Monster Xu Yingcai!

Isn't that enough?

Murong Jiaoyue doesn't understand the old cattle's mentality, but Ye Hao hears something special.

The old cattle's disdain is from the heart.

In other words, the saint of the old yellow cattle clan is very strong in the evil spirits.

"Now you have to change your face!" Ye Hao looks at Lao Huang Niu Dao.

"My breath must have been recorded, so it's no use changing my face." The old yellow cow shook his head slightly. "I can't use my magic power at present. It's good to keep from falling." There was a trace of sadness in his eyes when he said this.

"Master, why be sad?" Ye Hao said with a smile, "after some time, my cultivation will be able to break through, and then the finger of life can be further improved."

"Can your finger of life rise?" The eyes of the old yellow cattle are bright.

Ye Hao nodded slightly.

"There are time crystal stones in the hands of our saint. I can give you some time stones then."

"The finger of life cannot be used indefinitely. In fact, the effect is gradually weakening, but the weakening effect is not obvious." Ye Hao pondered for a while or said, "therefore, unless it comes to the point of life and death, or do not rashly use the better life finger."

Hearing Ye Hao say so, the old yellow cow's eyes dim down.

"I don't want to live long. I just want to see the virgin again before I fall."

"As long as there is no accident for your saint, I think your wish can still be satisfied." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I also have time crystal in my hand. If you want to break through, you can break through at any time, but I'm not so anxious."

After nine years of practice, Ye Hao's accomplishments also approached the eighth floor of xianzun.

And Ye Hao's road is the green devil's way of returning to one.

Up to now, the art of returning to one is almost perfect. However, Ye Hao thinks that there are still some small details to be polished.

"Let me help you change your breath." Ye Hao said that on the body of the old yellow cattle displayed a variety of skills.

The breath of the old cattle changed suddenly.

At the same time, the appearance of the old yellow cattle was also changed.

But soon Ye Hao's face changed slightly, because Ye Hao found that he could only change the color of the old yellow cattle, but he could not change the essence of the old cattle.

"Your magic power is similar to the nine changes of my family."

"Nine changes?"

"Jiuchongbian refers to any kind of creature that can be changed into jiuchongtian."

Ye Hao was shocked.

There are not a thousand changes in the ever-changing art even to the extreme, but the nine changes can be changed into any kind of life in the nine fold heaven.

It's a great match!

Seeing the shock in Ye Hao's eyes, the old cattle's eyes showed some complacency.

"It's impossible for you to change my appearance, unless your cultivation reaches the peak of fairy king." The old cattle continued.

"That's it." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.

Ye Hao doesn't think others can recognize the old yellow cattle.

Ye Hao still believes in his own strength, unless it is a high-level fairy king to see, the problem is that there are many of this level?

What if I recognized it?

Is Ye Hao afraid of the thousand sword sect?

Qianjian is a good second level.

But loneliness is also a second place.

Who's afraid? Who's coming?

As for the other Immortal King of Qianjian sect, Ye Hao doesn't care.

It's almost enough to put on the road map and kill the four sides.

Daotu Ye Hao has used it many times recently. However, the power he used is of fairy King level. In fact, he doesn't consume much energy at all.

"Now let's go to the ancient elephant sect." Ye Hao waved his hand, and in mid air, a black painted warship appeared.

Ye Hao made this warship by himself.

It's very luxurious.

After the old yellow cow turned round, his eyes showed a surprised color and said, "I said you, this boy, also can enjoy too much?"

"All right." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"No, what's your name, please?" The old ox came to the deck and asked softly.

"Ye Tian." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.

The origin of this old cattle is mysterious.

Ye Hao doesn't want to expose his identity rashly.

"Which sect?"

"No door, no school."

Old yellow cattle can't help but take a deep look at Ye Hao.

How can we get to this point without any schools?

What does that mean?

It shows that if Ye Hao didn't lie, the person behind him must not be a simple character.

The ancient xiangzong was only a general force in liuchongtian.Only the power of the Immortal King in the clan can stand up.

On this day, Ye Hao piloted the grand warship to guxiangzong. After putting up the high-level warship, he fell lightly.

It seems that the ancient elephant clan knew Ye Hao was coming to Guxiang Zong for a long time, so there were lights and decorations everywhere from the foot of the mountain to the gate of the mountain.

"Mr. Ye." The two disciples who were cleaning the room cried excitedly when they saw Ye Hao.

Ye Hao nodded to the two disciples.

"Mr. Ye, please follow me." A disciple in charge of reception rushed to Ye Hao.

"Thank you." Ye Hao said with a smile.

But when Ye Hao and his party came to the mountain gate, they were stopped by several young people.

"Who are you?" A young man looked at Ye Hao with a haughty look.

Ye Hao could not help but look at the disciple who received him.

The disciple in charge of reception showed an angry look in his eyes, "what do you do?"

"Don't you know what we do?" The young man said coldly.

"I don't care if you qianjianzong checks other friars, but you can't check the one in front of you."

"You want to stop me from doing things in qianjianzong?" The young man stared at the disciple.

"This is my elephant clan."


The young man slapped the disciple hard and threw him to the ground. Just as the disciple was struggling to get up, the young man stepped on his chest and said in a very cold look, "I think you are impatient to live."

"If you obstruct the work of qianjianzong, you should be punished." A thousand sword sect disciple said coldly.

"Kill this man who is not in favor of others." Another disciple of Qianjian sect agreed.

Ye Hao's eyes became gloomy, "qianjianzong is really overbearing."

"Domineering?" The young man who stepped on the disciple of the ancient elephant sect stared at Ye Hao and said, "if you think this is the tyranny of the Qianjian sect, it's a big mistake. Today, this guy obstructs the work of Qianjian sect. Do you think it's over if you kill him? He has to be punished for his nine clans. "

"Kill the nine tribes?" A cold light flashed in Ye Hao's eyes. "It seems that you qianjianzong didn't do this once or twice."

"Those who offend our thousand sword sect will not be forgiven." When the young man said this, he put his hand to Ye Hao.

The first one has arrived, to be continued. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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