The reason why Edward's face showed disdain was that Edward was a genius of the angel family. Even the friars of the same rank in the clan were not his opponents, not to mention Ye Hao, an unknown figure.

"Aren't you the tenth floor of xianzun?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Within the same rank, I am king." Edward said this with great confidence.

Ye Hao's mind moved and a figure appeared around him.

"This is my part." Ye Hao pointed to the figure and said, "if you can insist on three moves in my hands, I will lose."

Hearing Ye Hao's words, almost all the monks felt that Ye Hao was too crazy.

Who is Edward?

The strongest student of this class.

How dare Ye Hao say such a thing?

"No one is allowed to tarnish the reputation of a knight." Speaking of this, Edward's hand appeared a golden sword, the golden sword glittered with pure light. When he cut toward Ye Hao, the air was cut in two.

Ye Hao's parting body went up.

There was no obstruction.

In the eyes of many friars, Ye Hao's separation is to die.

But in Yuchong's heart, this is not the case.

Yuchong knows that Ye Hao has the cultivation of a fairy king.

Then Ye Hao's sub body beat Edward or no problem.

Yuchong is curious why Alice doesn't see through Ye Hao's accomplishments?

Does Ye Hao have a magic weapon that can cover his accomplishments?

It must be.

Yuchong never thought that Ye Hao's accomplishments were better than Alice's.

You know, ten years ago, Alice's accomplishments made her way to the tenth floor of the fairy king, which made Alice firmly occupy the third place in the Phoenix list of the ethereal continent.

At the moment that Edward's sword intention was about to be cut into Ye Hao's body, Ye Hao's body exploded a blow.

This fist instantly shattered Edward's sword meaning, and the broken sword meaning turned into the fist meaning all over the sky, mercilessly bombarded Edward who couldn't dodge.

Edward staggered back more than ten steps, just stopped after a mouthful of blood can no longer bear to spray out.

He looked at Ye Hao, his eyes full of shock.

"How can you be so powerful?"

Ye Hao looked at Edward with disdain and said, "this is the strongest young student of Guangming college?"

Edward heard Ye Hao say so, his face rose to pig liver color.

Alice's pretty face was gloomy, too.

"It's nothing to be complacent about some achievements in martial arts."

Ye Hao said with a smile, "who told you that I just made some achievements in martial arts?"

"That's better than Dandao."

"Come on." Ye Hao shrugged.

Soon a young man in a Dan robe came up.

"I'm the top ten grade Dan master of Dandao department." As soon as the young man said this, he was interrupted by Ye Hao, "I'm not interested in hearing who you are? I'm here to challenge your bright college. "

"You." The wooden guard of the elf clan points to Ye Hao angrily.

Ye Hao's tone clearly does not put himself in the eye.

To know their own level of Dan, the whole ethereal continent can be sent on the number of ah.

Of course, this refers to the younger generation.

"Tell me about the challenge?" Ye Hao ignores the anger of wooden guard.

"Since it's you who challenge me at Guangming college, we should set the questions according to the rules." Callisto calmed down and said, "but for the sake of fairness, you can work out a question."

Ye Hao pondered for a while and then said, "just now you said that you are a ten grade noble Dan master, then refine nine grade Zun level advanced level Dan?"

"Yes." Wooden guard nodded.

This kind of elixir Callisto is not refined once or twice.

"Who will provide the medicine?" Ye Hao continued.

"You can provide them yourself, or you can buy them from the college." 'said Alice softly.

"Then buy from your college?" Ye Hao said casually.

"I also buy Herbs from colleges." Callisto thought for a moment and said.

Soon, a Dan master brought two pieces of medicinal materials.

"You two check to see what's wrong with it?" Alice looked at Ye Hao.

Of course, there is no problem with the medicine provided by the college.

Alice didn't care to play tricks on it.

Ye Hao checked and said, "there is a problem."

Ye Hao's words caused an uproar.

"What's wrong with the medicine?"

"How could that be possible?"

"How could Dean Alice do something about medicinal materials?"

"This guy is framing?" The students of Guangming college got angry one by one.

Alice stretched out her hand and pressed down. After the sound of the whole audience calmed down, Alice looked at Ye Hao and said, "what's wrong with the medicine?""What's wrong with Dan Fang?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"I don't understand you." Alice frowned.

"Hypericum, haiyanchao, these two main medicines can be replaced by two auxiliary drugs." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Are you sure?" Alice looked at Ye Hao suspiciously and said, "do you know that the Dan Fang of Jiupin Zun advanced Dan is the crystallization of many Dan masters. The current Dan Fang is the most economical and also the best effect."

"Do you want to make a bet?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Bet on what?" Although she thought Ye Hao was cheating, Alice couldn't help asking.

"I replace these two precious main medicines with two relatively cheap adjuvants. If I succeed in refining, you can do one thing for me." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"But only if it doesn't go against my heart." Alice said, after a moment's silence.

Alice agreed to see if Ye Hao could succeed?

If it can succeed, it will be a pioneering work in the field of Dan Dao.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded.

The reason why Ye Hao is so cheerful is that Ye Hao knows that there is such an existence as Alice, as long as he agrees, he will do it.

"What if you can't?" Alice immediately thought of a question.

"You have to have a standard if you can't do it?" Ye Hao thinks that some things need to be asked clearly.

"As long as your new pill is better than muwei's, even if you win."


"Promise me something if you can't do it."


"Now can you tell me which two kinds of herbs have you used to replace Hypericum and petrel nest?"

Ye Hao took out Bluestar grass and dandelion from the Treasury.

"Bluestar and dandelion?" Alice said with a start.

These two kinds of medicinal materials can no longer be said to be cheap.

It's almost everywhere.

"Can we start refining now?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Yes." Alice said, suppressing her shock.

Ye Hao reached out and called out a furnace, and then a ray of fire burned under the stove.

A breath of time did not come, the ray of Dan fire into a burning fire.

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