Murong Jiaoyue was originally chasing Ye Hao.

But what she didn't expect was that Ye Hao's speed was too fast. When Murong Jiaoyue went after him, she had already disappeared. Murong Jiaoyue immediately used her body method to chase after him, but who could have thought that Ye Hao stopped halfway?

As soon as Ye Hao stops, she is embarrassed!

Ye Hao was helpless after seeing this scene.

Murong Jiaoyue is really beautiful, but this can't be the reason why he likes it.

Why did Ye Hao leave the beheader sect in a hurry is that Murong Jiaoyue is interested in him.

But who could have thought that they were coming!

But the heart is helpless again, Ye Hao also can only ask, "Jiao Yue, do you have anything important?"

"Our Lord asked me to give you this." Murong Jiaoyue thought of a reason between the calcium carbide sparks, and then Murong Jiaoyue handed Ye Hao a bag of heaven and earth.

Ye Hao's eyes are full of suspicion.

Is it because you think wrong?

After receiving Murong Jiaoyue's Qiankun bag, Ye Hao's mind swept and was surprised to find that there was a king of medicine in the bag.

Then Ye Hao returned the Qiankun bag to Murong Jiaoyue.

"This is from the Lord." Murong Jiaoyue hastily declined.

In fact, long Guangyao gave Murong Jiaoyue his life.

After all, it is not impossible to travel without danger.

But now how can Murong Jiaoyue take it?

Otherwise, his lie can't be round.

"I have dozens of them." Ye Hao said softly, "so you'd better keep this medicine king."

"Are you sure?" Murong Jiaoyue couldn't help but stare.

This is the king of medicine!

King level herbs!

Even if it's a top force like beheading the demon sect, there are few?

How could Ye Hao have dozens of them?

When Ye Hao waved his hand, thirty-three immortal herbs appeared in the air, and these thirty-three fairies also gave off a unique fragrance.

Murong Jiaoyue smelled it all had an illusion of lifting the rosy clouds.

"Is it true?" Murong Jiaoyue was stunned.

Murong Jiaoyue estimates that even a super power like fengminggu may not have so many drug kings?

How can Ye Hao have so many drug kings?

This is totally unreasonable?

But at the thought of the resources Ye Hao spent on killing the demon sect and the Terran alliance, she was relieved.

The value of those resources is more than 100 billion.

"Now believe it?" As Ye Hao said this, he was about to put away the thirty-three medicinal plants.

But at this time, a whale swallowing force wrapped up the thirty-three medicine king and sped away towards the distance.

Ye Hao's face suddenly became ugly.

Who is so brave?

How dare you rob him?

Looking up, Ye Hao was stunned.

An old yellow cattle swallowed all the thirty-three king of medicine in one mouth.


Ye Hao has an impulse to curse his mother.

This is a valuable medicine king!

It's not sugar beans!

But the next moment, Ye Hao's look became dignified.

Because Ye Hao noticed that the breath of life of the old yellow cattle continued to drop after the 33 drug kings entered the stomach of the old cattle.

It's just that the downward trend is not as fast as before.

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Hao asked, floating to the side of the old cattle.

"For the sake of protecting and protecting the holy daughter, my highness, I-I, I will be sublimated to fight against the ancestor of qianjianzong." The old yellow cow said intermittently.

"The ancestor of Qianjian sect?" Smell speech Murong Jiaoyue exclaimed, "the ancestor of qianjianzong is a demigod."

"Stop talking." Ye Hao pondered for a while and then said, "I'll help you heal."

"My injury - I - I know it." The old cow said bitterly, "don't waste your time."

"Why not try it?" Ye Hao said softly.

"I've swallowed your thirty-three king of Medicine - with little effect." When the old yellow cow said this, he collapsed on the ground, "I have reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. No one can save it." "Young man, I want to ask you to go to the abyss for a while, and ask the strong men of my tribe to avenge me." After pausing for a few breaths, the old yellow cow said again, "you can take out a piece of shadow stone now, and then you can ask for 33 medicine kings from my tribe by the content on the shadow stone."

"The people of our tribe are kind and will certainly give you some good places." When he said this, he almost didn't breathe.

Ye Hao hesitates a little and points a finger on the old yellow cattle.To his surprise, the fire of life, which should have been extinguished, was slightly exuberant.

"What means is this?" Lao Huang Niu looks at Ye Hao in shock.

Ye Hao did not respond, but directly used the time crystal.

Ye Hao came out after a day in the time crystal.

At this time, the outside world did not even pass a moment.

Ye Hao once again showed the direction of life on the old yellow cattle, the old yellow cattle feel that their fire of life is once again more vigorous.

But after Ye Hao continued to display seven fingers, the old yellow cattle felt that his life fire tended to be a relatively stable situation.

Of course, this stability does not mean that the old cattle have recovered.

In fact, the fire of life of the old cattle is still too weak, but this kind of weakness will not let the old cattle die at any time.

"Your life has come to an end." Ye Hao looked at the old yellow cow and said, "I can only give you barely maintain."

The situation of the old cattle now is equivalent to giving him a boost every day.

If you don't beat an old ox in a day, you may fall.

"It's much more than I expected." Looking at Ye Hao seriously, the old cattle said, "I wonder if I can ask you a favor?"

"What's up?"

"My saint is probably on the run now." I want to find her

"How to find it?"

"We have a special connection code." The old yellow cow replied, "we may see it all the way down the road."


Ye Hao has nothing to do, so he accompanies the cattle to find the saint.

Then they went on the road together.

But it hasn't gone far yet. A message appears beside Murong Jiaoyue.

Murong Jiaoyue crushed the Yufu, then looked at the old yellow cow with a heavy face and said, "qianjianzong is looking for the saint of your family in the whole six heaven?"

"Only your highness is wanted?" Asked the old cow.

"And you and a middle-aged man."

"I want to know why qianjianzong wanted to use it?"

"Qianjianzong said that you killed several Tianjiao at the gate of qianjianzong."

"Nonsense." "Xu Yingming killed an old ox with anger

"You killed Xu Yingcai's followers?" Murong Jiaoyue was surprised.

"Don't you know how arrogant Xu Yingcai is?" As soon as the old ox said this, he was angry and said, "relying on his being a demon, he asked the holy daughter of my family to be his woman? Who does he think he is? "

"He is a monster, Xu Yingcai." Murong Jiaoyue whispered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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