The purple emperor looked at the figure and said faintly, "Yan Gao, there are two things I want to emphasize. First, you have defected from St. Peters college, so you are not entitled to call me Dean; second, Ye Hao is a teacher of Saint de college, so the Academy will guarantee his safety. "

"Would it be at all costs to sacrifice the whole of St. Germain's college?" Shouyurong, the elder of the supreme emperor, said angrily.

If Shou Yurong left Shengde academy, he had no hope for Shengde Academy.

But after seeing the purple emperor become a living God, Shou Yurong moved some thoughts.

With purple emperor as the backing, what are the Terrans afraid of?

"At all costs." The purple emperor looked at Shou Yurong.

"Dean, I really don't understand why you should be so partial to Ye Hao?" Lei Hongxuan asked in a puzzled way, "it's nothing for you to protect Ye Hao, but now it's involved in the clan war. You don't need to protect him any more."

Lei Hongxuan was also a tutor of Saint de college.

To tell you the truth, he still has feelings for St. Peters college, and he doesn't want it to be destroyed.

"I have a solemn announcement here." The purple emperor glanced at the whole audience and said, "when you go out from the saint virtue academy, you will have no relationship with the saint virtue academy any more."

Purple emperor's words make many human friars change color.

In addition to the fairies of various races, many teachers and students from St. Germain college also came.

However, many teachers and students come separately because they are worried that they will be liquidated by all ethnic groups.

"Purple emperor, you are the enemy of our angel family with iron heart?" There was a chill in Garfield's eyes.

"Garfield." With a gentle voice, a figure appeared beside the purple emperor.

Garfield's face sank, "Ye Hao."

Even if Garfield didn't know Ye Hao before, how could he not?

"For Alice's sake, I would advise you today to take your army of angels out of Saint's college." Ye Hao said here and took a look at Alice in the distance.

Alice's face changed slightly.

But immediately she said to Edmund, "Dean, I think we need to consider Ye Hao's suggestion."

Edmund shook his head slightly and said, "it's not something I can decide on."

'Alice, are you afraid There was a voice in Alice's ear.

"Master, I know Ye Hao very well. Since he said such a thing, it proves that he has a certain degree of assurance." Alice quickly organized the language and said cautiously.

"What do you think he can have?" Garfield asked coldly.

"I don't know." Alice shook her head.

Where does Alice know what cards Ye Hao has?

"You don't even know what his cards are, so you let my angel family retreat in dismay?" Garfield said angrily.

Alice bowed her head down wrongly.

Ye Hao quietly looked at this scene, slightly shook his head and said, "since you insist on not listening, I hope you won't regret it later."

"You have to be qualified to make me regret." Speaking of this, Garfield looked at the ancestor of Teng snake, "let's join hands to take down the purple emperor."

Teng snake Laozu nodded and rushed to the purple emperor.

But as soon as he was in the middle of it, a round of blazing sun covered his whole body.

Teng snake ancestor was wrapped up by fire without observing his whole body.


Listen to Teng snake ancestor's pain wail, the monk's face can't help but change.

What's the situation?

Teng snake ancestor was attacked secretly?

How could it be?

Is Teng snake the God in the world?

Who can sneak in on him?

Soon people knew who did it.

I saw an old man in grey robe appeared in the air. His hands stimulated the terrible energy, and constantly burned the rolling snake ancestor.


"Isn't Saint virtue the third state?"

"Can the third state burn a living God like this?"

"Is virtue also a living God?"

"How could it be?"

"Does it not mean that there are two living gods in the human race when the words of the purple emperor are included?"

"Terrans, this is the rhythm to rise."

"Rise? Did the Allied forces of all ethnic groups come here to destroy the Terrans? Now when we see two living gods in the Terran, we will destroy the Terran even if we pay a huge price. "

"Good! The first seven clans only have one living God, and the seven clans absolutely do not allow the Terran to have two

"Yes, the seven major clans absolutely do not allow the Terrans to break the balance."

Those who come are strong.

These guys see through the nature of things at a glance.

In fact, Lei Hongxuan and other people can see through the essence, which is why they come here separately."Saint, you really make me look up to you?" At this time, a bone knife cut through the space and saw that it was about to be cut on Saint De's body. Saint de raised his hand and flashed towards the bone knife.

With a click, sander staggered back a few steps.

Looking down, there were some scars on his fist.

On the other hand, a huge skeleton looked at Saint de coldly and said, "there is no such divinity in your saint virtue Academy."

"This is my magic." Saint De's nonsense.

He can't say it was taught by Ye Hao, can he?

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't hide it." "I'm not sure I can beat saint," the tall skeleton called around As his voice dropped, three figures came out of the darkness, which were filled with waves.

These three figures are the living gods of the demon clan, the blood clan and the mechanical clan.

"Elves, why don't you show up yet?" The tall skeleton looked discontented.

"I have no intention of attacking the Terrans." There was a dull voice from the dark.

"Since you have no intention of attacking the Terrans, you Elves will withdraw now." The ancestor of the demon clan said coldly.

"Either you Elves will not come at all, just like spirit people, or you Elves will join the fight now." The ancestor of the blood clan stares at the ancestor of the spirit clan and says every word.

The ancestor of the elves was silent for a while, but he came out.

"Well, at this point, it's impossible to go back." The old ancestor of the elves said helplessly.

"We are all jackals. Who are you going to show us The ancestor of mechanical clan sneers.

He looked down on the ancestors of the elves.

Three thousand immortals have been sent here.

Now you say you don't want to do it?

What about the ghost?

The ancestors of the elves laughed bitterly.

But who can she blame?

Or just like the ancestors of the lingzu, they don't send troops, but now they want to sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight.

How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

To the consternation of the seven living gods such as the ancestor of the blood clan, the purple emperor and the saint de came back to Ye Hao's side.

The two of them held Ye Hao in the middle, one left and one right.


Do they think they can protect Ye Hao?

Ye Hao glanced at the whole audience and said, "it seems that everyone is here. Then I will say something." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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