When Ye Hao learned that the ancestor of the demon clan helped the Terran people with gods and decrees, he thought that the demon clan was really righteous. However, after the purple emperor told Ye Hao that the demon ancestor had asked for one third of the resources of Shengde academy, Ye Hao realized that there was never love for no reason in the world.

This is why Ye Hao didn't keep his hand on the demon clan.

Ethnic disputes are about life and death.

Teng Yun opened his mouth in amazement, the inside story he heard for the first time.

He doesn't think Ye Hao is deceiving him, because there is no need, isn't it?

"You don't have to worry about loneliness. I will not let go of any monks who come here today." Ye Hao said here, he took up his sword and cut off Teng Yun's head. Then Ye Hao's eyes fell on Xingwen and others. "Ye Hao, do you know that in this way, your people will become the target of public criticism."

"Since I dare to do so, I am ready to be the enemy of the whole world." Ye Hao sneered, "then I would like to see which clan does not obey the rules and jump out?"

Ye Hao's words are arrogant.

However, Ye Hao is not wrong, because the killing in the forbidden area is not allowed to retaliate.

It's a convention.

In fact, no one has broken the rule these years.

Of course, there is no one like Ye Hao in these years, whether it is the strong or the weak!

Who won't give face?

When Ye Hao killed Xingwen, he rushed forward.

Tens of thousands of friars all fled in desperation.

Who dares to love war?

Lei Luan is a master of leilong clan.

This is also one of the advocates.

He did not escape with Teng Yun, because he knew Teng Yun would be targeted.

Fortunately, he was right.

Seeing the distance from the first array getting closer and closer, leiluan's eyes showed a color of joy.

"Open the array quickly."

When Lei Luan roared out this sentence, all the 3000 monks stationed in the array were stunned.

What's the situation?

There were 100000 generals and soldiers in this expedition against Ye Hao.

In order to prevent Ye Hao's conflict and encirclement, they set up three defense lines, each with 3000 monks stationed.

And Lei Luan is in front of the first line of defense.

Leiluan is very clear about how much manpower and material resources have been put into this defense line, even the strong in the first situation can not be broken in a short time.

The three thousand generals and men looked at a young man one after another.

Angelic Dani Jolie.

Dany Zhu was waiting to say what he saw in the distance a line of panic to escape the figure.

"What happened?" Denny Zhu Li said in his heart.

"Ye Hao used the semi divine array to kill most of the soldiers. Now, less than one third of the monks survived." Leiluan busy road.

"What?" Denny Jolie's face changed.

"Open the array quickly."

"You want us to die here."

"Ye Hao is catching up."

There was hesitation in Denny Jolie's eyes.

"Can't open the array." At this time, a woman standing next to Dany Jolie said in a deep voice.


"Once the array is opened, it's impossible to close it. What if Ye Hao enters along the entrance?"

"Larry Issa said it right, and I don't think we can open the formation." A very handsome young man echoed.

"Don't you have a pain in your back when you're standing and talking?" A demon youth wearing armor said coldly.

"Today, the formation of my blood clan has been set. If anyone stops it, you can ask my axe?" A young man of blood race with an axe looked at Dany Zhu Li's bad expression.

Denny Zhu Liping recovered and said, "ninety thousand soldiers can't stop Ye Hao alone. The only thing we can rely on is this array. If Ye Hao breaks through this defense line, do you think we can kill 3000 people?"

"At present, we can only resist Ye Hao if we unite as one." Looking at the blood group youth, Larry Issa solemnly said, "and I don't believe that ninety thousand generals and soldiers are not Ye Hao's opponents. You should know that any array has its limit. Can Ye Hao arrange the array to bury 90000 soldiers? In my opinion, they must have messed up. "

"When they retreat under the line of defense and reorganize the battle, they may not be able to stop Ye Hao." The handsome Angel youth said in a deep voice.

"What if it can't be stopped?"

"I've informed Jadi Tyrannosaurus." "As soon as Jadi Tyrannosaurus comes along, the farce will be over," said Denny Jolie slowly

"Are you so confident in Jadi Tyrannosaurus?" The demon youth asked in disbelief.

"Jadi Tyrannosaurus has reached the twelfth floor of the fairy king." Dany Julie took a look at the demon youth."The twelfth floor of the fairy king?" The demon youth exclaimed.

At present, there are not many monks who have set foot on the 11th floor of the fairy king.

Not to mention stepping on the twelfth floor of the fairy king.

"And Jadi Tyrannosaurus is still a level 10 genius." Denny Jolie then came up with another piece of news.

All the monks around were shocked.

Isn't the level 10 genius on the twelfth floor of the fairy king have the fighting power of the second level now?

If we let this kind of existence grow up, wouldn't we want to become a God in the world?

At this time, there was a scream in the distance. Denny Zhuli and others could not help but look into the distance. They immediately saw more than 20 powerful figures shuttling among tens of thousands of fugitive monks. Each shuttle would take several to dozens of lives.

"When did the Terran have so many masters?"

"It seems that the fighting power of those statues has reached the first level?"

"Is that figure like a God and a demon, Ye Hao? Why do I think Ye Hao's fighting power is better than the first level? "

"Beyond the first level? How could it be? "

"Absolutely beyond the first level, did not see even dozens of experts besieged him, Ye Hao can easily break through?"

"Second place? Is Ye Hao also a level 10 genius? "

All the friars in the line were startled.

No one thought Ye Hao was a level 10 genius?

The tens of thousands of friars fled to the defense line and saw that the entrance was not opened. Instead, he did not fight against Ye Hao, but attacked the defense line.

"What do you do?" Denny Jolie yelled.

"You want us to be a shield, there is no door."

"Either you open the line or you all die together."

"If you want me to be the back bearer, don't even think about it." These friars managed to escape here, but found that the entrance of the front was still closed. How could they not know the thoughts of Denny and others?

It's not that they didn't want to fight against Ye Hao.

The problem is that we can't beat it at all.

Ye Hao's nine spirits, nine spirits and nine soldiers can easily break through the defense lines they set up, and once their lines of defense are broken, they will be slaughtered unilaterally.

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