"You qianjianzong is really arrogant." The cold light in Ye Hao's eyes turned into a killing machine.

The young man snorted and staggered back a few steps, some blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

"Do you know what you're doing?" The young man pointed to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao did not pay attention to the young man, but with a flick of his hand, he sucked the disciple of guxiangzong to his side. A powerful and fluctuating Dan seal was photographed into the disciple's body, and the disciple's injury was immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few breaths, the disciple's injury was almost recovered.

"Want revenge?" Ye Hao asked softly.

The disciple just wanted to say something, but immediately thought of something, and finally did not say anything.

"Go ahead and do what you want." Ye Hao looked at the disciple and said, "I protect you well."

There was a surprise in the eyes of that disciple.

What is Ye Hao's identity?

How could he not know?

Since Ye Hao said that he should be well protected, he must be well protected.

Qianjian sect is really strong.

But Ye Hao is not weak!

The disciple went to the young man who had just slapped him and slapped him.

The young man was just about to fight back, but he found that he was all imprisoned.


The young man's cheek swelled up.


The bridge of the young man's nose was broken.


The corner of the youth's mouth was torn.



Ye Hao doesn't know if hitting people in the face is addictive.

However, the disciple of guxiangzong still did not stop after he slapped each other 100 times.

And the disciple of Qianjian sect has already fainted, OK?

The other disciples of qianjianzong didn't want to save them, but they were all imprisoned by Ye Hao.

"Another one." Ye Hao points to the other three disciples of Qianjian sect.

Wang man, a disciple of the ancient elephant sect, just woke up from a dream.

He rubbed his bloody hand on the disciple of gujianzong, and then walked towards the three disciples of qianjianzong.




Never stop listening!

Soon, the three disciples of the ancient sword school were also taken as pig heads.

"Go and hang them at the gate of Qianjian sect." Ye Hao looks at Wang man.

Wang man is looking at the patriarch Lin Hong.

In fact, Lin Hong has already arrived, but Lin Hong didn't stop him.

Lin Hong glared at Wang man. "Didn't you hear what Mr. Ye said?"

With a wave of his hand, Wang man rolled the four disciples of qianjianzong into the air, and then hung the four disciples on the mountain gate.

"This is a shadow stone." Ye Hao then handed Wang man a piece of crystal stone and said, "rub down the contents of this crystal stone and spread it to the whole liuchongtian."

"Yes." Wang man was busy.

After Wang man left, Lin Hong rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Ye."

"Master Lin, this will not affect your ancient elephant clan, will it?"

"It is the gift of master ye that we can have today." Lin Hong gently shook his head, "as long as you say a word from Mr. Ye, my ancient elephant clan will live and die together."

Lin Hong is simple and honest.

But simple and honest doesn't mean simple!

What is Ye Hao's identity?

Jiuchongtian's demon!

Moreover, the influence behind Ye Hao is not weaker than that of qianjianzong.

Lin Hong also hated Qianjian sect, so he chose Ye Hao naturally.

Who would choose a bully?

After Lin Hong accompanied Ye Hao to the reception hall, Ye Hao exchanged greetings with Lin Hong for a while and then said, "Lord Lin, I'm likely to fight with Qianjian sect this time. Have you ever considered the future of the ancient elephant clan?"

"In ancient times, the only way to look forward to the emperor is to be the master Ye." Lin Hong said in a deep voice.

This is loyalty.

"In a word, you ancient elephant clan has been implicated by me." Ye Hao looked at Lin Hong and said, "so I will be responsible to you in the end, but you should also know that I will not stay in the ancient elephant clan for too long. Well, when I leave liuchongtian, I will take you to yanhuangzong. "

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Lin Hong was surprised.

There are not many experts in yanhuangzong, but the development potential of yanhuangzong is great.

The future is destined to be a great power.

It's a great chance that the ancient elephant school can follow the yanhuangzong.

There is only one statue of Tianjiao in ancient xiangzong.

That's Wang Xiang.

However, Wang Xiang is just a common pride of heaven. It would be good to set foot in the fairyland in the future. Even if the king elephant gets the light of nature and the flower of the road, whether he can step into the middle rank of the Immortal King in the future is a problem. But if you want to shuttle the world barrier, you can't do it without the high-level strength of fairy king.In other words, if the ancient elephant sect wants to go to wuchongtian in the future, he will have to follow a big power or pay a high fee.

However, no matter which choice, it is impossible to take all the disciples of the ancient elephant sect away.

The ancient elephant sect can only take away some of the elite.

But now following Ye Hao doesn't have this problem.

Lin Hong believes Ye Hao will handle it properly.

"These days, the ancient elephant clan deals with some industries." Ye Hao said softly, "it doesn't matter if you can get some credit."

"Yes." Lin Hong said respectfully.

Lin Hong soon straightened out his identity.

"By the way, now launch your intelligence department of Guxiang clan to check the two men wanted by Qianjian sect." What did Ye Hao think of immediately.


"And Wang Xiang?"

"Is Wang Xiang practicing?"

"Call the king elephant."

Before long, Wang Xiang was accompanied by Lin Hong to the reception hall.

"Wang Xiang, do you have any connection with those Tianjiao?"


"Now you can contact those Tianjiao and ask them to launch the zongmen's intelligence department to check the two men wanted by qianjianzong. Let me know as soon as there is news." Ye Hao looked at Wang Xiang and said, "if anyone can find some clues, I will send a ten grade advanced Dan."

As Ye Hao's voice fell, Wang Xiang's eyes lit up.

Wang Xiang doesn't need the ten grade advanced Dan, but it doesn't mean the clan doesn't need it.

Ten grade advanced Dan means a fairy king!

After Wang Xiang left, Ye Hao looked at Lin Hong and said, "are you on the eighth floor of xianzun?"

"Well, I've been in this state for a long time." Lin Hong trembled with excitement when he said this, because he realized that Ye Hao might give him a chance.

"Here you are." Ye Hao throws a jade bottle to Lin Hong.

After Lin Hong took over, he found that there was an elixir in the jade vase, which was emitting strong and horizontal fluctuations.

"This is the ten grade advanced Dan?"


The fire in Lin Hong's heart suddenly extinguished some, "nine grade reverence advanced level Dan?"


"What is that?" Lin Hong was stunned.

Ten grade is not, nine grade is not, can't be eight grade?

Eight grades of their own no use!

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