Because the old man was Edmund of the College of light.

Fighting is forbidden in Guangming city.

Not to mention killing people in full view.

Now the killers of the hidden alliance have killed people in Guangming city. If Guangming college doesn't do anything, the reputation of the angels will be severely damaged.

"But now the people have been killed." At the moment of Edmund's appearance, a figure came out of nothingness, from which surged waves like waves. The mighty power made the monks of Guangming city look shocked.

"Such fluctuations?"

"Are these fluctuations the existence of a third state?"

"How can the existence of the third state be so strong?"

At this moment, not only the friars of the city of light were shocked, but even Edmund himself was stunned.

Can the third state be stronger than this?

Did Edmund know that even the archangel patriarch was not so strong?

Is this a genius of level 9?

Will you be able to step into the realm of God in the future?

It's not good to think of Edmund as a whole.

What Edmund didn't know was that the figure standing opposite him at this time was also very uneasy.

"Do you have a damn thing to say?" Dinghai needle heart secret way.

That's right!

This is no one else.

It's the sea god needle.

Ye Hao went to the misty land and left loneliness, yunnishang and old yellow cattle.

As for the reason why they bring the sea god needle?

Because Dinghai needle has no discipline.

Ye haolai's misty land is here to seize resources.

This kind of work is most suitable for Dinghai needle.

The cultivation of Dinghai needle is a second level. Shouldn't there be such a strong fluctuation?

It will be mentioned here that Ye Hao got a lot of light from nature.

One of them is to simulate the fluctuations of the strong.

Ye Hao gave Dinghai needle this creation, and let Dinghai needle dress up as a Super Master of the third realm, in order to deceive Edmund.

This nature is not unlimited.

The first limit is that you can only simulate a master within three realms that are better than yourself. The second limit is that this nature can only be used three times. After three times, it will be invalid.

But fake is fake after all.

If Edmund tried, the pin would have been exposed.

This is the reason why Dinghai needle feels uneasy.

Ding Haizhen doesn't worry about falling down. He worries about affecting Ye Hao's plan.

Yinmeng is an ancient killer organization that Ye Hao heard about.

But the group is said to have been absent for a long time.

Ye Hao thinks that the organization may have disappeared.

Therefore, Ye Hao used the name of this organization to gain a firm foothold in the misty continent.

And if you want to stand firm, you have to show your muscles.

Otherwise, it may be stillborn!

"Are you going to war with my angels?" Said Edmund, after a pause.

Edmund is now in a dilemma.

At this time, we can't help but express our attitude.

"If there's a war, go to war." Edmund couldn't get away from the tiger, so was the Dinghai needle?

With a wave of Edmund's hand, one king after another appeared in the air.

In just a few breaths, there were more than 300 fairies.

"So many fairies?"

"More than three hundred fairies."

"Has the hidden alliance become so strong?"

"One third of these fairies have set foot on the fairy king high rank, one-third have stepped on the Xianwang middle rank, and one-third have stepped on the Xianwang high-level. My God, even the top of the fairy king has nine statues."

When so many fairies appeared in the air, Edmund asked darkly, "are you demonstrating?"

"I know you have thousands of angels." Dinghai needle said faintly, "but what I want to tell you is that these are only part of our hidden alliance masters. Our total alliance's Immortal King masters have reached thousands." After a pause, he said, "these fairies are not rivals of your angel clan, but you should know what our hidden alliance is good at."

"Our hidden alliance has the strength to destroy your angel family." Dinghai needle said here and looked at Edmund and said, "I don't know if you angel clan can maintain the identity of the top ten families at that time?"

Hearing this, Edmund was silent. After a moment, he looked at Dinghai needle and said, "what do you want to say?"

"We will open our doors to do business in the future, and we will inevitably kill people in the territory of your angel clan." Dinghai needle said faintly, "I hope you angel family don't stop us."

"Are you asking?"

"You can understand that." Dinghai needle said faintly, "in return, if a customer assassinates your angel family at high price, unless the other party is extremely guilty, we will not accept his order.""I can't do it." Said Edmund, after a pause.

"Then you angels will study it well." Dinghai needle said calmly, "of course, if you angel family want to fight, we will always be with you." With this sentence, Dinghai needle went to the distance.

"This elder." At this time, a figure called out.

Dinghai needle turned to see a figure in a red robe.

Who is this figure not Edward John?

"I want to know if the agreement between you and Ye Hao is terminated?" Edward John felt that it was necessary to clarify the matter.


"Can we have the Edward family ask you to kill people?"


"How to contact?"

"Our secret alliance will announce our location soon. Then you can go to the camp and contact our people." With this sentence, Ding Haizhen no longer hesitated to leave.

After Ding Hai needle left for a while, Edward John looked at Ye Hao.

"Ye Hao, do you remember me?"

Ye Hao jokingly looked at Edward - John and said, "is this coming to see off the head again?"

Edward John's face sank.

Ye Hao, which pot is not open?

"Ye Hao, is Yuchong here with you?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Hand over Yuchong."

"Who do you think you are?"

"You will regret it."

"Then you make me regret it." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"I'll introduce you to someone." Edward John clapped his hand and a middle-aged man stepped out.

"Ye Hao, this is Edward Jeter, the king level middle class Dan Shi." Han Chuyi said with a worried face, "fifty years ago, this was the fourth grade Dan king. I don't know if it's five grades now? You must not accept his challenge. "

"You are wrong. It's not Edward Jeter who challenges Ye Hao, but Ye Hao who wants to challenge Edward Jeter." Let Han Chuyi did not expect is Edward - John said this sentence.

"Do you think it's possible?" Han Chuyi said speechless.

Ye Hao will challenge a king level Dan king unless his head is pulled out?

"Why not?" Edward John clapped his hands. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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