Ye Hao is immortal.

It doesn't mean we can cross the chaos!

At this time, the semi divine Dharma became particularly important.

"You have been enlightened in the little world for a hundred years, and what you have to do next is to fully understand." Ye Hao said softly.

No one can adhere to the Tao all the time.

Speaking of this, Ye Hao suddenly thought of something.

"I'll take you to a place."

"Where?" Tang Pian said curiously.

"The tenth day." Ye Hao said that this shattered the space and took Tang pianpianpian and his party to the poor mountain.

Ye Hao will never forget that there was an ancient array of nine days and ten places in the forbidden area of poor mountains.

Under the seal ancient array, there is a passage to the tenth heaven.

Ye Hao took them to the entrance of the passage.

"The tenth day."

"I didn't expect to have a tenth day?"

"The tenth heaven is known as a God's land. I don't know how the civilization here is?" Speaking of loneliness, Ye Hao said, "the friars of the tenth heaven extremely rejected foreign monks. In those years, the Golden Dragon King and others rushed into the tenth heaven and almost did not fall there." After a pause, Ye Hao said, "even if I had only a glance from afar, I could see that the cultivation civilization of the tenth heaven was higher than that of the Ninth Heaven."

"I'd love to go in and have a look." Dinghai needle rubbed hands.

"It's not the time yet." Ye Hao gently shook his head. "We don't know anything about the tenth heaven now. We'd better wait until others find out."

"But if we go in early, we can seize resources." Dinghai needle sank into the voice.

"With the strength of yanhuangzong, it's no problem to fight for the seventh heaven, but now I don't want to rob the resources of this world." Ye Hao looked at Dinghai needle and whispered, "this is why I went to the misty land."

Hearing Ye Hao say so, Ding Haizhen is no longer persuasive.

Ye Hao then went to the stone tablet marking the tenth heaven.

When Ye Hao's big hand touches the top, he will notice several murders. If he moves rashly, he will hook up the killing machine in this Taoist tablet. After Ye Hao's inspection, he finds that even if the Xianwang peak exists, he may be killed.

"It's no wonder that the Golden Dragon King and other powerful people ignored this tablet." Ye Hao murmured.

It is impossible for them to feel the abnormality of this stone tablet because of their accomplishments.

Then there is only one possibility.

They knew that the stone tablet contained a killing machine.

They dare not move.

"Lonely, you do it." Ye Hao said softly.

Ye Hao can't break it.

But it will take a lot of time for Ye Hao to crack.

Lonely nodded and went forward.

In fact, loneliness has been studying this stone tablet secretly before.

Lonely one hand on the stone tablet when a killing opportunity turned into invisible waves, toward the lonely crazy cut away.

However, these murders are still three feet away from loneliness, and they are invisible.

After a few breaths, loneliness pulled out the stone tablet from the soil, "the meaning of Tao in this tablet has not been swallowed up yet."

Ye Hao should say, "at that time, you can still create a demigod, and you will be given the task of choosing."

"With this tablet, there are four steles in yanhuangzong." Cloud Ni dress says with a smile.

"For the time being, this tablet should not be leaked out." Ye Hao thought for a moment and said, "yanhuangzong has three Daobei, which has been coveted by many forces. If this Daobei explodes again, what trouble will happen to it?"

"Then wait until you come back." Kong Ying'er thought it over for a while and then said.

"The strong people in the fairyland don't need to understand the Tao for a hundred years. The three tablets below the fairyland are enough." Tang pianpianpian said softly.

"When we're all in the demigod state, we don't have to hide." Kong Ying'er said leisurely.

There are seven demons on his face.

But it's actually more than that.

Zhuo xing'er and Yulong Gongzi, who followed Ye Hao in the early years, became powerful demons with Ye Hao's help, but they did not show their fighting power.

Kong Ying'er believes that by that time, the whole jiuchongtian will be shocked.

Kong Yinger is looking forward to that day.

Unfortunately, it still needs time.


A month later, Ye Hao rushed toward chaos in the ancient ship of Yuchong.

"Just the two of us?" Yu Chong asked in shock.

"What do you want to express?"

"Yan Huang Zong doesn't worry about the death of your Lord?" Yuchong thinks that Yanhuang sect doesn't take Ye Hao as a child's play?

"Why don't you have a good word in your mouth Ye Hao said speechless."I'm more worried about myself than I am." Yu Chong pointed to his old boat and said, "look what I've become of this old ship? I don't think I can walk back. "

"What are you worried about before the demigod Dharma is burned out?"

"Now there is only one horn left in the demigod's Dharma."

"Make do with it."

"Did you not receive a demigod's decree from your family?"


Yu Chong couldn't help but stare at his eyes, "are you sure?"

"Funny." Ye Hao called out the honorable warship that Ye Hao built himself.

To be exact, this honorable warship is already a king class warship under Ye Hao's transformation.

However, due to the limitation of materials, this warship is only an early King class warship.

But in Yuchong's eyes, it's incredible.

"The warship is a bit luxurious." Yu Chong looked around and was surprised.

"Much better than yours?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"But luxury doesn't do much in battle." Yu Chong thought for a moment and said, "I don't think it's as strong as my class warship." Yuchong's illusion is also due to the fact that the energy guns fired by Ye Hao's warship are in the form of law fragments.

Energy cannons are usually invisible.

Yu Chong's cultivation can't be seen at all.

"Is there a demigod decree?" Yu Chong then asked.

As soon as Ye Hao's mind moved, he took out a piece of his cultivation, which he wrote when he was lowered to the second level and pasted it on the front of the warship.

At the next moment, the warship broke through the chaos and ran wildly ahead.

"I'll go, so fast?" Yu Chong exclaimed.

"My ship's focus is speed." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"But why do I think your warship is more than ten times mine?" Yu Chong said suspiciously.

Ye Hao laughed but said nothing.

The speed of the warship has not been fully opened up to now, otherwise it will not be 20 times the speed of his warship.

"If there was no danger on the way, I would have reached the misty land in less than a year." Yu Chong immediately thought of a problem and said in surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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