The power is so powerful that it can sweep the whole sky.


Xizi, the wife of Xianting Lord, looked at the figure in surprise, "isn't this the thousand swords of six heaven?"

"Once the leader of Qianjian sect?" There was an old woman with white hair standing beside Xizi. Looking at Qianjian, the white haired old woman said hoarsely, "at the beginning, the man who attacked and was lonely in the abyss was almost killed by the man in the abyss. I didn't expect how long it had taken. He not only recovered from his injury, but also seemed to have made further progress."

"The cultivation of thousand swords has been cut off a level, and now it is only at the peak level of the first level of demigod." An old man in grey robe said faintly, "Yan Huang Zong now has cloud and neon clothes in the semi divine realm. In addition, there are still no problems with many fairies."

"Do you think it's just a thousand swords?" Said the old woman with white hair.

It was not long before the voice of the white haired old woman fell, and a figure filled with the chill of the sky appeared on the top of the snow field.


"Bingji of the five heavens."

"Ye Hao once offended Bingji."

Xi Zi's eyes showed a worried color, "if Bingji again, yanhuangzong can't stop it."


When Ye Hao sees Bingji appear, his eyes show a look of astonishment.

"There is no deep hatred between us, are we?" Ye Hao said softly.

"There is no deep hatred between us." Bingji said lightly, "so as long as you give me ten nine turn gold elixir, I will leave immediately."

"You have too much appetite." Ye Hao said coldly.

"If you don't, don't blame me for stepping on you." Ice Ji sees Ye Hao does not know interest coldly hum a way.

"Bingji, for the sake of you being a woman, I'll give you a wake-up call." Ye Hao looked at Bingji and said, "you go back now, I can treat you as if you haven't come. If you are stubborn, then don't blame me."

"As if you could do something. Yes?" At this time, a tall figure full of flame appeared in the air.

As soon as the figure appeared, the whole sky seemed to be ignited.

The wave of terror shocked the monks of the whole Yellow Sect.


"Isn't this the ancestor of the six heaven demons?"

"Terrans, demons, demons, this is a joint effort to destroy the yanhuangzong?"

Ye Hao looked at the old ancestor of the fire demon clan and said, "do you want to go through this muddy water?"

"Ye Hao, do you think it's possible for you to survive Looking at Ye Hao's eyes, the ancestor of the burning demon clan was full of ferocious killing meaning. "When you killed the head of my Yanmo clan, today is the time for you to pay off the blood debt."

"Blood debt and blood payment, only you three?" Ye Hao taunted.

"It's enough for the three of us to destroy your yanhuangzong." Qian Jian clenched his fist and said, "boy, didn't you think that there would be such a day when you destroyed my Qianjian clan?"

"Now that you three are here, don't go." Ye Hao said that with a wave of his hand, the power of time given by the way of heaven turned into a field to cover the whole headquarters of Yanhuang sect.

"What is this?"

"The power of time."

"Ye Hao wants to use the power of time to provide strength for the whole Yanhuang sect."

After realizing this, the three men of Qianjian launched one after another.


In the field of time, Ye Hao calmly looks at the hundreds of millions of friars of the Yellow Sect.

The number of soldiers on the surface of Yan Huang Zongming has reached 30 million, but the number of soldiers in the dark has reached 60 million, and the number is still rising.

Don't think it's high.

If you know how much resources Ye Hao has spent on these friars, it's easy to understand.

Ye Hao has acquired all the wealth of more than a dozen fairies, and Ye Hao's power of seizing has reached an astonishing hundred. Ye Hao also wantonly purchased resources in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and Ninth Heaven, and all of these resources were hit on the monks of the Yellow Emperor.

It's just a variety of resources.

If you include the immortal stone, it will be astronomical.

Before Tang pianpianpian came to yanhuangzong, Kong Yinger had smashed three trillion immortal stones.

That's three trillion.

It's good to know that even the top power of the fairy king has a hundred billion yuan.

Tang pianpianpian invested more in this area than Kong Yinger.

The immortal stone taken out of the Treasury must be worth a billion yuan.

But the effect is also obvious.

This makes yanhuangzong become one of the top forces in jiuchongtian in such a short time.

"Next you will have a hundred years of practice here." Ye Hao glanced at the audience and said, "you will get all kinds of resources in this century, and the resources of Yanhuang sect will be supplied to you in an open way.""At the same time." Speaking of this, Ye Hao's big hand waved a stone tablet and broke into the air and fell on the side of the previous one.

"Taoist tablet."

"The second tablet."

"This is really the second tablet."

Yan Huang Zong already has a stele.

As long as you have merit, you can feel it.

Therefore, the monks of yanhuangzong all know what effect it is to realize in front of the Taoist tablet.

This effect is not as simple as one plus one?

"You guess it's right. This is the second tablet." Ye Hao said with a smile, "from today on, anyone can go to practice in front of the Taoist tablet, without any restrictions."

All the monks cheered.

After Ye Hao explained some things, he summoned more than 3000 generals and soldiers of Yanhuang sect to the small world.

These more than 3000 monks also came to Ye Hao's small world for the first time.

"Is this the magic weapon of living space?"

"How vast."

"The spiritual power of the suzerain's space magic weapon is several times more dense than that of the yanhuangzong headquarters."

"What did the LORD bring us here for?" When these fairies were confused, Ye Hao was moved by his mind and brought them to the central position.

In the central position, there is an illusory tablet.

These fairy kings can't move away from this illusory tablet at the first sight.

"I believe you can all see the value of this tablet." Ye Hao looked at the immortals and said, "in the next hundred years, you will practice here, but I need to set a ban in your memory. This prohibition is just a matter of sealing the tablet."

The Immortal King on the spot understood Ye Hao's meaning.

After Ye Hao left this prohibition in their knowledge of the sea, no one wants to reveal the matter of this tablet.

Moreover, anyone who looks into their memory can never look into the forbidden memory.

This is a common way for major departments to prevent the proliferation of core secrets.

There is no objection.

After Ye Hao set a ban on these fairies, Ye Hao began to practice here like these friars.

Time went by like this.

Ten years!

Twenty years!

Thirty years!

Soon a hundred years passed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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