At the beginning of the escape, the number was nearly 20000.

But now the number is less than 10000.


How to play?

The only way to survive is to break the line.

As a result, more and more friars who realized this joined the attack of the defense line.

This makes Ye Hao feel confused.

Because Ye Hao found that some friars only wanted to attack the city wall, and even did not defend the defense they should have.

Give him the back!

Ye Hao would like to ask if this is suitable?

However, Ye Hao will not be embarrassed at all, so Ye Hao is like chopping vegetables one by one.

"Stop it." At this time, a thunder like voice sounded in the air, and a figure filled with the brilliance of the God of heaven came.

His long golden hair was shining, and his white wings were flapping gently.

His body was filled with a wave of terror, which shocked the monks.

"Ye Hao, do you dare to kill my angel family?"

Ye Hao took a look at the figure, then looked at the Phoebe and said, "who is this silly bird?"

Silly bird?

All the monks in the hall were stunned.

Does Ye Hao know what he is talking about?

Silly bird!

Who dares to say that about the angels of the whole ethereal continent?

The answer is no one dares.

However, Ye Hao is now calling out Jadi Tyrannosaurus, a ten level genius of the angel clan, in full view of the public.

What is this?

This is provocation!

Ye Hao is provoking the whole family of angels.

"No one can save you from heaven and earth." Jadi Tyrannosaurus Rex looked at Ye Hao and said word by word.

"It's like you've got it. Yes." Ye Hao curled his lips.

"I judge you on behalf of the light." Jadi Tyrannosaurus Rex drew out his sword and pointed to Ye Hao.

"Get out of here." Ye Hao had a quick drink.

As soon as Jadi Tyrannosaurus rex was about to say something, he was horrified to find a terrible force upon him.

Jadi Tyrannosaurus instinctively resisted.

At the moment of resistance, Jadi Tyrannosaurus regained part of his ability to move, but at this time, a mysterious force wrapped him all over his body, and then dragged him to Ye Hao like a dead dog.

"You." Jadi Tyrannosaurus thundered.

Jadi Tyrannosaurus is the future son of the angels.

The whole family of angels has tried their best to cultivate their existence.

But now it's like a dead dog in the water.

Ye Hao stepped on the chest of Judy Tyrannosaurus Rex. With a click, three pieces of his sternum were broken. However, Jadi Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't care about the pain of his body. His eyes became red. "Ye Hao, how dare you insult me?"

Ye Hao laughs and takes back his big feet. Then he steps on his elixir field with great force. Jadi Tyrannosaurus screams and his whole body trembles.

"Ye Hao, do you know what you are doing?"

Ye Hao said faintly, "I know what I'm doing."

"Are you not afraid to start a war between the two races?"

"It doesn't matter." Ye Hao said indifferently, "if you angel family is honest and honest, if you angel family old guys dare to jump out, I don't mind to help the people report 300 years of shame."

Outside the forbidden area!

Edmund looked at the purple emperor with dignity and said, "Purple emperor, are you sure you want to start a war between the two races?"

"Ye Hao is only a special tutor of St. Peters college." Purple emperor said lightly, "I have no right to stop him from making any decision."

"So you mean we can deal with Ye Hao at will?" Edmund knew that the purple emperor was pushing away, so he roared angrily.

"Yes." Purple emperor nodded.

Ye Hao said that he had the means of divine realm, so let Ye Hao attract fire.

"That's what you said." Edmund did not expect the purple emperor to say so.

"Yes." Purple emperor nodded his head and said, "you can do whatever you want."

The purple emperor's words made the high-level people of all ethnic groups stunned.

The existence of the level of Jadi Tyrannosaurus Rex is not enough in front of Ye Hao. Ye Hao is likely to be a peerless genius beyond level 10. Such existence can sweep all parties as long as he steps into the third level.

Shouldn't St. Peters college protect it desperately?

Why push it out?

It doesn't make sense!

But the purple emperor has left the words here, and they have no reason to target the purple emperor any more.

Let's talk about Ye Hao.

He looked calmly at T. rex. "Do you have any last words?"

"Are you going to kill me?" Jadi Tyrannosaurus Rex's pupil shrinks violently."How can you start a clan war without killing you?" Ye Hao's words let Jadi - T. rex's heart sink down.

He wants to say Ye Hao is a madman.

But Ye Hao is too calm.

"You will regret what you did today." Jadi Tyrannosaurus did not say a word of mercy.

It's not that Jadi Tyrannosaurus can't give up his face, but Jadi Tyrannosaurus knows Ye Hao won't let him go, so what can he do to beg for mercy?

Ye Hao didn't say anything more. A ray of flame ignited Jadi Tyrannosaurus, and soon Jadi Tyrannosaurus turned into a pile of ashes.

There was a total loss of voice.

Monks of all ethnic groups have a feeling of fear.

There are no taboos.

This is Ye Hao's present state.

I don't know who said run away, and these friars scattered and fled.

Ye Hao's mind moved, and his body ran after him in all directions.

"What now?" The demon youth asked uneasily.

"What else can I do? Running, of course Denny Jolie said and ran away into the distance.

The three thousand friars who fled to defend the line of defense fled with him.

But they had not gone far before they were stopped.

"Block the formation?"

"Who set up the array?"

"Didn't we set it up ourselves?"

"But the array is clearly not in this position?"

Just as Denny Jolie and others were frightened, a light voice sounded in their ears.

"I'm sorry, I secretly did some tricks in your array, just after I moved the array to some positions." Ye Hao's figure appeared in front of them.

"Ye Hao, do you have to kill them all?" The demon youth with an axe roared angrily.

"How can I kill you if you don't come and kill me?" Ye Hao said faintly.

"We're not in a league because you kill too much." Said the young demon with red eyes.

"You're wrong. I killed those guys because they did so much evil." Ye Hao shook his head and said, "I killed people with bloody hands."

Ye Hao, this is just a kind of random nonsense.

As long as it is not a Terran, Ye Hao will not stay after meeting.

"Well, that's all I have to say. Now I'll see you on the road." As soon as Ye Hao started to kill.

The existence of the second realm killed the master of the fairyland, Ye Hao did not encounter a decent resistance.

When Ye Hao has killed all these monks, Ye Hao's body comes back one after another. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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