"What if I hurt your maid by accident?" Jinlin Daozi thought for a moment and then said.

If before, Jinlin Daozi didn't worry about this problem.

But after being abused by Ye Hao, he had to consider this issue.

He was worried that he would hurt Kong Yinger and be killed by Ye Hao.

Jinlin Daozi didn't know that his face would be damaged if he said this?

But at this time, does Jinling Daozi still have face?

"You can do it freely." Ye Hao said lightly.

Hearing Ye Hao say this, Jinlin Daozi stands up and turns to Kong Ying'er.

"Are you ready?" Gold scale road son eyes burning ground looking at Kong Ying Er way, "I won't keep hand."

"Three moves." Kong Yinger held out three fingers, "defeat you."

"Arrogant." Jinlin Daozi was angry.

If Ye Hao said this, Jinlin Daozi would not be so angry?

But when would a quasi Tianjiao dare to say such a thing to him?

Don't you put yourself in the eye?

"The first move." As soon as Kong Yinger's voice fell, she turned into an arrow from the string and rushed to the golden scale road. In the process of rushing to the middle of the way, she appeared five divine awns on her body.

The first divine awn is as black as ink.

If you'd recognized it here, you would have given it to him.

Even in a lot of physique, bully body is extremely excellent.

The second way is dazzling.

This is the brilliance of the body of glass.

The third God awn is cold and piercing.

This is the brilliance of ice spirit.

The fourth is crystal clear.

This is the light from the water mirror.

The fifth God is full of green.

This is the radiance of the body of eternal life.

The five gods and mansions fused with each other to form a new constitution.

This constitution combines the domineering power of the overlord body, the firmness of the glass body, the extreme cold of the ice soul Xuan body, the defense of the water mirror body, and the vitality of the eternal body.

After Kong Ying'er blows out, Jin Lin's face changes.

Because in terms of attack power, Kong Ying'er has surpassed Xiao Qi before.

But that's reasonable.

Just now small seven hands when using the pure broken body force.

When his fists collided with each other, Jinlin Daozi felt a burst of tearing feeling. As he retreated, his whole body was filled with Taoist luster.

To Jinlin Daozi's surprise, Kong Yinger did not continue to track.

"The first trick is to tell you that if you despise me again, you may not see the sun tomorrow." Kong Ying'er said lightly.

Jin Lin Dao Zi takes a deep look at Kong Ying'er.

Now how can he not know that Kong Ying'er is the same level of existence as himself.

Therefore, jinlingdaozi took out a medicine king, and then bit a hole to suck the juice. The energy contained in the drug king was so overbearing that he recovered in a short time.

"It's time to start." After healing, Jinlin Daozi looks at Kong Yinger and says in a deep voice.

Kong Ying'er nodded and her figure disappeared instantly.

There is no trace of it.

Jinlin Daozi's mind was swept twice and three times, but he still didn't find it. After that, his face became ugly.

Kong Ying'er can't disappear.

She must be hiding in the dark.

The question is, where is it hidden?

No trace of Jinlin Daozi's mind turned into one defense after another around him.

When the third layer of defense was arranged by Jinlin Daozi, Kong Yinger's figure appeared above him.

There is no sign.

So suddenly.

Jinlin Daozi's face changed wildly.

The only thing that reassured him a little bit was that he had already set up two defences.

I still have time to fight back.

It was just that he changed color in a moment.

Because when Kong Yinger's feet stepped down, the defense of Jinlin Daozi was torn like paper paste.

How could it be?

The golden scale road son is full of incredible.

Their own defense is unparalleled in the world, but not everyone can break it?

How could Kong Ying'er be broken?

This scene, not to mention the golden scale Taoist priest, felt incredible, and so did the monks watching the battle.

"Who can tell me what's going on?"

"Why is the defense of gold scales torn in an instant?"

"I feel the fluctuation of the array."

"Array? Can an array strip the defense of the opponent? "

"Never heard of an array having this ability?"

In fact, Kong Yinger used the array.Kong Ying'er has been practicing the array way these years.

With Kong Yinger's qualification reaching the level of evil spirit, Kong Yinger became a twelve grade array master in a very short time.

In fact, normally speaking, even if Kong Yinger's qualification has reached the level of evil spirit, it is impossible to reach this level in just 30 years? But who let Kong Ying'er practice on the tablet for the past 30 years?

This 30 years of cultivation is equivalent to Kong Yinger's hundreds of years of hard work.

When Kong Yinger's array reached twelve grades, he followed Ye Hao to practice the higher-level performance recorded on the gold paper.

The attack of stripping the opponent is the secret skill recorded on the gold Rune paper.

After Kong Ying'er stripped off the defense of Jinlin Daozi, his feet firmly stepped on his shoulder.


Jinlin Daozi's knees were broken by the earthquake, and a lot of blood gushed from his mouth.

Jinlin Daozi is not an ordinary person.

Spurting blood at the same time, he runs the immortal power in the body to fight back.

Just let Jinlin Daozi feel shocked is that the immortal power in the body is imprisoned by a mysterious force.

Just then a sword pointed to his brow.

"You lost."

Feeling the terror wave contained in the sword, Jinlin Daozi opened his mouth in amazement.


Jinlin Daozi couldn't accept it.

"Jinling, you let me down." Kong Ying'er calmly said, "the third move I have not used?"

"Give me another chance and I won't lose to you." Gold scale road son's eyes are full of thick unwilling color.

"Well, I'll give you another chance." What Jinlin Daozi didn't expect was that Kong Yinger took back his sword.

When Kong Yinger retreats to the mountain gate, Zhuo Xinger falls beside her.

"You've caught Jin Ling. Why give him a chance?"

"I want to convince him." Kong Ying'er looks at Zhuo xing'er.

Jinling is not an ordinary person.

Even if her fighting power is not as good as her, she is also a demon.

Only by beating him thoroughly can he be convinced.

"Your attack just now accounted for some part of the sneak attack. If you do it again, the gold scale must have some defense." Zhuo Xinger couldn't help saying.

Kong Ying'er was caught unprepared by the skills of array and immortality.

In recent years, no master of array Taoism has ever performed it publicly.

Therefore, it can be understood that Jinling doesn't know.

The art of forbidding immortals can be called secret arts. Who could have thought that the immortal power in the body would be cut off when fighting?

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