"Let's go." Ye Hao said at this time.

"To where?" Lao Zhang said subconsciously.

"To the hotel." Ye Hao said with a smile, "do you think I have no money?"

"But high class hotels are too expensive." Lao Zhang said with a wry smile.

"Where can it be more expensive?" Ye Hao doesn't care, "just follow me."

Lao Zhang looked at the woman.

The woman nodded gently.

At this time, we can only follow the mysterious and powerful Ye Hao.

Jade Pavilion!

What shocked the couple was that Ye Hao took them to the most prosperous hotel in Xiaoyao city.

"Ye Tian, do you want to live here?" Lao Zhang couldn't help asking.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Ye Hao nodded and said.

"I've heard that three thousand immortals are needed here one night." Lao Zhang had to express his worries.

"No harm." Ye Hao said and came to the front desk, "is there a room?"

The front desk lady looked at Ye Hao and then said, "now there are only day class rooms and suites."

"Introduce it." Ye Hao asked blandly.

"The rooms in our jade pavilion are divided into five levels: dark yellow and the most noble suite." The front desk lady whispered, "the yellow room is 3000 stone a day, the Xuan class room is 9000 per day, the prefecture level room is 30000 yuan per day, the day class room is 100000 yuan per day, and the suite room is 300000 yuan per day."

"Three hundred thousand?" Hearing this number, Lao Zhang felt dizzy.

300000 Lao Zhang has never seen so many immortal stones in his life.

"woodlouse." Then a young man in luxury came up.

Lao Zhang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after seeing the young man's clothes, he swallowed the words he wanted to say.

"Who are you talking about?" Ye Hao looked at the young man with a bad look.

"You are poorer than that." The young man looked at Ye Hao and asked haughtily, "under the guise of asking the price, go to see the decoration of the jade Pavilion. I can see through your tricks at a glance."

"Well, you're really capable." Ye Hao said here, he looked at the waiter and said, "how many people can you live in a suite?"

"The suite has six rooms and can accommodate twelve people." When the waiter said this, there was a flash of contempt in the bottom of his eyes.


Is that what you can afford to live in?

In fact, it's no wonder the waiters despise Ye Hao.

It's really that Lao Zhang and his wife are wearing too shabby clothes.

"Open a suite, then." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Are you sure you want to open a suite?" The waiter was surprised.

She can't help being surprised!

The suite needs 300000 pieces of stone a day.

"Any questions?" Ye Hao looked at the waiter and asked calmly.

"No problem." The waiter shook his head and said, "but the suite needs to pay a million deposit."

"Here you are." Ye Hao threw a bag of heaven and earth to the waiter.

The waiter's mind glanced, and the next moment his eyes were shocked.

"Ten million in the bag of heaven and earth." The waiter was busy.

She doesn't think Ye Hao doesn't know that there are ten million yuan in the bag of heaven and earth.

"Ten million?"

Lao Zhang and his wife were all shocked.

"We will live here for the time being." Ye Hao looked at the waiter and said, "when the time comes, more refund and less compensation."

"Young master, please wait a moment." The waiter's attitude towards Ye Hao suddenly turned 180 degrees.

The waiter quickly registered the information of Ye Hao and then took him to the suite.

The young man looked at the back of Ye Hao's three people leaving, and his eyes were full of fear.

Can he not be afraid?

It's not that he can't afford a suite.

But the question is, is it necessary to be so extravagant?

Three hundred thousand a night.

After arriving at the suite, Lao Zhang found that Yuge's suite was actually an independent courtyard.

Not long after standing in this courtyard, Lao Zhang felt that his accomplishments had increased wildly.

"The courtyard is connected to the ground." Ye Hao looked at Lao Zhang and said slowly, "even if the monks of golden fairyland practice here, they will get twice the result with half the effort."

In Lao Zhang's eyes, he realized why his accomplishments had increased so much.

After all, Lao Zhang's current cultivation is only a fairyland.

"Mr. Ye." Lao Zhang did not dare to call him by his first name.

If Lao Zhang didn't think Ye Hao was so powerful before, how could Lao Zhang not know Ye Hao's strong background after Ye Hao took out the 30 million yuan?

Lao Zhang recalled that when Ye Hao threw 30 million yuan to the waiter before, the look on Ye Hao's face was very indifferent.

What does that mean?This shows that Ye Hao did not put 30 million immortal stones in his heart at all.

"You two will settle down here." Ye Hao said softly, "what I can assure you is that the eight ye in your mouth can't help you."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Lao Zhang respectfully saluted Ye Hao.

Ye Hao calmly accepted a gift from Lao Zhang.

"Go and practice." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Then Ye Hao walked out of the courtyard.

In fact, Ye Hao wants Lao Zhang to accompany him, but considering his current situation, Ye Hao decides to go shopping by himself.

The suite is the core of the jade Pavilion.

Therefore, if Ye Hao wants to get out of the jade Pavilion, he has to go through the sky level area.

And Ye Hao saw two familiar figures as he passed through the sky level area, the prefecture level area and the Xuan level area to the Yellow level area.

It was Xiao Yuhan and her maid Xiaozi.

When Ye Hao saw Xiao Yuhan, they also saw Ye Hao.

"Why are you here?" Xiao Yuhan asked in dismay.

Xiao Yuhan didn't pay much attention to the slaves in the mine cave, but who made Ye Hao perform so well today?

"A house to rent here." Ye Hao calmly returned.

"Are you renting here?" Xiao Yuhan's maid Xiaozi asked in amazement.

The cheapest house here needs 3000 pieces of fairy stone a day, OK?

"Any questions?" Ye Hao looked at Xiao Zi and said.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Little purple cold voice.

"What can I do for you here?" Ye Hao said lightly.

Little purple immediately became angry.

But in the small purple want to start, but was stopped by Xiao Yuhan.

"What are you going to do?"

"Miss, I'll teach him a lesson."

"Do you know where this is?" Xiao Yuhan said in a deep voice.

Little purple was frightened.

She realized that this was the jade Pavilion.

Is the owner of the jade pavilion the legendary one?

Even her young lady can't afford to offend her!

How can she afford to offend a maid?

"Before, I thought you just like to do some dirty things, but I didn't expect you to be so domineering?" Ye Hao sneered.

"Kegouxian stone?" Xiao Yuhan heard these four words, a pair of Danfeng eyes suddenly burst out a cold light way, "what did you do?"

"Don't listen to him, miss." Little purple's face was full of panic.

"What did you do?" I asked Xiao Yuhan said word by word.

"I - I've stolen Lao Zhang's immortal stone." Silence after three breaths, small purple still said.

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