
Ye Hao doesn't know how powerful the curse is?

But it doesn't mean you don't know!

What is the cultivation of the old devil?

Ten floors of fairy king!

He used his own soul as the medium to get the curse power. Can you imagine how terrible it is?

It can be said without hesitation that even a demon may fall.

But is Ye Hao an ordinary demon?


Ye Hao bears the tree of nature!

But even if Ye Hao is under the tree of nature, it will cost a lot of fortune to offset this curse.

"Curse." The beheader exclaimed.

"This boy is finished." The old ape who confronts with the beheader sneers.

At this time, a terrible green light pierced toward Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's mental strength just wanted to block, and found that the green light could not be stopped at all.

That seems to be another level of power.

The spirit is invalid!

At the moment when he was about to invade Ye Hao's body, an invisible barrier appeared.

"Why can the spirit of the elder be blocked?" Ye Hao asked in astonishment.

"After that, I will be able to change my mind soon." Lonely whispered, "but the power of the curse is really strong. If my cultivation is still in the first place, I can't block all the curses of the old devil."

In fact, the cultivation of this old devil is too strong.

Ten floors of fairy king!

If the fairy king is seven or eight stories, you don't need to care about loneliness.

"How could it be?" The old devil saw this scene with an incredible look in his eyes.

Is this a curse?

How can you not invade Ye Hao's body?

Doesn't make sense?

"Are you disappointed?" Ye Hao looks at the old devil road.

"Who are you?" The old devil looked at Ye Hao.

"Who am I? Do you think you need to know?" Ye Hao said faintly, "but there is one thing I can tell you, you green demons are finished."

"Do you think there is no one behind us

"I don't know if there's anyone behind you green devils, but I'm going to tell you who his mother stops, and who I'll destroy?" At last, Ye Hao jumped into the air and trampled the old devil's body to pieces.

Seeing the old devil fall, the old ape turned to leave.

But how can killing the devil make the old ape leave?

"What are you going to do The spirit of the old ape trembled.

"Didn't you fight with me just now?" Beheader stares at the old ape road.

"Kill the devil, you should know what you can do with me."

"I just need to fight you to lose both."

The pupil of beheader shrinks.

Ye Hao is so mysterious.

Even if he was not Ye Hao's opponent at his peak, not to mention he was defeated by both.

"Old ape." At this time, Ye Hao's eyes fell on the old ape.

The old ape stepped back two steps.

"What are you going to do?"

"If you dare to leave, I'll let the Terran army destroy your ape clan."


"If you are here, I will only destroy 30% of your people."

"How can you do this?" The old ape said bitterly.

"The soldiers who killed the demons, didn't you Ye Hao sneered, "since you have participated in the war between Terrans and demons, then don't want to retreat all over again."

"I'm willing to pay."

"After killing 30% of your people, we will talk about compensation."

"You can raise the compensation higher."

"Don't you think I'll have to pay less for it?"

The old ape suddenly realized that Ye Hao wanted revenge.

And after retaliation, they have to ask for high compensation.


This is a massacre!

No one is soft hearted to the green demon clan, whether it's the Terran coalition forces or the soldiers who cut the demon sect.

This made them kill all the green demons who were in the chopping fiend's territory, and then attacked the green demon clan's territory. With the help of powerful siege equipment, they broke three cities one after another in one hour. But just when the Terran coalition forces wanted to further attack, they received Ye Hao's order.


No one dares to disobey Ye Hao's orders.

After the soldiers who killed the demon sect lost the strong support of the Terran alliance, they had to retreat.

"Why retreat at this time?"

"Give us some more time and we will be able to fight down the city of the green demon."

"It's a lot of money this time."

"Now I finally understand why some forces like war?""Well done."

"These years, the demons have been pressing our Terran head, and the only one who dares to attack the demons is to kill the demon clan."

"Is this the fierce and fearless demon? All these years we have been cheated by rumors. "

"As long as we are not afraid, why should we be afraid of them

After more than 400000 soldiers returned to the beheader sect, they would carry out renovation.

After half an hour of renovation, Ye Hao and long Guangyao appeared in the air.

Long Guangyao takes a look at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao nods to long Guangyao.

Long Guangyao then went to the front desk, "I am the leader of the beheader clan. This time, I will take the place of the beheader to thank all of you for your help."

With that, long Guangyao bowed to the 400000 soldiers.

Long Guangyao is a heartfelt thanks.

If it had not been for these 400000 generals and soldiers, how could the territory be recovered in such a short time?

The faces of more than 400000 soldiers such as Xunmei showed a look of embarrassment.

They are not fighting for justice. If it was not for the benefit of Ye Hao, how many of them would come?

Long Guangyao doesn't understand this, but long Guangyao knows a little bit, that is, people really help.

So there's no need to go into other people's minds.

"Besides that, I want to thank one more person." Long Guangyao said here to see Ye Hao, "Ye Tian." Speaking of this, he stopped for a moment and said, "if there is no Ye Tian childe, the evil sect will be destroyed. Today, I, long Guangyao, declare here that Mr. Ye will be my most distinguished friend in the future. "

As the leader of a sect, the matter was emphasized in full view.

All the monks in the field know what's going on?

If Ye Hao has any requirements in the future, he will try his best to meet them.

"I still say that, the war of ethnic groups is duty bound." Ye Hao went to long Guangyao's side and whispered, "but at present, the power of demons is more powerful than us, so if we want to defeat the vicious demons, we must enhance our strength."

Hearing what Ye Hao said, the eyes of the four hundred thousand monks all brightened up.

Because they know that Ye Hao is about to fulfill his promise.

"I have a time crystal in my hand." Ye Hao glanced around and said, "this time crystal is a middle-class time crystal."

"Middle grade time crystal?"

"If there is no shortage, doesn't it mean that it contains the power of ten years?"

"Is Mr. Ye going to give me all the strength of this decade?"

"Ten years."

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