"I didn't think about joining the angel clan before, but this time I'm going to join the angel clan." To Ye Hao's surprise, Yuchong said this sentence.

"Are you sure?" Ye Hao said in surprise.

"Only by joining the angel clan can my safety be guaranteed. Only by joining the angel clan can I have time to find my people." Yu Chong said bitterly.

"But do you have a chance to get revenge after joining the angel clan?" Ye Hao asked softly.

"It's hard." Yu Chong pondered for a long time before he said, "but at least it may not be?"

"I advise you to think twice."

"I thought about it a long time ago."

Ye Hao was silent for a moment and asked, "how do you join the angel clan?"

"Just pass the examination of angel clan."

"What are the assessments?"

"The assessment is divided into four categories: martial arts, array, Dan and Qi. Any one of them can join Guangming College as long as they pass the examination."

"Bright college?"

"Guangming academy is a school for angels to train monks of all nationalities."

Yu Chong said, pointing to a college built with white stone in the distance, "see? That's Guangming college. "

Ye Hao looks in the direction Yu Chong points to.

It was a very luxurious looking college. Ye Hao noticed that there was a trace of array at the entrance of the college. Even though the array was hidden under the ground, it was still recognized by Ye Hao at a glance.

"King level peak array." Ye Hao's eyes are fixed.

Even if Ye Hao wants to arrange this array, it will take a lot of time.

From this point of view alone, we can see the strongness of the angel family.

"Let's go in." Yu Chong whispered.

"Well." Ye Hao nods.

Ye Hao and Ye Hao entered Guangming college without any obstacles.

From this point of view, we can see that Guangming college is very confident in itself.

Yuchong and Ye Hao all the way to the assessment site.

But there are tens of thousands of examinees here.

"How long will it take?" Ye Hao looked at the dense monks and said.

"We're going through a special passage." Yu Chong said and pointed to a direction.

But there are hundreds of monks standing in line in the passage that Yuchong points to.

"I'm a Dan master of the second grade." Yu Chong said and showed a sign.

"Honor the second grade?"

"What's your second grade?"

"Line up honestly."

"Do you still want to cut in the queue?"

What Yu Chong didn't expect was that after he showed his identity, the friars in front of him looked down on him one after another.

Yu Chong's face suddenly rose red.

Yuchong knew that if he hadn't wasted more than ten years, he would have been able to step into the third grade with the level of royal family's elixir.

The difference of this realm makes me open with the same level.

Ye Hao patted Yu Chong's shoulder and said, "what's a temporary achievement?"

"The success or failure of a moment is nothing, but do you know the principle of slow step by step?" At this time, a young man in red looked at Ye Hao and sneered.

"Do you have a voice here?" Ye Hao looked at the young man in red.

Ye Hao, a young man in red, saw through his identity at a glance.

Blood clan!

The blood race seems to like to wear red clothes.

"What do you say?" The young man in red strides towards Ye Hao.

When he was three meters away from Ye Hao, Lao Zhang stood in front of Ye Hao, reached out to block the young man in red and said, "back off."

"You say I'll back off, and I'll go back?" The young man in red sneered.

But the next moment, the young man in red let out a mouthful of blood, and the whole man fell powerlessly towards the distance, and fell to the ground with a thump.


"That's the master of the sixth floor of xianzun."

"How dare that Terran fight here?"

"Yes, didn't he know that the city of light forbids any fighting?"

Just as the friars around were discussing, an angel in charge of auditing strode towards Lao Zhang.

The old man's face changed slightly.

"Sir, is there something wrong with wanton action in Guangming college?"

"What would you do if this one provoked you?" Lao Zhang pointed to the Youth Road in red.

The angel was silent for a moment and then said, "if you are provocative, you can tell us the law enforcement team of Guangming academy, but you are not allowed to do it privately." Speaking of this, the angel waved his hand and two soldiers in gold armor appeared beside Lao Zhang.

"Take him."

Lao Zhang glanced at the two generals and said, "the two immortal kings and the fourth floor also want to defeat me?"Lao Zhang said, and he made a move.



The two golden armour soldiers were shot by Lao Zhang before they could make a move.

Under the cultivation of Ye Hao, Lao Zhang can't be invincible at the same level these years, but not everyone can beat him.

The two fairies tried to take Lao Zhang.

It's just death.

Seeing this, the angel said, "dare you resist arrest?"

"Resisting arrest? What do you think your Guangming college is? " Ye Hao sneered.

"Listen to your tone is not my bright Academy in the eye?" Then a blonde girl in a white robe opened a door and came out.

Ye Hao took a look at the blonde girl and said, "what can I look up to in Guangming college?"

"The four major departments of Guangming University, including Wudao, Dandao, Zhendao and Qidao, can rank on the top even in the whole ethereal continent." Said the blonde, not haughtily.

The blonde girl has a good figure.

Tall and straight mountain, how can also have E.

The buttocks are very cocky, sexy and elastic.

Bright red lips, charming and full of temptation.

"Then call out all the masters of your four major departments." Ye Hao looked at the blonde girl provocatively and said, "let me see if you are not worthy of your name?"

"Do you want to challenge our bright college?"

"What's the problem?"

"Not every dog and cat is qualified to challenge our bright academy?"

Ye Hao laughed and asked, "are you -

"I'm Alice, vice president of Guangming college."

"I don't know who is the strongest student in martial arts in your term?"

"Do you really want to challenge?" Alice looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.


"Since you want a challenge, I'll give you a chance." "If you can beat the best student in our school of light, I won't care about the mistakes of your protector," Alice said after a little pondering

"Good." Ye Hao nodded.

Alice put a young blonde here with a wave of her hand.

"Edward, give you a chance to prove yourself." Alice looked at a tall, outstanding middle-aged man and said, "beat him."

Smell speech Edward glanced at Ye Hao one eye, immediately exposed in the eye light disdain, "immortal respect ten layers."

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