"This is tuotiandan." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Tuotian Dan?" Lin Hong's eyes are full of doubts.

"This is the elixir to expand talent." Ye Hao looked at Lin Hong and said, "after taking this elixir, your qualification will be improved. There is no problem stepping on the ninth floor of xianzun. I'll give you a ten grade advanced Dan at that time, so that you can go further in the future. "

Lin Hong's heart slowed down half a beat.

In any case, he didn't expect Ye Hao to give him such a big chance.

The elixir of talent promotion?

There is almost no such elixir on the market!


Zhangzi Island!

This is an island that hangs alone overseas.

On that day, more than a dozen sword lights cut through the sky and appeared on this sparsely populated island.

"Where do you think the two men are hiding?" A young man in a sword robe looked around and said.

"That woman is a demon herself. Where can she hide so easily?" Another young man shook his head.

"Zongmen has invited the top tracking experts of liuchongtian. It is certain that the woman came to this sea area." A white face of the middle-aged light said, "give me a good spirit, carefully investigate."

A dozen young people answered perfunctorily and then walked around the island.

At this time, when the more than ten young people were exploring the island, in a cave deep in the island, a middle-aged man in Confucian costume sat cross legged on the top of the smooth rock, and his mouth gave out a low roar.

The veins on his forehead moved like earthworms, and his eyes were red.

"Eight elders." Tang pianpianpian looks worried.

Shi Changming didn't respond, but his body kept shaking. At a certain moment, Shi Changming couldn't stand it any longer, opening his mouth and yelling.

The impetuous sound wave broke through the prohibition of Tang pianpianpian's arrangement.

A dozen monks who were inspecting Zhangzi Island could not help but change their looks. The middle-aged man broke a jade card on his waist with a little meditation. The jade card turned into a purple light and rushed into the sky.

Tang pianpianpian saw the purple light of the sky at the first time.

A flash of her body appeared on the top of the purple light, and then a slap of the purple light gave the purple light to a rag.

"The virgin of that tribe."

"The breath matches."

"Tell zongmen." After seeing Tang Pianpian, the more than ten officers and men said in surprise.

But immediately their eyes were filled with horror.

Tang pianpianpian killed these ten soldiers as clean as a melon.

"Qianjianzong will not let you go." The middle-aged man said such a sentence before he died.

"Do you think I might let go of the thousand sword sect?" Tang Pian said coldly.

After killing this middle-aged man, Tang Pian quickly returned to the cave.

Shi Changming is still crying in pain.

The sword meaning of thousand swords is so terrible that Shi Changming can't get rid of it. On the contrary, with the passage of time, the meaning of the sword is constantly destroying his vitality.

It's a torture.

Today, Shi Changming can't stand it any more.

"Eight elders, eight elders, eight elders." Tang Pian quickly called.

After Shi Changming roared a few breaths, the pain was slightly relieved.

"I'm fine." Shi Changming said this hard.

At this time, Shi Changming suddenly sensed something.

"Not good." Shi Changming's face changed.

Shi Changming waves his hand to shatter the surrounding space, and then he takes Tang pianpianpian to the sky.

When Shi Changming and Shi Changming appeared in the sky, a pair of big hands reached out of the sky. The terrifying pressure shattered the isolated overseas island to pieces, and the sea water of thousands of miles in an instant evaporated clean.

At this moment, I don't know how many sea creatures have been buried.

"Who?" Shi Changming's eyes were startled and uncertain.

"Me." Responding to Shi Changming is a spear like a dragon.

There is no unnecessary trick, just a simple flat stab.

As soon as Shi Changming was about to make a move, Tang pianpianpian forced a step forward, and at the same time, Tang pianpianpian's combat power soared in an instant.

Fairy King second floor!

Fairy King three layers!

Fairy king four!

When Tang pianpianpian's combat power soared to the early days of the fifth floor of the Immortal King, he was still in a violent wind.

The fifth floor of Xianwang is in the middle!

The late fifth floor of Xianwang!

If the rest of the monks were here, it would be a surprise.

Because Tang pianpianpian's current cultivation ability is also the early stage of the fifth floor of the Immortal King.

But now Tang pianpianpian's combat power has soared to the late fifth floor of the Immortal King.

It's not common sense!But in the next moment, Tang pianpianpian's fighting power broke through the barrier of the later five layers of Xianwang, and broke through to the early stage of the sixth floor of Xianwang.

Fairy king six layers of mid!

The late sixth floor!

The old man's eyes were shocked.

But immediately his eyes were full of ferocious murders.

Tang pianpianpian is so amazing.

He had never seen it before.

He knew that if Tang Pianpian could not be killed today, he might be killed by Tang pian in the future.


The spear is like a dragon and its momentum is like a rainbow.

One shot will destroy the sky and the earth.

Tang pianpianpian holds a jade like sword and cuts it towards the front.

The terrible light of the sword split the whole world in two, and the endless air waves rolled and scattered around, but they were stopped when they hit the spear.

It's hard to get over the thunder!

The energy of the sword light is constantly consumed, but the spear light is not weakened at all. After half a breath, the spear light breaks the sword light and annihilates everything in front with a terrible gesture.

"Elder Shi, go quickly." Tang pianpianpian eyebrows appeared a mysterious mark, at the same time, her momentum soared again.


"Let's go." Tang pianpianpian said these two words when their own cultivation has soared to the seventh level of the Immortal King.

At this time, the gun awned.

Tang pianpianpian blocks with a sword.

With a puff, Tang Pian puffed out a mouthful of blood and staggered back.

"Your fighting power?" The doubtless man held a gun.

Under normal circumstances, Tang pianpianpian should be severely damaged by his own attack.

But why only hurt Tang Pian Pian?

Immediately, the old man realized that Tang Pianpian's body was not simple.

"You are not allowed to stay." In the eyes of the old man with a long gun, there was a great sense of killing.

Tang pianpianpian's figure flashed in Shi Changming's side, and then her hands were stamped in Shi Changming's body. "This seal should help you suppress the sword meaning for some time." Finish this sentence, in Shi Changming's surprised look, Shi Changming is sent into a space passage.

"Saint." Shi Changming was shocked.

Tang pianpianpian, however, reaches out and pushes Shi Changming into the space passage.

"Want to go?" The old man cut a sword light toward the space passage, but when he cut to the middle of the way, he was stopped by Tang pianpianpian.

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