"I have a question." After calming down for a long time, Bo Changlao looks at Ye Hao seriously.

"Say it."

"How do you deal with the Allied forces of all races later?"

"I'll use the means of the divine realm later." Ye Hao said faintly.

"The means of the divine realm?"

"Die as much as you come." Ye Hao said and looked into the distance. "In fact, I'm looking forward to the presence of the top seven living gods."

Elder Bo's whole body trembled.

Immediately the blood in her body was ignited.

Bo knew that even if the purple emperor and Phoebe became the strong men in the third place, they would not be able to fight against the various ethnic groups in the misty continent.

But this time, if the elite of each clan is damaged here, then the Terran will really have the ability to dominate the whole ethereal continent.

What's more, if St. Germain academy takes action, will the rest of the Terran forces be idle?

Thinking of this, she looked at the distance with burning eyes.

"I'm looking forward to them coming soon."

When the angel clan's 3000 elite troops were launched, the eight major clans, including the demon clan, the wood clan, the demon clan, the blood clan, the bone clan, the mechanical clan, and the spirit clan, were also launched.

It seems that the eight ethnic groups have already agreed.

Each clan sent 3000 soldiers.

These are not ordinary generals and soldiers. They are all fairies one by one.

At the same time, the Titan, mermaid, blue eye, winged, dragon and other 100 ethnic groups also sent troops.

However, these big families are not as bold as the eight powerful ones. Each of these big families only sent 300 fairy kings.

These groups are stuck in a time point to come to St. Peters college.

When they arrived at St. Germain's college, the mighty breath poured out in all directions.

To the consternation of the strong men of all ethnic groups, their breath was blocked by the mountain protection array of Saint De academy.

"What level of array is this?"

"Second place?"

"Is it too extravagant for St. Peters college?"

"St. Peters college has emptied its capital to build this array."

"Even if it is our angel clan, we will have to break our muscles and bones, not to mention the Shengde academy, which has been greatly weakened?"

"It's really naive in Shengde Academy. Do you think a second level array can stop us?"

"And Saint? Are you still a shrinking turtle With the sound of the sound in the audience, a graceful figure appeared outside the mountain protection array.

"Repeat what you just said?" The purple emperor looked indifferent and asked.

The fresh face of the demon clan suddenly sank.

"Purple emperor, you can't talk here yet?"

As soon as he said this, he felt a pain in his chest, and then saw a sword pierce him.


He just said that the sword in purple emperor's hand was a whirl, and the terrible shock wave tore Xianyu to pieces.

"Fresh in."

"Dare you?"

"Kill her."

"If you dare to kill people under our noses, I think you are impatient to live."

All the strong men in the third situation were angry.

In the face of the overwhelming attacks of these powerful men, the purple emperor's look did not change at all. She was full of earth shaking waves and shuttled back and forth, each time taking the life of a strong man in the third world.

It didn't take long to fall as many as ten statues of this level of existence.

"You go back." At this time, a figure hidden in the dark couldn't help but make a move.

His big hand is like the sky shaking seal, which is shrouded in the purple emperor.

The purple emperor looked up at the big hands. Then she rushed up with the sword in her hand. She heard that the sword broke the big hands with a bang. The purple emperor stood upright between heaven and earth. She looked at a direction with burning eyes and said, "master Teng snake, you are all right."

As soon as the purple emperor's voice fell, a figure filled with monstrous power appeared in the air. When the figure appeared, the souls of tens of thousands of fairy kings trembled.

Their eyes all looked in awe at the old man with three eyes.

They know who the old man is?

The ancestor of the demon clan.

Living gods!

Teng snake ancestor looked at the purple emperor suspiciously and said, "how could your cultivation come to this point?"

"I was a level 10 genius. Is it amazing to get to this point?" The purple emperor looked at Teng snake, and his eyes were full of burning intention of war.

These years, in order to hide his accomplishments, the purple emperor would not take any action easily.

And now it's time for me to do it.

"You have reached the level of a living God, but there is still a gap between you and me." Teng snake ancestor looked at the purple emperor for a while and said slowly."It's too early to say that." Purple emperor said here to Teng snake Laozu a blow.

The whole heaven and earth suddenly appeared a vast long river, which carried the energy of destroying the sky and the earth to attack forward.

As soon as the old master Teng snake stopped, his face changed. Because of the terrible fist power in the long river, even if he had the strength of his whole body, he could not resist it.

However, after a few breaths, he retreated backward, because the power of Hanhai Shenquan was gradually increasing. The ancestor of Teng snake retreated in confusion for a moment, and he found that it was not stable when he retreated.

"What's the situation?"

"Is the ancestor of the living God Teng snake defeated by the purple emperor?"

"Is purple emperor so strong?"

"The Terrans are so patient. This kind of news has not come out until now."

The ancestor of Teng snake was in a bit of a mess.

He used a lot of means to defeat it until the power of Hanhai magic fist was reduced.

His face darkened.

"Purple emperor, you make me angry."

"What if I annoy you?" Zidi's confidence increased greatly.

The purple Emperor didn't have a deep understanding of Hanhai Shenquan, so he reached such a point. After a while, he believed that his combat effectiveness could continue to improve.

"Purple emperor, I am not the only God in the world today." Teng snake ancestor looked at the purple emperor with some fear, and immediately said coldly, "Garfield, when do you want to hide?"

Having been exposed, Garfield is embarrassed to hide in the dark.

Garfield appeared opposite the purple emperor with a pair of white wings shaking.

"Purple emperor, did not expect you to be so amazing?"

Purple emperor light smile, "I can understand this is your praise?"

"I am not here today to destroy your people." Garfield murmured, "as long as you give Ye Hao to my angel clan, the army of my angel clan will withdraw immediately."

Purple emperor shook his head, "impossible."

"I think you'd better consider my opinion carefully." Garfield seems to have predicted that the purple emperor would refuse, so he didn't care.

Just when the purple emperor wanted to say something, a figure said in a loud voice, "Dean, is it worth sacrificing the whole Shengde Academy for the sake of a Ye Hao?"

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