"As long as the price is suitable, not to mention the high-level of the fairy king, even if the peak of the fairy king can be invited." Chen Dian said with a smile.

"So it is." Ye Hao thought about it and nodded.

Not everyone is as rich as Ye Hao.

"Mr. Ye, I have prepared a table of banquet here." Chen Dian is the way.

"I don't have time to go now." Ye Hao thought for a moment and said, "well, I'll go back after the Han Lin Yuan affair is over."

In those days, many xianzui helped themselves.

Now the ancestor of zuixianlou has come to liuchongtian from the fourth heaven to the sixth heaven, inviting himself to hold a banquet. Yu Qingyu and Ye Hao all want to give Chen Dian a face, don't they?

This is respect.

Of course, Ye Hao doesn't owe zuixianlou any favor?

You should know that the elixir that Ye Hao gave to zuixianlou directly helped their family create about ten immortal kings.

This kindness is more important than Mount Tai.

"Mr. Ye went to his own business first." Chen Dian said quickly.

Ye Hao nodded and walked towards the Han Lin Yuan.

At the gate of Hanlin garden, Ye Hao sees a nervous little purple.

When she saw Ye Hao, she met her, "Mr. Ye, have you invited someone?"

"Please." Ye Hao nods.

Little purple looked at Ye Hao's back and asked suspiciously, "where are people?"

Ye Hao did not take care of Xiao Zi, but entered the Han Lin Yuan.

After seeing Ye Hao, Lao Zhang and his wife ran to him.

Lao Zhang found that he still couldn't adapt to his current identity, because he surpassed Xiao Yuhan in terms of combat effectiveness and cultivation. However, when he really faced Xiao Yuhan, he was still a little afraid.

Lao Zhang knew that he had to adjust his mentality.

But it can't be done in a moment and a half.

"Young master." Lao Zhang whispered.

Ye Hao looked at Lao Zhang and said, "how is the food here?"

"I haven't eaten yet." Lao Zhang said shyly.

"Why not Ye Hao said and sat down.

Lao Zhang quickly poured Ye Hao a glass of water wine.

"You two sit down." Ye Hao said softly.

Lao Zhang and Yang Hong looked at each other and did not dare to sit down.

"Didn't you hear me?" Ye Hao frowned.

Lao Zhang and Yang Hong sat down beside Ye Hao.

"You pour us wine." Ye Hao points to Xiaozi not far away.

"You want me to pour you wine?" Little purple asked in surprise.

"Little purple, pour the wine." Xiao Yuhan said in a deep voice.

Xiaozi pours wine to Ye Hao reluctantly.

After pouring Ye Hao with wine, Xiaozi will leave.

"Wait a minute." Ye Hao opens his mouth.

Xiaozi turns around and looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.

Have you finished pouring the wine

"You want me to pour them both wine?" Little purple's face is incredible.

"Any questions?"

"Who am I, what are they?" Xiao Zi looks at Ye Hao angrily.

Pour Ye Hao wine, and Xiaozi can barely accept it.

Can Lao Zhang and Yang Hong pour wine, she can't accept anyway?

"What is your identity?" Ye Hao asked.

"I am the lady's maid." Xiao Zi stares at Ye Hao.

"Although Lao Zhang is not my servant, he is still a follower of mine Ye Hao said faintly, "on the status, how much better than your maid?"

"Are you sure your brain is normal?" Small purple just said this sentence was Xiao Yuhan's reprimand, "shut up."

"Mr. Ye, little purple mouth is not covered up. Don't care too much." Xiao Yuhan apologizes for Xiaozi.

Ye Hao looked at Xiaozi calmly and said, "the reason why you don't want to pour wine to Lao Zhang is that you still look down on Lao Zhang in the final analysis. In that case, Lao Zhang, you can teach her how to make her pour you wine or not

Lao Zhang stood up with a scratch.

Clay figurines are all angry.

Before Xiaozi looked down on Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang had to lower his head even if he had resentment in his heart. But now that his cultivation has soared, how can he endure it?

"Are you challenging me?" Small purple see Lao Zhang some angry appearance, speechless said.

A little fairyland in vain to challenge an immortal?

It's not death. What's this?

"Challenge you?" Lao Zhang shook his head slightly, and immediately spit out three words, "you don't deserve it."

When Xiaozi was about to say something, she was shocked to see the overwhelming pressure from Lao Zhang.

Little purple's face changed wildly, and she stepped back several steps in succession.

"No way."

At this moment, not only Xiaozi felt impossible, but Xiao Yuhan also felt impossible.

Lao Zhang was still a fairyland a few days ago. How long has it been? How can I set foot in the fairyland?There is another problem.

Lao Zhang's qualifications are there.

If he has no chance in his life, he can't even set foot on the jade fairyland, OK?

"There is nothing impossible in this world." Lao Zhang looked at Xiaozi coldly and said, "take me a punch."

Simple and direct.

Sharp and overbearing!

In the face of Lao Zhang's fist, Xiaozi's eyes showed a look of panic.

Xiao Zi is the focus of the Xiao family training, on the strength than the master of loose repair, more than one or two realm or no problem.

But Lao Zhang is the ninth floor cultivation of xianzun.

Moreover, Lao Zhang has been studying Ye Hao's understanding of martial arts for the past three years.

How can Ye Hao's perception of martial arts be comparable to that of the Xiao family?

At the critical moment, Xiao Yuhan appears in front of Xiaozi, and Yushou beats a golden ripple in front of her.

With a bang, the golden ripples were smashed by Lao Zhang, and the residual strength was still rushing towards Xiao Yuhan.

Xiao Yuhan made a golden ripple again, so he shot three times in a row before being able to block it.

Lao Zhang looked at Xiao Yuhan, gasping for breath, and suddenly felt that Xiao Yuhan, who had been high above him, was just like this.

We should know that Lao Zhang only used the simple physical force. Ye Hao taught him the magic power, but he has not used it yet?

He believed that if used, Xiao Yuhan would not be able to stop it.

It also depends on the realm.

Xiao Yuhan can cross the stage in the early stage of xianzun, and can also cross the stage in the middle stage of xianzun. But when it comes to the high stage of xianzun, it can't be crossed, because those who can reach this level can cross the stage, OK?

Xiao Yuhan's so-called cross level refers to a monk who is unable to charge to a higher level again.

And if you're a genius of the same level, what's your level?

"Lao Zhang, what are your accomplishments?" Xiao Yuhan looks at Lao Zhang Dao in amazement.

"You sent me a piece of fortune." Can't Lao Zhang say that Ye Hao gave him a copy of the world origin?

How precious is the origin of the world?

Lao Zhang is not ignorant.

He is very clear that if this matter leaks out, Ye Hao is likely to become the target of public criticism.

"What is nature?" Xiao Yuhan then asked.

Lao Zhang was silent.

He just said it casually.

Where does he know that there is any nature that can promote a friar of heaven fairyland to the Ninth level of xianzun in a short time?

Is there such a creation?

Lao Zhang doesn't know.

Xiao Yuhan's eyes showed disappointment.

She thought Lao Zhang would tell herself.

However, from the look and tone of Lao Zhang, Xiao Yuhan realized that Lao Zhang was not the old one at that time.

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