With the voice of Edward John, a ragged middle-aged man was escorted out of the dark by two blood brothers.

After seeing this figure, lurking in the dark Yu Chong ground rushed out.

"Third uncle." Yu Chong cried with red eyes.

Smell speech imperial peak suddenly raised the eye son, when see who is, the eye showed the excited color.

"Chong'er." Yufeng didn't expect Yuchong to escape.

"Brother ye, please help my third uncle." Yu Chong looks at Ye Hao and says.

Ye Hao gave Yu Chong a slightly calm look, then calmly looked at Edward - John and said, "what do you want to do?"

"If you challenge Edward Jeter and I'll give him back to you?" Edward John said with a smile.

"If I fail in the contest, what's the point of handing him over to me?" Ye Hao said faintly.

"But if you don't, I'll kill him." Said Edward John in a deep voice.

"You dare not kill people in Guangming city." Ye Hao said lightly.

"I don't have to be in bright city if I want to kill him." Edward John stares at Ye Hao and sneers.

Ye Hao was silent for a while and then said, "I can challenge Edward Jeter, but you have to release all the members of the royal family."

"No way." Edward - John just said here, saw Ye Hao's hands appeared a jade letter of communication.

"When the Goering family broke their promise, I searched all over the world for killer organizations. Under the wrong circumstances, I saved an elder of the hidden alliance, and the elder gave me three summoning jade runes." Ye Hao said faintly, "I have already used the first jade Rune of communication. This is the second jade Rune in my hand. I wonder if you Edward family can resist the hidden alliance?"

"Who are you lying to?" Edward John's face changed.

"You can bet if you don't believe it?" Ye Hao looked at Edward John and said with a smile.

Edward John's face became dignified.

Is Edward John going to bet on that?

It's OK to say if you win the bet, but if you lose, the Edwards family may be destroyed.

"We Edwards will release the royal family." At this time, a middle-aged man with a three point resemblance to Edward John strode forward.

Ye Hao looked at this middle-aged man and knew his identity.

Edward Jardon, head of the Edwards family.

Ye Hao looked at Lao Zhang beside him, "you go with the friars of the Edward family."

Lao Zhang nodded.

"Brother ye, I want to go, too." Yu Chong pondered for a while and also said.

"Well, go ahead." Ye Hao responded.

In Lao Zhang, Yuchong with Edward Jesse is about to leave when Ye Hao's voice rings in the audience.

"I don't know if you Edwards are going to make some small moves secretly, but what I want to advise you is that if you do, the results will not be able to bear."

Edward Jesse's whole body trembled.

Because just now Edward - Jiedong secretly instructed to intercept a group of royal children.

As Edward Jesse hesitated, his voice rang in his ears.

"All the Royal Children in the cell are released, but those who are prostitutes do not have to be released."

Edward Jesse nodded imperceptibly.


Royal family!


Looking at dozens of unkempt Yu family disciples, Yu Chong's tears in his eyes can't be restrained.

"Fourth uncle."

"Elder Zhang."

"Elder sun."

"Eight grandfather."

Yu Chong called out to these people one by one.

Hearing this group of people in Yuchong's family, there is gradually some color in Yuchong's eyes.


"It's Yuchong."

"Yuchong, how did you come here?"

After recognizing Yuchong, the people of the royal family rushed to Yuchong's side one by one.

"I'm here to get you out of here." Yu Chong's words immediately startled the people around him.

"How could it be?"

"Are these people in the royal family?" Yu Chong is looking at Edward - Jesse way.

"That's all." Said Edward Jesse lightly.

"Maybe you think my childe is alarmist, but I still want to advise you that if you have a royal family member in your Edwards family, your Edward family will bear unbearable revenge." Jessie said quietly, looking at Edward.

There was a moment's hesitation in Edward Jesse's eyes, but then he said solemnly, "do you think I'm lying to you?"

"Finally, are you sure?" Lao Zhang said in a deep voice.I don't know why Edward Jesse had a bad feeling in his heart.

But Edward Jesse gritted his teeth and said, "no more."

Lao Zhang took a deep look at Edward Jesse, and immediately looked at Yu Chong and said, "let's go."

"Sir, there must be members of our royal family in the Edwards family." Yu Chong said with red eyes.

"No harm." Lao Zhang said faintly, "young master, everything is in control."

"But." What Yuchong wants to say is stopped by an old man, "Chong'er, listen to childe Ye."

Yuchong met the eyes of eight grandfather, eight grandfather Yuyuan gave him a look.

"You don't seem to know where this is?" Yu Yuan preached.

Yuchong opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

What is this place?

Edward family headquarters?

I'm not looking for death. What is it?

"Let's go." Lao Zhang said.

Yu Chong saw Yu Yuan and others did not move and asked, "eight grandfather, what's the matter?"

"Our accomplishments have been abandoned, and now we are powerless to fly." When you say this, you will feel sad.

Can you not be sad?

Once the existence of the fairy king of high rank.

Now I don't even have the ability to fly.

Yu Chong's whole body trembled, and his eyes immediately showed ferocious killing intention.

"Chong'er." Yu Yuan exclaimed.

Yu Chong this just in the eyes of the intention of killing convergence.

"I'll take you." Yu Chong whispered.

"I'll do it." Lao Zhang said lightly, "don't waste time."

"Please, master." Yu Chong said in a hurry.

After the party left the Edwards family, Lao Zhang tore the space through a passage.

The party went in and disappeared.

Han family medicine company.

"Mr. Ye, how can you be so reckless?" Han Zhongguo advised, "Edward Jeter's cultivation of Dandao may have reached King level five. If you challenge him, he can ask for refining five grade Wang Dan."

"The husband has something to do, something not to do." Ye Hao said boldly, "I can't watch the people of the imperial family in prison without asking questions."

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