
A vast expanse.

Ye Hao stood at the bow of the boat and looked at it for a few days. He felt bored and went back to the cabin to practice.

After returning to the cabin, Yuchong found that the speed of the warship was soaring again on the original basis.

"This - this - this is incredible." Feeling shocked at the same time, Yuchong's heart is increasingly looking forward to it.

He wanted to go back and have a look.

It's just that Yuchong's cultivation is only xianzun realm, which is not even qualified for self-protection. Now with Ye Hao, the immortal king master, it should be no problem to keep a low profile.

As time went by, the warship trembled in the third month, and then the distance ground began to vibrate.

Ye Hao appeared on the deck of the warship in a flash.

"Lightning storm." Yu Chong's eyes showed a look of panic.

Ye Hao looks into the distance.

The scope of lightning storm is very vast, how far does it last?

From time to time, the warship was struck by a thunderbolt. What shocked Ye Hao was that the power of the thunder was extremely strong, and each strike was equivalent to the full blow of a high-level Immortal King.

Ye Hao doesn't care about such a blow.

But what about a hundred, a thousand?

As long as the hand blocks, it will consume the energy in the body, and at the same time it will consume your essence, Qi and spirit.

Therefore, even if Ye Hao's combat power reached the peak of the Immortal King, he could not stay here for a long time.

"Don't worry." Ye Hao said softly.

"Do you know what the range of lightning storms is?" Yu Chong's lips were trembling when he said this, "half of the semi divine Dharma decrees on my ancient ship were consumed in lightning storms." Speaking of this, Yu Chong's eyes showed a bitter color, "and the lightning storm I met even one tenth of this lightning storm has no ah."

Hearing this, Ye Hao finally understands why Yuchong is so desperate?

However, Ye Hao said with a smile, "the demigod Dharma edict on my warship was written by the strong in the second world."

"Second place?" Wen Yan Yu Chong's face was full of amazement, and was immediately replaced by bitterness, "the second state may not be able to pass."

Ye Hao did not say anything, but took out a piece of Rune paper and stuck it on the bow of the warship.

The next moment, Yu Chong found that the speed of the warship soared and turned into a flash of lightning and rushed forward.

"What is this?"

"Speed up symbol paper." Ye Hao rushed out of the warship.

Yu Chong is stunned.

What's the situation?

Why did Ye Hao rush out of the warship?

What Yuchong doesn't know is that after Ye Hao rushed out of the warship, he waved to receive and lead down a series of thunder to refine the thunder beads.

Lightning is also an energy.

In addition to the Wudao tree crossing robbery, Ye Hao has never seen such a powerful thunder.

Therefore, how could Ye Hao miss the opportunity to refine Lei Zhu?

Of course, Ye Hao did not forget to track the warship while refining Lei Zhu.

When the warship rushed out of the lightning storm, Ye Hao's figure also appeared on the warship at the right time.

"Where have you been?" Yuchong rushes to Ye Hao and asks.

"I'm near the warship." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Do you know how dangerous this is?" Yu Chong said speechless.

"Isn't it all right with me?" He said it was ok, but Ye Hao knew that if he didn't have time crystal, he would not have been able to pass through this lightning storm.

Ye Hao recovered several times before coming out of this lightning storm.

Of course, the harvest is huge.

Ye Hao refined hundreds of thunder beads.

any Lei Zhu has extracted the essence of thunder and enhanced it with spells. Ye Hao felt that this pearl struck a strong bastard.

Ye Hao then looked at the edict on the bow.

The decree has burned a quarter.

"Chaos is really not everyone can come at will." Ye Hao said leisurely.

Then Ye Hao went on his way.

In this way, a month later, the warship plunged into a whirlwind.

The wind in the wind whirl is not ordinary wind.

This is the wind of chaos.

The strong people below the level of Immortal King will be blown away.

It's just horrible!

So overbearing!

The warship's propulsion was slow this time.

Even if there is a speed symbol paper, it will not help.

The wind of chaos in all directions tends to shatter warships.

When Yu Chong shudders, Ye Hao rushes into the wind of chaos again.

The wind of chaos is also an energy.

Ye Hao extracted wind energy and refined powerful wind beads.

However, wind beads are not as powerful as thunder beads. However, because the speed of warships is too slow, Ye Hao has time to refine them.Of course, there is an end to manpower.

How long can you refine it, even if you can?

However, don't forget that Ye Hao has hundreds of time crystal stones. The time of these hundreds of time crystals is thousands of years. Even if there is no time crystal, there is also the power of time given by the way of heaven. Now the power of time is as high as 400 years.

Restore your mana and spirit at the same time.

It doesn't take three or five months to get back to the top.

But does Ye Hao care about the time?

The answer is No.

Everything is relative.

For other friars, if they don't spend precious time refining wind beads, they think it's a loss making business.

But according to Ye Hao, it's worth it.

When the warship broke out of the wind, only half of the half divine edict was left.

"It's just half the way." Yu Chong said with a bitter smile.

Ye Hao said carelessly, "the closer you get to the misty land, the safer you will be. You can't fail to understand this truth?"

"But it won't take long to get to the edge of the ethereal continent." Yuchong is not a child anymore. How can Ye Hao's consolation not be heard out?

"Follow me, what are you afraid of?" Ye Hao curled his lips, "and do you have no confidence in me?"

"This is the second time you've done it. I don't know when you've done nothing?" Yu Chong opened his mouth, or the bottom of his heart said.

Hearing this, Ye Hao's face suddenly turned black.

"Sir, how can you talk?"

Are you going to die?

This is going to refine Fengzhu, OK?

At the thought of Feng Zhu, Ye Hao's eyes are full of surprise.

Ye Hao refined more than 300 wind beads this time.

The reason why the quantity is not large is that Ye Hao is purifying.

Ye Hao didn't think the wind beads in the early days of the king level were interesting, so what Ye Hao refined was the wind beads in the middle of the king level.

These Feng Zhu and Lei Zhu Ye Hao can't be used by themselves, but they can be used as the inside story of Yanhuang sect.

"I wonder if there is a sea of fire in chaos?" Ye Hao looked at the distance and whispered.

Yu Chong's mouth couldn't help but draw.

Can you expect something good?

But immediately Yuchong, the whole person was stunned, because the space in front was ignited, and the terrible flame made him unable to open his eyes.

"You crow mouth." Yu Chong can't help but curse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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