Kong Qin didn't dare to say anything.

Ye Hao looked at Kong Qin and said, "go away."

Sound waves are like thunder;

panic is like heavenly power.

Kongqin uttered a mouthful of blood.

He fell feebly into the distance.

When he fell to the ground, he passed out.

The whole audience was in an uproar!

"How could it be?"

"Is there such a big difference between magnate and Tianjiao?"

"If there is such a big gap in the future, I can understand. After all, the giants will be able to reach the peak of the fairy king in the future, but now the gap between them should not be so big."

"There are three, six and nine grades for giants, OK? Some giants can go to the 10th floor of Xianwang, some giants can go to the 11th floor of Xianwang, and some giants can go to the 12th floor of Xianwang. I think ye Tian should be the top giant. "

At the time of the whole monk's discussion, the expressions of rose and Murong Jiaoyue became extremely dignified.

Others don't know what the giants are.

Don't they both know?

There is a gap between magnate and Tianjiao, but there will not be such a big gap.

It was at this time that they were really convinced that Ye Hao was also a demon.

Evil spirit!

How many of them are there?

Such existence can dominate the pattern of heaven and earth in the future.

"Now you can make your choice." Ye Hao said quietly with his eyes like torch.

In fact, as long as Ye Hao's own resources do not spread to the whole demon clan, Ye Hao is confident that he can help the evil clan to win the battle.

But Ye Hao couldn't stay in liuchongtian for a long time.

Then only some forces of the La people went into the water.

The hundreds of monks in the hall, you look at me, I look at you, and they leave here silently one by one.

They don't think how much improvement Ye Hao's road can make them?

Is it possible to compare it to jixian'er?

Jixian'er is a demon!

In fact, there is a misunderstanding in the field of Tianjiao and quasi Tianjiao.

That is, they don't think Ye Hao is a monster.

There are too few demons.

Even in this era, we have never heard of anyone who achieved evil by nature.

With the passage of time, hundreds of Tianjiao and quasi Tianjiao continued to walk two-thirds.

And even the remaining one-third, there are still some faces showing struggle and hesitation.

"There's a scandal I have to say in front of me." Ye Hao looked at the rest of the monks and said, "listen to my way, want to regret not to contribute, then don't blame me to find the door."

Ye Hao's words made some friars change color slightly.

Just now Ye Hao has proved with his strength that he is capable of it.

In fact, many Tianjiao have no fairy King behind them, let alone a group of quasi Tianjiao.

"Sorry." A quasi Tianjiao said a word to Ye Hao and left.

Soon there were thirty-four monks left in the field.

This also includes Xiao Yuhan and Ye Hao.

"Miss Xiao, what about the attitude of the Xiao family?" Ye Hao looks at Xiao Yuhan and asks softly.

"It is our duty to fight against ethnic groups." Xiao Yuhan has seen the mystery and power of Ye Hao, so Xiao Yuhan decides to take the whole Xiao family to attack.

Helping to kill the demons doesn't mean fighting with the whole demons.

Moreover, the scale of the war continues to expand, can other Terran forces remain as stable as before?

No way!

And Xiao Yuhan always thinks that the good things in Ye Hao's mouth will make the strength of Xiao's family grow explosively.

"And miss Ji?"

"I don't know if I can persuade the whole clan, but I will take my forces with me." Ji xian'er said with a little meditation.

Ji xian'er has come to this point, and there are a large number of strong people behind her.

"Naturally, I will fight with Jiaoyue." Rose said with a smile.

"Now that there's no one left, I'll talk about the road now." Ye Hao looked around and said slowly.

All the friars in the hall, including Ji xian'er, showed the color of longing in their eyes.


What nobody thought was that Ye Hao only said this word.

But the next moment, they were shocked to see the flowers in the sky, which were golden and full of Taoist power, rushing towards them.

They dodge instinctively.

But those flowers as fast as lightning rushed into their bodies at the first time, and then these flowers turned into a mysterious force and filled their whole body.

"I feel that my insight has risen to a higher level.""There is a power in the flower."

"I feel that the whole body is ethereal, and I know the sea and the sky, and they are inseparable from each other."

"This is the way to go."

"I know what this is? This is the flower of the road. "

"The legendary flower of the road?"

"How could he summon the flower of the road?"

At the same time, Ye Hao recited the truth and explained his own way.

Every word is perfect.

The words are obscure.

The words are mysterious.

All the monks in the field were fascinated.

At this moment, they forget where they are?

They feel that they are wandering in the sea, and the endless road has wrapped them up.

I don't know how long it took them to wake up, and they all looked suspicious.

And when they feel the changes in their bodies, their eyes show a shocking look.

"My accomplishments have broken through."

"I've got it all together."

"I finally understand the highest unique skill in the sect."

"Mr. Ye's road seems to be more terrifying than that of jixian'er."

"I think we went into a misunderstanding before. We subconsciously thought that Mr. Ye was a giant. But if he was a giant, could Ji xian'er value it so much?"

"I seem to understand why Ji Xianer and other three goddesses came to Xiao Yuhan's tea party? If I remember correctly, Mr. Ye was the first to attend Xiao Yuhan's tea party. "

"Mr. ye should be shivering at Xiao Yuhan's tea party, so he invited Ji xian'er and other three goddesses to come to the town."

"Well, that makes sense."

"But I want to know what is the relationship between Xiao Yuhan and Mr. Ye?"

"I also want to know."

Xiao Yuhan naturally heard the talk among the crowd.

But Xiao Yuhan will not be silly to deny it?

Who dares to touch her after getting involved with a demon?

"I always felt that our understanding of the road should not be much different. Now I realize that the gap between us is bigger than I thought." Ji xian'er looked at Ye Hao and said from the bottom of his heart, "it's worthy of being the top demon."

Jixian'er wants to talk about the demons among the demons.

However, we all know the identity of Ye Hao.

Therefore, Ji Xianer temporarily changed her words and said Ye Hao was the top demon.

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