In the middle of the sky, the eyes of the old ape who were fighting with the beheader were almost staring out.

What's the situation?

The old devil on the tenth floor of the fairy king was severely damaged by Ye Hao?

How could it be?

It doesn't make any sense at all!

However, after seeing Ye Hao's own diffuse fluctuation, the old ape understood why the old devil was severely damaged?

This is absolutely the power of the twelve story fairy king.

But soon the old ape's eyes were full of doubts?

Ye Hao raised one or two realms through the secret method. He thought it was understandable, but now that he has promoted seven levels in succession, he can't understand it. Moreover, the higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to improve.

In fact, the old ape was shocked at this moment.

Beheader was also shocked and speechless.

After Ye Hao left, the leader of the evil sect, long Guangyao, told him about Ye Hao.

Do you want to say this is a monster?

Is the evil spirit so terrible?

The old patriarch of the green demon clan is the existence of the ten story fairy king?

But Ye Hao was severely damaged?

Are you kidding?

"Ape three, no one can save you today." Ye Hao looked at ape three not far away and said coldly, "kill."

"No The ape's eyes were full of fear.

Because ape three realized that he would really fall this time.

"We can talk." Cried the old ape in the distance.

Ye Hao was not moved.

The sword of heaven on the three ape heads was cut off in an instant, and the great head of ape Sany rolled to one side, and blood splashed out from the skull cavity.

But at the next moment, a golden light ran away towards the distance, but it was not far away before he was imprisoned by Ye Hao. Ye Hao's big hand turned into a cage and locked the golden light in it.

Yuan Shen!

This is the God of ape three.

"As long as you release ape three, I will withdraw the ape family." The old ape murmured.

The old ape was angry.

But no matter how angry he was, he didn't show it on his face.

Because he knew that the life of ape three was in the hands of Ye Hao.

"Ye Tian, you can consider the suggestion of the old ape." Beheading the devil pondered for a moment and opened his mouth to Ye Hao.

Hearing this, the old ape's face was surprised. "I can sign a non aggression agreement with you


As soon as the old ape said this, he heard a scream. Looking at the original God who turned into a cloud of blood mist, he roared to Ye Hao, "do you know what you are doing?"

"I believe in fists as opposed to agreements." Ye Hao crushed the yuan God of ape three, and then looked at the old ape angrily and said, "and I know what I'm doing."

"You will bear the wrath of my great ape." Looking at Ye Hao, the old ape's eyes are full of murders.

"You are wrong." Ye Hao indifferently replied, "what you Tongtian ape people have to bear is the anger of our people." Speaking of this, Ye Hao crushed a jade amulet, which turned into a shining light arrow and rushed towards the sky.

At the moment when the feather arrow dashed into the sky, a series of terrible waves broke out in the territory of beheading the demons.

More than 400000 soldiers were divided into more than 40 legions, and with the cooperation of Ye Hao, they made a move.

The situation is overwhelming.

Even though the soldiers of the green demon clan are not afraid of death, they still can't stop the steps of these soldiers?

How to block it?

As long as they encounter difficult obstacles, they will throw away primary combat equipment.

In this case, even the immortal can't stop it.

What's more, the master at xianzun level has been cleared by Ye Hao's point of separation.

"More than forty legions?"

"When will there be such a group of officers and men in the beheader sect?"

"The skills of these legions are different. They should be the elite of various forces."

"Only the elite can have such a strong fighting power."

"Terrans, do you want to fight our demons completely?"

"I think what we have to do now is to avoid its edge, so that even more officers and men will be destroyed."

"Back, back, back."

The officers and men of the green demon clan withdrew decisively after they realized that they could not resist.

It's just a retreat. Where is that simple?

Before the war, Ye Hao formulated a set of points to exchange for rewards.

How to get the integral?

The green heads of the demons!

Even if the soldiers of the green demon clan fled, the 400000 soldiers still ran after them.

In the process of constant pursuit, these friars noticed that there were masters in secret when they were in danger. After realizing this, the 400000 generals and soldiers did not have the slightest scruples.


It was a great pleasure for the 400000 soldiers.But for the green demon clan, it is a big escape of life and death.

The green demons have never seen such a warlike Terran.

The will to fight is stronger than their demons.

"Who are the demons?"

"Why are they not afraid to die?"

"They are so insane that they don't let go of women and children."

The fleeing mob collapsed.

The people in their hearts are not like this.

The old devil's eyes showed all cracks and looked at this scene, "stop, stop, stop."

Ye Hao looked at the old devil way calmly in his eyes, "don't you think it's hard to accept?"

"You are an executioner." The old devil pointed to Ye Hao, and his whole body was shaking.

"Did you think about this when you demons slaughtered Terran women and children?" Ye Hao said with a smile, "I heard that you demons slaughtered 18 cities in order to make the beheader submit."

Ye Hao is laughing.

But the old devil's heart was cold.

"I'll fight with you." The old devil rushed at Ye Hao regardless of his injury.

The old devil realized that Ye Hao was taking revenge.

Whether it's killing ape three before or chasing down the green demon, it's revenge.

"You have to be able to do the same." The old devil was hit on the arm by Ye Hao on the way.


The old devil's arm was smashed in an instant.

When the old devil retreated, Ye Hao came close to him and hit him one blow after another.

By the time he fell to the ground, the old devil's body had been blown out of shape, covered with blood.

The old devil looked at Ye Hao weakly in his eyes, "I curse you not to die well."

"If the curse had worked, you green demons would have killed the clan a thousand times." Ye Hao sneered.

"You don't understand what I mean." When the old devil said this, his whole body was burning, and Ye Hao was shocked by this vast force.

Ye Hao, step back!

I curse you with my life The old devil looked at Ye Hao.

As the old devil's voice fell, his whole body of fire turned into a green flame.

"Curse." At this time, the loneliness in the small world was startled.

"Curse?" Ye Hao was stunned.

"The power of the curse is terrible." Loneliness said in a dignified tone, "this old devil curses you with his soul sacrifice. If you want to resist, you will lose a large part of your qi." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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