All the monks were shocked.

Because alchemy is not so refined.

Dan has to heat up little by little. The reasons for this are: one is to make the array in the furnace recover gradually; the other is that the melting point of each herb is different. You have to control the temperature to make each medicine melt separately.

Ye Hao raised the temperature of the furnace once and for all. How can he melt the medicinal materials later?

While discussing whether Ye Hao could make alchemy, the monks on the spot saw that Ye Hao put dozens of medicinal materials into the furnace at one time.

"This - this is alchemy?"

"How do I think this one is funny?"

"It's all nonsense. It's a waste of medicine."

"You don't have to worry about it if you have to pay for it."

Alice saw that Ye Hao's Alchemy process was not good.

Is it alchemy?

Alice would like to ask, too.

However, considering that it was not appropriate to ask a question at this time, Alice put it down for the time being.

Alice turned to look at the wooden guard.

Muwei is worthy of being the Chief Dan master of Dandao department.

It seems to be a kind of enjoyment of beauty.

If we say that the only one who values Ye Hao's alchemy is Yuchong.

Yuchong knows some of Ye Hao's strengths.

Since you have the cultivation of the fairyland, how bad can you be?

After a few breaths, Yu Chong's eyes showed a shock color.

What did Yuchong see?

Yuchong saw dozens of medicinal materials melt under the control of Ye Hao.

These herbs are independent of each other and are not affected by temperature and each other. What's more, the melting speed of these herbs is synchronous.

This requires high alchemy skills and a strong mind.

What's more, when Ye Hao smelt these medicinal materials, he also put many Dan charms on them.

These charms are integrated into these herbs one by one.

Alice gave Yu Chong a casual look, and then Alice was stunned.

What's the situation?

Why is Yuchong so stunned.

Holding such doubts, Alice looks at Ye Hao in alchemy.

When Alice's mind peeped into Ye Hao's Alchemy, her face showed a look of seeing a ghost.

"How could it be?"

Alice's voice dropped, and the friars in the field looked at Ye Hao one after another.

Soon they had the same look on their faces as Alice.

"Melting dozens of medicinal materials at the same time."

"At the same time, the melting progress of each herb is accurately controlled."

"How confident is it that you can do it?"

"I want to know at the same time into these herbs into the rune, do not worry about mistakes?"

No one answered their questions.

Time passed quietly like an hourglass.

About a quarter of an hour later, more than 30 kinds of medicinal materials were melted. At this time, dozens of medicinal materials rushed towards the middle under the control of Ye Hao.


All the monks in the hall had big mouths.

What is Ye Hao doing?

The integration of medicinal materials can be related to the formation of Dan.

Therefore, this step can not be too careful.

But what is Ye Hao doing now?

But soon the friars found that there was a certain order in which the herbs collided.

It's just that the time interval is very short.

"In such a short period of time, dozens of medicinal herbs are fused together, and at the same time, the script of Dan Dao is also used. This is walking steel wire on the cliff. How dare you do that? "

"Isn't he worried about failure?"

"Who dares to do so without certain confidence? I have a vague feeling that this one is likely to succeed. "

"Although I know I shouldn't have such an idea, I think this one can succeed."

When the juice of the medicinal materials is fused together, Ye Hao seals the cauldron, and then he uses a small fire to raise the fused elixir.

Ganymede's look was a little nervous.

During Ye Hao's refining, a wisp of mind of Ganwei was always watching.

It seems rough for Ye Hao to refine the elixir, but Ganwei knows that if there is a mistake, Ye Hao may give up all his efforts.

I just don't know if Ye Hao can refine Jiupin Zun level advanced Dan?

There was a little uneasiness in his heart.

It's a battle of honor.

If you win, it's nothing, but if you lose, it's a pit.

Ganymede knew that his mentality was wrong, so it took several minutes for Ganymede to be refined.And just as the Callisto was about to merge, he heard Ye Hao clapping the stove, and the next moment he saw the nine elixirs rushing out of the stove.

Ganwei looked at the nine elixirs.

There are no patterns on the nine elixirs.

It's a relief to see the Ganymede.

No pattern is not the best elixir, so you have the possibility of winning.

But at this time, the wooden guard heard the sound of exclamation.

"How could it be?"

"There are red clouds in the air."

"The best Dan."

"Can such a fierce refining technique still refine the elixir?"

At this moment, not to mention the astonishment of the friars present, even Alice's face was full of surprise.

Although it is said that rare elixir will explode from time to time, the probability of this kind of explosion is not very high.

It's about chance, OK?

Moreover, generally speaking, it is high-level alchemists refining low-level elixir to break out the top-notch elixir.


What kind of alchemy is Ye Hao?

Alice suddenly found out that she didn't know?

Alice can't ask that, either!

I have invited the Chief Dan teacher of this Dan department.

As the cloud dissipated, the nine elixirs fell slowly.

"Am I hallucinating? Why do I see clouds on all the nine pills? "

"Nine unique pills, are you sure they're not teasing me?"

"Although it is said that the top-notch pills will come out from time to time, nine unique pills can be produced in one furnace. I'm afraid this kind of thing will not happen once in ten years?"

"Is this the top talent of alchemy?"

"Does this question need to be questioned now?"

Alice looked at Ye Hao's eyes and became bright when the monks in the hall were discussing fiercely.

When Ganwei sees Ye Hao refining nine rare pills, he knows that he is defeated.

But Ganymede kept on refining.

The result of refining is a top-notch pill, three first-class pills and five second-class pills.

"I lost." The wooden guard looked at Ye Hao and sighed.

Ye Hao shrugged his shoulders and didn't care.

Need to care?

Is Ye Hao the king level elitist?

The reason why the competition with Ganymede is just to attract the attention of the big forces in the ethereal continent.

Ye Hao believes that many forces will come after this incident spreads.

This is what Ye Hao wants.

You know, ye haolai's misty land is a resource snatcher.

"Call out the most powerful members of your current battle line." Ye Hao looked at Alice and said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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