

With a wave of solitude, he pierced the world barrier of chongtian. The next moment, Ye Hao and his three men walked towards the world barrier.

It was only after yichongtian that Ye Hao found that the whole world was in chaos. Everywhere, you could see the monks of xianzun and Xianzhu's realm scurrying around the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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