Kong Yinger is confident that she is not a weak person among the evil spirits.

This is why Kong Ying'er said that the golden scales were handed over to him.

Kong Yinger, she has this confidence.

Of course, she has the strength.

"According to the information I got, the disaster stars are not as good as the golden scales." Zhou Wanjun reminds way.

Kong Yinger's identity is very important.

Vice patriarch of Yanhuang sect.

If she fails, it will have a great impact on the reputation of yanhuangzong.

"You don't believe me so much?" Kong Ying'er said with a smile.

"Don't I know your details?" Zhou Wanjun shook her head gently.

Zhou Wanjun's identity is special.

Even when facing Kong Yinger, I dare to say what I should say.

"Soon you will know." Kong Yinger winked at Zhou Wanjun.

Zhou Wanjun was silent for a while and said, "when will the Lord leave the pass?"

"The young master broke through his cultivation three months ago. During this period, he consolidated his accomplishments in the small world." Kong Ying'er whispered, "it's only a matter of these days to get out of the pass."

"Did you break through?" Zhou Wanjun said in surprise.

"In fact, the young master didn't deliberately improve his cultivation, otherwise it would not have taken so long?" Kong Ying'er nodded her head and said, "I noticed that the childe has become more powerful."

"Is not the breakthrough of cultivation strong?" Zhou Wanjun asked in surprise.

"No, childe's strength is essential." Kong Ying'er shook her head. "When I face the childe, my heart is shaking."

"What?" Zhou Wanjun was shocked to hear Kong Ying'er say so.

Kong Ying'er has already stepped into the stage of evil spirits.


Three days flashed by.

And on the third day, a strong figure came to the vicinity of the headquarters of the Yellow Emperor.

These figures are not too hidden.

It's no use covering up.

Yan huangzong has strong guardians of the fairyland. Is it useful for them to cover up?

Yanhuangzong unexpectedly did not drive.

Time went by like this.

On that day, a huge figure appeared in their sight.

"Sun chaser."

"The sun chasing beast of the king's blood."

"This sun chasing beast will be able to reach the high level of Immortal King in the future?"

"Is that the golden scale Taoist priest sitting on the sun chasing beast?"

"Besides the golden scale road, who do you think can be so extravagant?"

It has to be said that Jinlin Daozi, riding a sun chasing beast, immediately attracted the attention of the whole audience.

"Jinling Daozi is so powerful."

"This is the invincible existence that even the disaster star has defeated."

"In the future, the eastern regions will be dominated by Jinling Daozi."

"Ye Hao, the patriarch of Yanhuang sect, is not a simple character either."

"Ye Hao is no longer a simple opponent of Jinlin Daozi."

"Jinlin Daozi has inherited the destiny of heaven. What does Ye Hao represent?"

Jinlin Daozi, wearing battle armor, waist hanging sword.

Listening to the discussions of monks around him, he could not help but show a faint smile in his eyes.

"Ye Hao." The golden scale road son looked at the gate of the burning Yellow Sect, "today I come to challenge the golden scale, please don't hesitate to give me your advice."

"My son is not a cat and dog can challenge?" As soon as the voice of Jinlin Daozi falls, a figure appears at the gate of the Yellow Sect.

Who is not Xiao Qi?

"How dare a fox block the way?" Gold scale's eyes revealed a trace of irony, "Yan Huang Zong no master?"

"The ignorant are fearless." Xiao Qi said that his body disappeared in an instant, but when he reappeared, he appeared opposite the golden scale road.

Gold scale road son's eyes showed a trace of startle.

Because Xiao Qi's speed is beyond his imagination.


In a hurry, Jin scale's fist hits Xiao Qi's paws.

To the shock of all the friars, the figure of gold scale retreated ten steps in the air one after another, and then stopped awkwardly.

And the sun chasing beast at the foot of the golden scale road son is unable to bear to fall to the bottom powerlessly.

"What's the situation?"

"Jinlin Daozi is not the opponent of fox?"

"How can foxes have this level of combat effectiveness?"

"I wonder why the sun chaser is so bad? Can it not bear the aftermath of the battle between the two sides? "

At the time of the whole monk's discussion, Jinlin Daozi looked at Xiao Qi and showed his anger in his eyes.

"What skill is a sneak attack?"

"Sneak attack?" Xiao Qi laughs and says, "if I sneak attack, I didn't appear in front of you just now? If I were to attack, I would not have used 30% of my strength? ""Do you think I'll believe your lies?" Where is Jinlin Daozi willing to believe?

"Then try it and you'll find out?" As soon as Xiao Qi's voice fell, the space around the golden scale road was all broken, and the terrible space countercurrent immediately covered the body of the golden scale road son.

Jinlin Daozi's face changed.

The problem is that under the control of Xiao Qi, the space countercurrent has become more powerful than a hundred times.

"Give it to me." Jinlin Daozi was filled with terrible waves and wanted to force the counter current around him.

And in the golden scale road under the overwhelming power, the space around the counter current gradually settled.

"What else do you have Jinlin Daozi raised his feet and walked towards Xiao Qi.

"It's enough to beat you." Xiao Qi said while walking towards the golden scale road.

As they approached each other, the momentum spread wildly.

And when the momentum collided together, it caused a big space explosion.

All the friars looked around, one by one, and their faces were full of horror.


"Who would have thought that Ye Hao's followers were also demons?"

"I just don't know how strong Ye Hao's followers are?"

"No matter how strong it is, can it be compared with Jinlin Daozi?"

Some friars are followers of Jinlin Daozi, so they don't think Xiao Qi is strong.

But as the two figures collided, their heart sank.

Jinling Daozi is suppressed.

Even if Jinlin Daozi exerted the power of the body to the utmost, he still kept retreating.

Xiao Qi's blood rushed to Xiaohan, and the whole world was about to melt.

The more Jinlin Daozi hit, the more frightened he was.

Now, Jinlin Daozi is not sure how Xiaoqi is definitely not foxes.

"Who are you?" Gold scale road son with small seven to blow a hand after the trend of retrogression when scolding the way.

"I'm just a follower of Childe." Seven eyes such as blazing light way, "these days heard some of your news, I thought you really have the strength to contend with the childe? But your strength is so inferior. "

"What do you say?" In the eyes of Jinlin Daozi, there was a terrible light.

"Childe's fighting power has reached an incredible level." Xiao Qi said that the surrounding space collapsed inch by inch, and at the same time, a force of destroying the heaven and earth began to brew.

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