The flower of the road.

It's a legend.

Because no one has seen the flower of the road in ancient times.

The flower of the road can increase the monk's understanding ten times.

Moreover, the flower of the road can strengthen the body and soul of monks when they are integrated into their bodies.

So every friar was flocking to it.

Of course, it has timeliness.

When the flower of the road is completely integrated into the monk's body, the comprehension will return to the previous level.

This is why the monks in the field feel that Ye Hao's explanation of the road is far more than Ji Xianer.

Because Ye Hao described some relatively difficult roads, they understood them with the help of the flower of the road.

At this time, Ye Hao glanced at the whole audience and said, "I believe you have gained a little bit. But what I want to tell you is that after you kill the demon sect, you will get a greater chance, which will be far beyond your imagination."

"Mr. Ye, I don't want other opportunities. Can you give me another flower of the road?" A very flattering woman said with a smile.

Ye Hao looked at the woman with a smile and said, "looking for plum, are you sure you want another flower of the road?"

As soon as the woman, who is called to search for Mei, is about to respond, she sees Ye Hao's look.

"I mean, can you give me another flower of the road?" Xunmei throws a wink at Ye Hao.

"Ha ha, it depends on your performance." Ye Hao said with a smile.

As Ye Hao's voice dropped, his face showed shyness. She did not expect Ye Hao to tease her in public.

"I will certainly satisfy Mr. Ye." Xunmei sends a message to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was stunned.

What's wrong with Xunmei's sentence?

But what happened to her being so shy?

"It's ok if you want to collect plum, but can't you say that in public?" Ji xian'er looks at Ye Hao and whispers.

Ye Hao thought about what he said before.

Then I realized that what I said was ambiguous.

"I mean, as long as you perform well in the war with the demons, it's OK to send you another flower of the road." Ye Hao thinks that this matter still needs to be explained clearly.

Otherwise, his reputation doesn't matter, and the reputation of other girls will be gone.

Hearing Ye Hao say so, Xunmei's heart is full of disappointment.

Xunmei is a natural pride.

But she knew the difference between herself and the demon.

What's more, Ye Hao's reputation is very good in jiuchongtian. Which demon doesn't want to follow such a monster?

But now the evil spirits have a very high vision, and the strong people of Tianjiao level do not put them in their eyes.

Of course, it's not absolute.

It is said that a demon of the Terran is very lecherous. No matter you are a giant or Tianjiao, as long as he is interested in it, he will suffer. A few days ago, this demon ruined a quasi Tianjiao, who committed suicide in shame and anger.

For evil spirits, a quasi Tianjiao is nothing.

If you spoil it, you will spoil it.

But who would have thought that this would-be Tianjiao grandfather was a fairy king.

The Immortal King knew about it and immediately took action.

Unfortunately, the one who escaped.

It is said that the Immortal King has been chasing after the evil spirit these years, but the evil spirit has not been killed.

Xunmei didn't worry about it.

Because with Ye Hao's maid, one by one, they have become the high-level of the Yellow Emperor.

But who could have thought that Ye Hao didn't have this idea at all.

Seeing the sad look in his eyes, Ye Hao looks away.

"The next time, you will have a good understanding." Ye Hao said softly.

On hearing the speech, the monks sat down on their knees.

When the monks in the field realized, Murong Jiaoyue came to Ye Hao's side, and his eyes showed a thick color of gratitude.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye."

Ye haoxu helped Murong Jiaoyue and said, "Murong girl, you are serious."

"The current situation of my killing the demon sect is very critical. If you don't do it, I'll kill 800000 disciples of the demon sect, and it's very likely that I will die." Murong Jiaoyue's eyes were red when she said this.

Why does Murong Jiaoyue come here?

In the final analysis, I still want to ask for help.

But what she didn't expect was that neither Ji xian'er nor Rose had any intention to make a move.

In fact, how can Ji xian'er and rose not understand Murong Jiaoyue's mind?

Why did Murong Jiaoyue come to the banquet dressed in blood stained armor?

Ji xian'er and rose understood Murong Jiaoyue's mind at the first time.

However, both of them didn't want to drag their ancestral home into the water, but considering their sisters' love for many years, they gave them heavy gifts. However, this heavy ceremony can not solve the fundamental problem of beheading the demon sect.When Murong Jiaoyue was in despair, Ye Hao stood up and pulled a group of Tianjiao into the water.

At the same time, jixian'er and rose were also pulled down.

Murong Jiaoyue believes that with the help of these forces, at least there is no need to worry about being broken.

Therefore, this ceremony of Murong Jiaoyue is sincere.

"I still say that, the war of ethnic groups is duty bound." Ye Hao said softly.

Murong Jiaoyue didn't say thank you again.

Ye Hao's kindness to her and the beheader is not simply a thank you can repay.

Time passed slowly.

With the time petrified in Ji xian'er's hands, the monks in the field wake up one after another.

"A year?"

"I really want to practice for another three or five years."

"I'm more than twice as good as before. I'm confident that I can abuse my cousin."

At this time, the monks in the distance came one after another.

This group of friars rejected Ye Hao before.

"Li Mang, why do I think you are so strong?"

"Green Ning, your origin seems to be stronger."

"Brother Zhang, can you tell me what happened to Mr. Ye's road?"

"Brother Ma, it seems that you have benefited a lot from your appearance." Asked the monks one by one.

Can this group of friars not be interested?

Hearing this, the friars can't help but look at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "this kind of thing has nothing to say."

These more than 30 monks were no longer afraid to tell their experiences in the stone of time.

"The flower of the road."

"Have you each got the flower of the road?"

"Ye Tian has a better understanding of the road than Ji xian'er?"

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"Ye Tian said that there are still bigger surprises waiting for you?"

"Ye Tian said that those who perform well will return the flowers of the road?"

Hundreds of Tianjiao and quasi Tianjiao were all shocked.

In any case, they didn't expect this result.

"I regret it."

"Who doesn't regret it?"

"Ye Tian is a demon more powerful than Ji xian'er. Since Ye Hao lifted that sentence, he would surely give him a greater chance."

In that group of Tianjiao repented, a calm voice sounded in the audience.

"Now please go back and prepare. In an hour, we will go to kill the demon sect." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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