"Am I entitled to pour you now?" Lao Zhang asked bitterly with his hands on his back.

Xiaozi looked at Lao Zhang, who was like the God of heaven, with a look of fear in her eyes.

She is very clear that if Xiao Yuhan didn't make a move just now, whether she can live or not is a problem.

"Little purple, pour the wine." Xiao Yuhan pondered a little and then said in a deep voice.

Xiaozi can't help but look at Xiao Yuhan.

"Go." Xiao Yuhan glared at Xiaozi.

Small purple, like a dream, quickly ran to Lao Zhang and Yang Hong's side to pour wine for them.

In the process of pouring wine, Xiaozi secretly looks at Lao Zhang from time to time.

She was worried that Lao Zhang would give her a hand when she poured the wine.

When Xiaozi returned to Xiao Yuhan, Ye Hao looked at Lao Zhang and said, "now how do you feel about Xiaozi?"

"Vulnerable." Lao Zhang thought for a moment and then said.

"Where's Xiao Yuhan?" Ye Hao then asked.

Lao Zhang couldn't help but look at Xiao Yuhan. After a little hesitation, he said slowly, "I have confidence to defeat her in three moves."

Xiao Yuhan's look can not help but change, but considering the previous confrontation experience, Xiao Yuhan fell into meditation.

"Who are you?" After a moment of silence, Xiao Yuhan looks at Ye Hao.

"You don't have to know that." Ye Hao said here, pointing to the distance, said, "there are guests."

Xiao Yuhan could not help but look into the distance.

When Xiao Yuhan saw who it was, he was shocked.


Little purple is more muddled than.

How could Ji xian'er come?

Is Xiao Yuhan's status noble?

But in front of Ji xian'er, Xiao Yuhan is nothing.

"Jixian'er, did you invite me?" Xiao Yuhan looks at Ye Hao in shock.

Xiao Yuhan asked because she didn't think that Yin Yun could invite the moving jixian'er.

At this time, a young man in blue shirt came out from Liancheng garden.

Blue Shirt Youth sees Ji Xian Er when knead eyes subconsciously.


How could jixian'er be here?

When he confirmed that he was not wrong, he called and ran towards Liancheng garden.

At this moment, hundreds of people have gathered in Liancheng garden.

Naturally, these hundreds of people could not all be Tianjiao strongmen. Most of them were quasi Tianjiao, and these friars were surrounded by a young man in white.

The young man in white had a light smile on his face and chatted with the monks around him.

All the stars cheer the moon.

Young people in white enjoy the feeling.

But at this time, the Blue Shirt Youth picked up the crowd and ran over, "brother Yin, miss jixian'er is here."

"Jixian'er? Are you sure? " The young man in white is Yin Yun.

"Miss Giselle, didn't you ask for it?" Seeing Yin Yun's expression, the Blue Shirt Youth asked.

"Yes, but I didn't expect Miss Giselle to come." Yin Yun said this is a lie.

Send an invitation to jixian'er in his capacity?

Are you qualified?

There was an uproar.

No one thought that Yin Yun would send an invitation to Ji xian'er?

Because under normal circumstances, Tianjiao does not have this qualification.

What they didn't expect was that jixian'er was still here?

After Yin Yun said this, he went out in a hurry.

Yin Yun doesn't think Ji xian'er is running for Xiao Yuhan here.

Xiao Yuhan is not qualified.

Relatively speaking, I still have a little qualification.

After all, I took out a time crystal this time.

"Miss Ji." After Yin Yun came to Ji xian'er, he saluted respectfully.

Ji xian'er looked at Yin Yun and said, "what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Hearing these two words, Yin Yun had a bad premonition in his heart, "Miss Ji, are you here to attend the tea party held by Xiao Yuhan?"

"Any questions?" Ji xian'er replied lightly.

Yin Yun was shocked.

What's the situation?

Is Ji xian'er really coming to Xiao Yuhan's tea party?

But how can it be?

How can Xiao Yuhan and he de invite Ji xian'er?

"Miss Ji, I got a time crystal by chance a few days ago. I'm going to take it out today for you to practice together. I wonder if you have time, Miss Ji?" Yin Yunping replied and asked with burning eyes.

"Let me see." Ji xian'er looks at Yin Yun Dao.

Yin Yun saw that Ji xian'er was interested and quickly took out the time crystal stone and handed it to Ji xian'er.

Ji xian'er glanced at him and said, "the time power of this time crystal is less than three months?"

"This - yes." There is no way to hide such things.As Yin Yun came to see this scene, the monk's face showed displeasure.

Yin Yun didn't say in the invitation letter that he had only three months left in his hands.

However, three months can also help them improve, so none of the monks said anything.

Ji xian'er threw it to Yin Yun, and then the blue light in her hand flashed, and a blue crystal appeared.

"I happen to have a crystal of time in my hand." Ji xian'er glanced around and said, "if anyone is interested, you can discuss the experience of cultivation with me."

Hearing Ji xian'er's words, all the friars were shocked.

The crystal of time!

But it contains the power of a year.

What's more, jixian'er, is this the rhythm of preaching?

Exchange of ideas?

What experience can they bring to Ji Xianer?

Just then Ji xian'er walked towards Xiao Yuhan. When she came to Xiao Yuhan, she asked with a smile, "Miss Xiao, I heard the news of your tea party when I was eating in Zuixian building. Xian'er came uninvited. I don't know whether you are welcome or not

"Welcome, welcome, welcome." Xiao Yuhan said quickly.

Can I not welcome it?

Unless she's stupid!

Seeing Ji xian'er go to Han Lin Yuan with Xiao Yuhan, some friars say goodbye to Yin Yun and chase after Ji xian'er.

Yin Yun's face was gloomy and was about to drip out of the water.

To his relief, there were still some monks left.

And these friars also can't throw away their faces, because before they stood Xiao Yuhan's pigeon, now go to Xiao Yuhan's Hanlin garden, don't you want to order Bilian?

At this time, Yin Yun's followers rushed over and said, "young master, the flower fairy rose is here."

"Rose?" "How could she come?" said Yin Yun

"The rose goes straight to the Hanlin garden."

"Straight to Hanlin garden?" Yin Yun's eyes showed a trace of shock, "rose is a giant, how can she go to Xiao Yuhan's tea party?"

"Rose Fairy."

"The rose fairy is a beauty six times before ten."

"Rose Fairy easily does not participate in other people's tea party, I have to go to admire the beauty of the rose fairy." Some of the remaining friars saw the beautiful rose fairy and ran away in a hurry.

Yin Yun opened his mouth to shout, but at this time he saw a graceful figure.

And the direction of this figure is still Hanlin garden.

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