Xiao Qi has been practicing in front of Daobei all these years?

Therefore, how can the supernatural powers contained in Xiao Qi's blood not be studied with great concentration?

The art of space is one of them.

As Xiao Qi urges the art of space, the space around the golden scale collapses and at the same time derives the power of destroying heaven and earth.

"Can the destruction of space destroy me?" The whole body of Jinlin Daozi is shining with the luster of Dao nature. The whole person is like a deity. Even if the destructive power around him is tyrannical, it is difficult to destroy the body of Jinlin Daozi.

However, what can be seen is that the luster of the whole body of jinlingdaozi is constantly consumed, and the destructive power is still increasing.

Some of the fairies in the field see the deep space is also constantly annihilating, and the annihilation produces the vast energy which is as terrible as the abyss.

One breath passed, and Jinlin Daozi looked as usual.

Two breaths passed, and Jinling Daozi was short of breath.

Three breaths passed, and Jinlin Daozi's face was gloomy.

Four breaths passed, and Jinlin Daozi shivered.

Five breaths passed, and the mouth of golden scale road spurted blood.

Seeing that the body of Jinlin Daozi is about to be annihilated in the destruction of space, a gentle and peaceful voice rings in the air.

"Xiao Qi, spare him."

Small seven saw a beautiful shadow and nodded slightly.

Seven a pinch print to determine the gold scale road around the devastating space to restore as usual.

It's like nothing happened.

If you don't see the miserable gold scale.

Jin Ling's whole body was covered with scars. His eyes looked at Kong Ying'er and said, "we haven't won the battle yet? Who told you to stop? "

"Do you think it's possible for you to win if you fight for this?" Kong Ying'er shook her head slightly.

"I don't have any cards left."

"It's like Xiao Qi has no cards. Yes?" Kong Yinger said lightly.

Xiao Qi has also gained a lot of fortune in these years.

And all of them have succeeded in cultivation.

"It's a fight between him and me. You don't have the right to ask." Golden scale road son says darkly.

"The land standing under your feet belongs to my Yanhuang clan, and I am the deputy leader of Yanhuang clan. Do you think I am qualified?" Kong Yinger's tone is very calm.

"Who didn't know that you were just a maid in Ye Hao's early years?" The golden scale road son cold voice way, "but your natural talent this life cultivates to the immortal respect to end."

"Do you want me to do something with you?" Kong Yinger said with a smile.

"By you?" Jinlin Daozi laughed.

But with a smile, Jinlin Daozi couldn't laugh.

Because a big hand behind him was on his shoulder.

"Is that funny?"

The voice is quiet, but penetrating.

If the golden scale road was struck by lightning, his neck did not dare to turn.

All the monks in the hall were stunned one by one.

"Who is that?"

"Do you think there is anyone else who can quietly appear behind the golden scale

"Ye Hao, the patriarch of Yanhuang sect."

"I remember who told me before that Ye Hao was not the opponent of Jinlin Daozi?"

"Since Ye Hao can sneak into the back of Jinlin Daozi, it means Ye Hao can kill Koi Daozi quietly?"

Ye Hao appeared.

The audience was shocked.

It's the way Ye Hao's appearance is so shocking.

Who is Jinling?

It is called Dao Zi.

Even if it is the disaster star to retreat from the existence of ah?

Who can quietly appear behind him?

No one in the younger generation can do it?

But Ye Hao did it?

"Ye Hao, are we fighting The golden scale road is deep.

As soon as the voice of Jinlin Daozi fell, he noticed that the big hand on his shoulder was put down.

Jinlin Daozi turns around like lightning, and then he blows towards the direction behind him.

The audience exclaimed.

No one thought that Jinlin Daozi would even fight without calling.

This behavior of Jinlin Daozi is somewhat despicable.

When some monks in the field were ready to remind Ye Hao, they saw something that broke their world outlook.

Jinlin Daozi's fist is about to explode in Ye Hao's chest. A whirlpool appears in front of Ye Hao's chest.

The whirlpool seems to lead to a mysterious world.

After the fist of Jinlin Daozi enters the vortex, the terror energy contained in the fist will be vented, and then a terrible swallowing force will make the face of Jinlin Daozi go crazy.By the time he got his fist back, the palm of his hand had worn out.

"What have you done to me?" Jinlin Daozi looks at Ye Hao in horror.

"What do you say?" Ye Hao said calmly.

With the fall of Ye Hao's voice, a mysterious and mysterious mystery shrouds Jinlin Daozi.

Jinling Daozi retreated like lightning.

But even if he retreated, his whole body would inevitably melt.


Jinlin Daozi screams.

His face was full of fear.

Ye Hao's magic power is too terrible.

Jinlin Daozi had a faint feeling that after the magic power had melted his body, his soul would have been melted.

The soul melts is the complete fall.

"Stop it. I give up." After using many magical powers, Jinlin Daozi did not work, and then he called to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's mind moved and the mystery of emptiness stopped.

The golden scale road son realizes his flesh body no longer to melt, then looks at Ye Hao suspiciously, "what magic art are you using?"

"Magic?" Ye Hao's eyes showed a trace of irony, "get out of here."

As Ye Hao's voice fell, Jinlin Daozi was frightened to find that his body fell uncontrollably in front of Ye Hao.

It is he who kneels in front of Ye Hao.

"Repeat what you just said?" Ye Hao looks at the golden scale road lightly.

Jinlin Daozi watched Ye Hao's lips wriggle for a moment, but he didn't dare to repeat what he had just said.

"If you have a good body, that's all you can do?" Ye Hao's eyes were full of disappointment. "I thought you could hop around so much, could you take a couple of moves with me?"

Don't mention that the golden scale Taoist priest's heart is more subdued.

But what can he say?

As Xiao Qi said, Ye Hao's strength is beyond his comprehension.

"I'll give you a chance now." Ye haolue pondered and then said, "you fight with my maid. If you can defeat her, I will let you go. If you can't defeat her, you can be my sword of burning Yellow Sect."


Do you think you heard me wrong?

Ye Hao asked Kong Ying'er to fight against him?

"Are you sure it's not a joke?" Jinlin Daozi stares at Ye Hao.

"Do you think I might be kidding you in the eyes of all?" Ye Hao said faintly.

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