That day, Ye Hao opened his eyes.

Ye Hao looks unsophisticated.

It's a sign of returning to nature.

But this kind of situation generally appears in the body of friars on the twelfth floor of fairyland.

But Ye Hao is only on the 10th floor of Xianwang.

Ten floors of fairy king!

Even if Ye Hao didn't deliberately improve his cultivation, Ye Hao still stepped on the tenth floor of the fairy king.

There is also a title on the 10th floor of the fairy king.

Fairy King peak!

After stepping into this realm, Ye Hao does not say that he is invincible in the fairyland, but there is not much more than Ye Hao.

When Ye Hao grew up, he stood up alone.

Lonely, the whole person appears sharp will expose, the whole body is flowing with domineering fluctuations, between every move is strong.

My eyes are like a flaming torch.

"In addition to stabilizing the state of the third level, I have also taken a small step in the third level." Lonely looking at Ye Hao, he whispered.

This moment of loneliness is confident.

This confidence is felt in words.

"I also took a small step in the second scene." At this time, yunnishang grew up, and her eyes were full of joy.

"I also took a small step in the second scene." Ding Hai needle laughed.

Dinghai needle is even more excited than yunnishang.

Because Dinghai needle has stepped into the second state, the life energy has been greatly improved.

"Moo." At this time, the old yellow cow came with his tail wagging.

Ye Hao can't help but look at the old yellow cattle.

"With your help, my life energy has reached 3000 years." The old yellow cattle hit a snort way, "fight for an hour and a half, or there are not many problems."

When Tang pianpianpian left the abyss, the old yellow cattle also left with Tang Pianpian.

With the improvement of Ye Hao's cultivation, the life energy of the old yellow cattle increased even more.

Now it is more than 3000 years.

"You'd better take the side." Ye Hao looked at the old yellow cow and said with a smile.

"Don't think too much of me." "I think I was also the master of the second world."

"Then you should do your best. Don't use taboos." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said, "you know I have the last resort."

"Good." The old ox nodded.

Ye Hao pondered for a while and then detained a ray of divine light, which broke into the body of the old yellow cattle.

"With this light, I believe you can persist longer."

"Light?" The old yellow cattle a surprised way.

"In those days, when Taigu set foot on the divine realm, the divine light condensed." Ye Hao responded.

"Can I have a wisp?" Dinghai needle rubbed his hands and said, "I try to melt the divine light into my body."

"A ray of light is meaningless." Ye Hao said faintly, "when the conditions are suitable, I will give you some divine stones."

"God stone?" Dinghai needle's eyes showed the color of ecstasy, "Lord, do you have a god stone in your hand?"

"I don't have it yet." Ye Hao said that he looked at the more than 3000 immortal kings and said, "there will be a big war between the demigods in the future. Your mission is not only to garrison the array, but also to observe the battle between the demigods. This is very helpful for your future development."

The eyes of more than 3000 immortal kings brightened one by one.

Before these fairies still felt that yanhuangzong did not have much chance to win.

But now I don't have this idea when I see the strength of the four demigods such as loneliness.

With the movement of Ye Hao's mind, he brought the more than 3000 demigods out of the small world, and then the more than 3000 immortal kings went to each array point.

The headquarters has always been the focus of Ye Hao's business.

In recent years, Ye Hao has arranged several arrays that can resist demigods in order to prevent the semi gods from attacking.

With Ye Hao's current strength, he can kill the gods.

Of course, this needs a lot of fairy King's cooperation.

But is yanhuangzong short of demigods now?

No shortage!

After the three thousand immortal kings found out the array points one after another, Ye Hao said to many generals and soldiers of yanhuangzong, "gentlemen, are you afraid of the attack of three demigods?"

"Not afraid." Yan Huang Zong's officers and men said with one voice.

In the past 100 years, yanhuangzong opened up the supply of land resources, which made the strength of the monks of yanhuangzong to a higher level.

Of course, the result is that Ye Hao's resources are almost consumed again.

This is also why Ye Hao limited his time to 100 years.

If we have another ten years and eight years of yanhuangzong, the remaining estimate is Xianshi.

This gives Ye Hao a headache.

At present, the number of xianzun in yanhuangzong has reached 3 million, and the number of immortal masters has reached 30 million. The rest have set foot in the golden fairyland, and there are almost no jade fairylands.

Can you imagine what a sensation this strength would cause if the friars of the seventh heaven knew about it?Because this kind of strength is no longer sweeping a heavy sky, it can completely fight seven heavy days.

But Ye Hao didn't have this idea.

Ye Hao just wants to develop in silence.

"What should we do now?" Ye Hao then asked.




As the friars of yanhuangzong made their voices together, the three figures came out of the same way.

These three figures smashed the attacks of Qianjian, Bingji and the ancestor of the burning demon clan.


"How could it be?"

"Three demigods?"

Qianjian, Bingji and Yanmo were all shocked.

Who didn't expect that there would be three demigods in Yanhuang sect?

It was totally unexpected.

"Old yellow cattle." Qian Jian looked at the old yellow cow and said, "how come you haven't died?"

"You're not dead. How can I die?" Old yellow cattle looked at thousand sword, and his eyes were full of ferocious killing intention. "Before you bullied me, I was old and weak. Now let me fight fair."

"Although I don't know how you hold on to the present, how much of your life and blood are still squandering?" Qian Jian stares at the old yellow cattle and has a bad feeling in his heart. Therefore, Qian Jian persuades the old ox, "I advise you not to go into this muddy water?"

"Three thousand years of Shouyuan, is that enough?" Laohuangniu said here, his whole body gushed out the towering power, his eyes bloom with more bright than the stars of God.

"Three thousand years." A thousand swords trembled in his heart.

I have already understood the powerful thousand swords of the old cattle.

This old guy is a tough opponent.

"Let's fight in the sky. I don't think you dare to break the sky?" The old cattle said coldly.

"If you want to die, I'll give you a ride." The thousand swords said and broke the sky and walked towards the sky.

The old yellow cattle ran after him.

Yunnishang is very beautiful.

Even with the unique posture of Bingji, it is not inferior.

So the two women nipped at each other at first sight.

"Dare you fight in the sky?" Yunnishang looks at Bingji road.

"Do you think you are my opponent?" Ice Ji looked at cloud Ni Shang one eye sneer way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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