Seeing the dozens of friars leave in a hurry, Yin Yun's face looks gloomy and almost dripping.

But in the past two minutes, Yin Yun saw a beautiful figure.

The figure, dressed in blue armor and riding a demon beast filled with fire, landed with a posture of looking down at the world.

"Split sky beast."

"Or a variety of Schizothorax."

"Murong Jiaoyue, the goddess of war."

"Isn't the goddess of war fighting with the demons?"

"Didn't you notice the blood on her armor? This is definitely just coming down from the battlefield. "

Murong Jiaoyue looked around, and then walked towards the Han Lin Yuan.

Yin yunlue pondered and said in a deep voice, "Miss Murong, are you also running to Xiao Yuhan?"

Murong Jiaoyue eyes a cold, "get out of the way."

"Miss Murong."

"I said get out of the way, didn't you hear me?" Murong Jiaoyue said that here, standing beside her split sky beast seems to understand the master's intention, toward Yin Yun issued a low roar sound.

The terrible sound wave turned into an invisible killing opportunity and covered Yin Yun's whole body.

Yin Yunru falls into the ice cellar.

The whole body was shaking.

Murong Jiaoyue, however, did not look at him and walked towards Han Lin Yuan.

If the arrival of Rose Fairy set off a climax in the audience, then the arrival of Murong Jiaoyue pushed the atmosphere of the venue to the peak.

"Bright moon." Ji xian'er is extremely graceful and detached from the world, as if she did not belong to this world.

"Sister." Murong Jiaoyue has a smile on her face.

Ji xian'er reached out to help Murong Jiaoyue wipe a drop of blood splashed on her face, "how about the war with the demon clan?"

"The fighting capacity of the demons is extremely strong, and the demons are not afraid to die. We have suffered a lot in killing the demon clan these days." Murong Jiaoyue said here, her eyes showed a touch of pain.

"Kill the devil?" Ye Hao was shocked when he heard about the clan.

He would like to know what kind of hatred does the old ancestor who killed the demon clan have with the demon clan?

Why do you have such a name?

Can such a name be given casually?

Is this the rhythm to offend all demons?

"Here you are." Ji xian'er thought for a moment and handed Murong Jiaoyue a scroll.

When the friars around saw what Ji xian'er sent out, they couldn't help but take a breath.

This is a purple scroll!

What does the purple scroll stand for?

They know it!

In fact, some Tianjiao in the field also have purple scrolls in their hands.

But only the moment of life and death can be used.

No one is so extravagant as to give away a purple scroll?

"I have this." Murong Jiaoyue declined.

"Take what your sister gives you." Rose said the purple scroll pushed to Murong Jiaoyue's hand, and then rose handed Murong Jiaoyue a purse and said, "what's in the purse is my little heart."

Murong Jiaoyue glanced at the bottom of her eyes, showing a shocking color.

Because there is a thunder bead in the purple purse sent by rose.

This is not a regular ray bead.

This is the condensed Lei Zhu of Duxian king.

The friars in the early days of the fairy king could be severely damaged even if they were not careful.

"Jiaoyue, you should know that we can't do anything casually, otherwise zongmen may be involved in it." Ji xian'er has bright eyes and bright teeth. Her eyes are like autumn water.

"Two sisters have helped me enough." Murong Jiaoyue said.

"Ye Tian, don't you give some meeting gifts?" Ji xian'er called to Ye Hao, who was sitting in the distance.

Ye Hao was stunned.

"What can I do for you?" Ye Hao was confused.

"Murong Jiaoyue is my sister." Ji xian'er looks at Ye Hao and blinks.

All the monks around were shocked.

Even Murong Jiaoyue is the same.

What's the situation?

Ye Hao reluctantly walked to Murong Jiaoyue and said, "give me your armor."

"What do you want my armor for?" Murong Jiaoyue said with doubts on her face.

"Your armor is very rough. I'll refine it for you again." Ye Hao said softly, "I guarantee that the power is ten times stronger than before."

"Do you know that my armour was made by master Han Yi, who is the eighth grade master of the demon sect?" Murong Jiaoyue frowned when he heard Ye Hao's "big talk".

"Compared with master Han Yi, master Han Yi's weapon refining strength is more than ten times worse." Let Murong Jiaoyue did not think that Ji Xianer said this sentence.

"Sister." Murong Jiaoyue looks at Ji xian'er in disbelief.

"Not everyone is qualified to let him refine his tools." Ji xian'er whispered to Murong Jiaoyue secretly, "what I can tell you is that his identity is very noble."Murong Jiaoyue was shocked.

What is the status of Ji xian'er?

What can make her say such a word is undoubtedly the same level of existence as Ji Xianer.


At the thought of this word, Murong Jiaoyue looked at Ye Hao's face and changed.

"Change my space." Jixian'er immediately opened her magic weapon of space.

Murong Jiaoyue nodded and then entered the magic weapon of Ji xian'er's space.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Murong Jiaoyue, dressed in green, came out of the magic weapon.

"Here you are." Murong Jiaoyue handed Ye Hao a bag of heaven and earth.

"Just one gift for my sister?" Ji xian'er joked.

"Here you are." Ye Hao handed Ji xian'er a jade plate.

"Array disk?" Ji xian'er is also a master of array road. How can't you see that this is an array plate?

"You can refine this array disk when you have time. If you are in danger, you can detain the array." Ye Hao said softly.

"Your array is of little use to the moon?" Rose can't help but say, "at least you are still brother-in-law, send such things?"

"Brother in law?" Ye Hao has an impulse to urinate.

Who is special? Is it your brother-in-law?

"Aren't you my brother-in-law?" Rose saw Ye Hao's expression and said suspiciously.

"I don't have a dime with your sister, OK?" Ye Hao glanced at the rose.

"Sister." Rose looked at Ji xian'er.

"He is my friend." Jixian'er nodded gently.

"Don't you make it clear? I thought you met the man you wanted? " The rose is a little big.

Ji xian'er smiles and changes the topic.

"The array in this array disk is not an ordinary array, is it?" Ji xian'er looks at Ye Hao.

"This array plate can't even be broken in a short time even if it's on the third or fourth floor of the fairy king." Ye Hao said softly.

Murong Jiaoyue was shocked.

Fairy King three or four floors can not be broken?

Is this too overbearing?

"It's so precious." Murong Jiaoyue said and handed over the array plate.

"I think you might need it." Ye Hao looked at Murong Jiaoyue with clear eyes and said, "what's the situation of the battlefield now?"

"There are signs of collusion between demons and demons. Once they collude, we can't stop them." Murong Jiaoyue said after pondering for a while. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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