A moment later, Lao Zhang recovered from his injury.

After recovery, Lao Zhang looked at Ye Hao's eyes with a look of shock.

Lao Zhang is aware of his injury.

Even if you take the elixir in a short time, you should not be cured.

But what is the situation now?

But immediately Lao Zhang's mind fell on the five friars such as one eye.

"I will tear you to pieces." Lao Zhang said and kicked hard at the one eyed head.

With a bang, Lao Zhang grinned.

It is because the one eyed body is too strong, Lao Zhang's foot did not hurt each other, but broke his own foot bone.

Lao Zhang smashed it with his fist regardless of the injury, but after three punches, he stopped shooting because all his five fingers were broken.

"You can't kill me." Said one eye with malice.

Hearing this, Lao Zhang was greatly stimulated.

And just as Lao Zhang was ready to continue shooting, Ye Hao pressed Lao Zhang's shoulder.

"Here you are." Ye Hao handed Lao Zhang a dagger.

Lao Zhang was stunned and immediately held the dagger in his hand.


The dagger pierced one eye's chest as easily as a piece of paper.

"Ah." One eye screamed.

Lao Zhang had a bloodthirsty look in his eyes when he saw this scene.




Lao Zhang stabbed one after another, and soon left a dozen holes in his one eyed body.

When Lao Zhang stabbed again, the pupil of one eye was constantly enlarged, but when Lao Zhang pulled out the dagger, one eye had already fallen.

"Zhang Xiao, do you know what you are doing?" A monk stares at Lao Zhang and shouts in horror.

Lao Zhang took a look at the Friar and then walked towards him.

"Do you know what I'm doing now?" he said

"Zhang Xiao, we are the eight masters."

Lao Zhang said with red eyes, "I don't care whether you are a man of eight masters or nine masters. If you dare to bully my wife, I will tear you into pieces."

Lao Zhang said and stabbed the monk madly.

The woman rustled and dressed. When she heard the friar mention the eighth master, she was shocked, and the woman's eyes showed a look of panic.

"Lao Zhang, stop it."

Lao Zhang couldn't help looking at the woman.

"What's the matter?"

"Eight Ye is the overlord of our area. There are eighteen vajras under our hands. Where can we afford to be provoked?" The woman could not help shaking at the thought of what the eighth master had done.

"Eight masters?" Lao Zhang realized who the eighth master was? His eyes showed hesitation, but was immediately replaced by ruthlessness, "what about the eighth master? If they bully you, I'll let them die. " Then Lao Zhang stabbed at the monks.

After a few knives, one eye and other five friars all fell down.

"It's over, it's over, it's over." The woman saw this scene and said with some dismay.

"I have been released from slavery." Lao Zhang came to the woman and pressed her shoulder to open his mouth. "I've killed eight masters now. I'm sure I can't stay here. You pack your bags and let's get out of here."

The woman's eyes gradually had some focus.

The woman quickly packed up her things.

Lao Zhang came to the five friars, such as one eye. After taking off the bag of heaven and earth from their bodies, he picked them up again. After pulling all the valuable things off their bodies, the woman had sorted out the things.

In fact, there is nothing to sort out.

No more about the old sijiabi.

"Go." Lao Zhang said in a deep voice.

Lao Zhang and his wife sneaked along the way to Xiaoyao city before stopping.

Looking at the towering city wall, Lao Zhang's heart slightly relaxed.

"As long as we enter Xiaoyao City, even eight masters dare not mess around." Lao Zhang looked at the woman and whispered.

Lao Zhang knows his wife's worries.

So he tried hard to appease.

"But there is a curfew in Xiaoyao city." The woman looked worried and said, "how long can we stay in the city?"

"I got some fairy stones from one eye and others. I think it's OK to stay here for ten and a half days." Lao Zhang said softly.

"The hotels in xiaoyaocheng are very expensive?" At this time, Ye Hao asked.

"Xiaoyao City forcibly gathered the spiritual power of 100000 Li into the city, so one day of practice in Xiaoyao city is equivalent to ten days in the outside world." Lao Zhang looked at Ye Hao and said, "this makes the rent of Xiaoyao city extremely expensive."

"Spirit gathering array?" Ye Hao rubbed his chin.The spirit gathering array makes the spiritual power density of Xiaoyao city 10 times and 100 times higher than that of the outside world.

Otherwise, it will not have such a strong effect.

But it doesn't mean that one year in Xiaoyao city is equivalent to ten years outside the city.

This effect continues to diminish.

And with the enhancement of cultivation, the effect is also weakening.

But for an immortal like Lao Zhang, it's a paradise.

"Although they are jade immortals, they often eat, drink, whore and gamble, so they don't have many immortal stones." Speaking of this, Lao Zhang's heart is helpless.

He was worried about where they were going after half a month?

"Three hundred immortals." The garrison of Xiaoyao city said coldly.

This price is really a bit expensive.

Obviously, Lao Zhang knew this rule, so he honestly paid the 300 immortals stone.

After entering the city, Ye Hao found that the city was very prosperous. At a glance, there were pedestrians everywhere.

"It's really a bit prosperous." Ye Hao exclaimed.

In the whole eastern region, only some of the 24 cities under Ye Hao's command could do it.

Of course, Ye Hao also knows that the reason why Xiaoyao city is so prosperous is that it has seized the spiritual power of 100000 Li.

"Let's find a hotel." Lao Zhang said softly, "the hotels in Xiaoyao city have been quite tense."

"Good." Ye Hao has no opinion.

Ye Hao is here to experience life.

He doesn't mind where he lives.

Lao Zhang came to a rather shabby Hotel and asked, "boss, give us two rooms."

"No more." The boss took a look at Lao Zhang.

"No more?" Lao Zhang was stunned.

"Don't you know that the gambling stone competition in Xiaoyao city has already started?" The boss whispered, "at this time, you want to book a room in xiaoyaocheng unless you go to a high-grade hotel."

Lao Zhang's face changed.

High class hotel?

Can Lao Zhang live up to his price?

Lao Zhang didn't believe it. He asked several families and finally gave up.

Because every hotel owner gives the same answer.

"Lao Zhang." The woman took Lao Zhang's arm and said with great worry.

The woman is very aware of the power of eight masters.

If they can't find the hotel, they are likely to be killed by the eighth master.

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