"Is learning enough?"


Yuchong still shook his head.

If learning is useful, the ancestors of the family should have learned a lot.

"Follow me." Ye Hao stands up.

Smell speech Yu Chong hastily stood up.

Push open the gate of the courtyard to see Han Chuyi waiting.

"Miss Han." Ye Hao said hello.

"Mr. Ye." Han Chuyi squeezed out a faint smile on her face.

"Are they all here?"

"Here we are."

"Let's go."

Just as Ye Hao and Han Chuyi walk towards the gate, Yu Chong sends a voice and asks, "brother ye, why do I think Miss Han's smile is so reluctant?"

"Why don't you ask?" Ye Hao asked.

"Shouldn't you ask such a thing?" Yu Chong chuckles.

"Why should I ask?"

"This month, the master of the Han family has revealed several times that he wants to marry Miss Han to you." Yu Chong winked at Ye Hao and said, "Miss Han is the 18th on the Phoenix list. It's not bad to marry her."

"How do you know I'm not guilty?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Miss Han is beautiful, but her martial arts cultivation is not weak. In the future, she will be able to climb the semi divine realm."

"Well said, why don't you marry?"

"Brother ye, don't make a fuss. Miss Han and I are of the same generation in name, but in fact we are hundreds of years behind each other."

Yuchong still has a word to say. Yuchong is still only immortal now, but Han Chuyi is already a fairy king, and is still a master in the fairy king.

What's the identity of Han Chuyi? Is it what you can match now?

"Practice well, and don't deal with it." Ye Hao knocked Yu Chong's head and said with a smile.

After Ye Hao appeared in Han's herbal medicine shop, he saw thousands of fairy kings.

These fairies are almost all masters of the major forces.

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye." The leaders of these forces greet Ye Hao one after another.

Ye Hao looked around and nodded.

"It's the same as before today." Ye Hao said softly, "but the Brad family of the blood clan and the Gorin family of the mechanical clan will not be eligible to buy the elixir I refined."

"Mr. Ye, what do you mean?" As soon as Ye Hao's voice fell, the head of the Brad family asked.

"On the night after Brad bought the elixir, you provided the Edwards with 680 million worth of herbs." Ye Hao said lightly, "in order to hide people's eyes, your Brad family used a hidden chess piece to trade. Don't know if I'm right?"

As soon as Ye Hao's voice fell, the head of the Brad family's face changed. "How can you know this?"

It's a top secret even in the Brad family.

"It doesn't matter how I know. What matters is that you break your promise." Ye Hao looked at the head of the Brad family. "You Brad family is waiting for revenge."

"Mr. Ye, this is a misunderstanding." The head of the Brad family is busy.

At this time, a blood stained figure tore up the space and appeared next to patriarch Brad, saying, "patriarch, something happened."

Patriarch Brad's face changed wildly. "What's the matter?"

"A group of killers in black broke into our Brad family headquarters. These killers killed anyone they saw. I tried my best to escape." The monk's eyes were full of pain.

"What?" The head of the Brad family's eyes turned red.

"Mr. Ye." Several figures with masks appeared in the air, led by an old man with white hair and beard. He carried a head in his hand. "This is the head of the Brad family."

"I want more than just Brad's head?" Facing the old man, Ye Hao said faintly.

"We've killed the Brad family headquarters from top to bottom by our secret alliance killers." The old man looked at Ye Hao and said, "at the same time, the people of the Brad family in the western regions have also been ambushed. Of course, there must be some demons in the Brad family, but that will not hurt."

Speaking of this, the old man said for a moment, "as for the escaped one, I put it on purpose. I just want to see who else is in the Brad family? I didn't expect there was only one patriarch. "

"Hidden alliance?"

"The legendary ancient killer organization?"

"Isn't this organization long gone?"

"The energy in this old man is so vast that it seems to be the peak of the Immortal King."

"Those middle-aged people are also the existence of high-level fairy king."

"This is a great event that shakes the ethereal continent."

The head of the Brad family pointed to the old man bitterly and said, "I'll tear you to pieces."The head of the Brad family was slapped unconscious by the old man before he could do anything about it.

This scene made all the friars in the audience in an uproar.

The head of the Brad family is a fairy king.

You shouldn't have been knocked out by a slap.

But in fact, he was knocked out.

How cruel and cruel the other side should be?

Then the old man crushed the head of the Brad family to pieces.

But the whole sky of flesh and blood was collected by the old man.

Seeing this scene, all the monks were silent.

Who would have thought that the Brad family would end up like this.

Thinking of this, they looked at Ye Hao, who was smiling.

Before they did not take Ye Hao's words to heart, but now they know how terrible this is?

The old man killed the monk of the Brad family.

At this time, the head of the goring family kept retreating. After finding the right time to tear the space, he wanted to escape. But at the moment of tearing the space, a pair of big feet kicked him back. Then an old man came out with a head in his hand.

"Grandfather." Exclaimed the patriarch of the goring family.

"The headquarters of the goring family and the disciples from all branches were killed." The old man also wore a mask on his face, but his breath was very gloomy.

At this point, he raised his hand and shot down the goring clan leader.

"You can pay now."

Ye Hao threw the old man a bag of heaven and earth.

The friars in the field immediately looked at the bag of heaven and earth.

The mind swept and exclaimed one by one.

"Six billion."

"Why do you have to pay so much?"

"These are two five level families. The price of 6 billion is not high."

"Isn't the hidden alliance worried about causing public anger when it does this?" During the discussion among the monks, the first old man who arrived at the meeting glanced around and said, "because this is the first business of the hidden alliance, the price is half price this time. In the future, those who want to do business with the hidden alliance will have to follow the normal price. "

"Hidden alliance, you should not kill people in Guangming city." At this time, an old man came out from the direction of Guangming college.

Seeing the old man appear, people know that the main play is coming.

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