The attack power of a warship is closely related to its stability system, operation system and defense system.

This also takes into account the wear of parts and so on.

So a warship needs only one battery.

This is the conclusion drawn by many smelters.

"Normally, a warship can only have one turret." Ye Hao said with a smile, "because this is the most cost-effective, otherwise the warship will be abandoned after a few times." Speaking of this column, Ye Hao's voice changed, "but I incorporated some weapon runes into this warship, making each material more than three times as strong as the same material."

"What kind of runes?" Zhu Xijun asked with burning eyes.

"You can ask about the spirit of the warship." Ye Hao said here, he took Zhu Xijun to the front of the warship's console, "you can ask about the spirit if you don't understand."

"Good." Zhu Xijun nodded.

"When you've eaten this warship, you'll be a qualified second level weapon refiner." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Zhu Xijun is an instrument refiner.

But Zhu Xijun only likes refining warships.

As for the rest, not much?

Under Ye Hao's teaching, Zhu Xijun's art of art of utensils has been improved rapidly, and now he is a king of weapons.

"This is the material storage room." Ye Hao said, pointing to a door, "these materials are used for repairing warships. I have prepared ten copies of various materials for you. You can remember to collect them later."

"Well." Zhu Xijun nodded.

"This is the energy storage room." Ye Hao said, pointing to one energy beam after another.

"These are --" Wish Xijun a Zheng way.

"I have two energy beams for you. Do you see the smaller one?" Ye Hao points to a row of energy beams.


"Use this energy beam when you're dealing with the first level strong." Ye Hao said in a low voice, "this energy light column is purified from 300 million superior immortal stones."

"What?" Hearing this sentence, Zhu Xijun's eyes showed an incredible look.

"Otherwise, how can warships compete with demigods?" Ye Hao looked at Zhu Xijun and said with a smile.

It took a long time for Zhu Xijun to recover.

"Mr. Ye, have you prepared more for me?" Zhu Xijun points to the row of energy beams.

"More? Do you really think so? " Ye Hao jokingly looked at Zhu Xijun.

"Not much?" Zhu Xijun was surprised.

"You don't know the parameters of the gun yet." Ye Hao blinked.

Zhu Xijun was stunned and immediately checked the parameters of the energy gun.

This check Zhu Xijun a face shock, "energy gun can be fired repeatedly?"

"Three shots in a row." Ye Hao nodded with a smile, "because this warship has two batteries, so you can fire six guns in a row."

Zhu Xijun looked at the 100 energy beams in the energy storage room and suddenly felt that there was not much.

"I can't fight that many times."

"Who said it was not?" Ye Hao said here for a moment, "so I have prepared a spare weapon energy pool for you."

Ye Hao said that the warship's central control platform switched a page.

Looking at the front of the row of energy light column, I wish Xijun, the whole person was shocked.

After a long time, Zhu Xijun asked, "Mr. Ye, I want to know how much does that big energy beam cost?"

"One billion."

Zhu Xijun thought in his mind, "if this is the case, isn't it that the main weapon depot will need 130 billion high-grade immortal stones?"


"The number of backup arsenals is ten times that of the main one. Isn't it said that the reserve arsenals cost $1.3 billion?"


I wish you a feeling of fainting.

She's never seen so much money in her life?

"These are all for me?"


"Mr. Ye, why are you so nice to me?"

"I said you deserve it all." Ye Hao said earnestly.

To be honest, Xianshi is just a number for Ye Hao.

As long as Ye Hao wants, he can make a trillion yuan.

"I've got a lot of new runes on this ship, and I've added some array runes to it, so this ship can cross and cross in the first and second situations." Ye Hao changed the topic.

"I want to study it carefully." I wish you a soft voice.

"Then you can study it well here, and if you encounter a special place, stop." Ye Hao said with a smile.

After Ye Hao leaves, Zhu Xijun looks at the central control platform, and his eyes are faintly excited.Super warship of second world!

Zhu Xijun believes that there are not many warships of this class in the whole Tianma continent.


Tianma land!


Bai family!

"Incandescent demigods please move the sea people, and now the sea people are gathering." A middle-aged man in armor looked at the old man sitting in a high position.

This old man is no other than Bai Hongtao, the old master of the Bai family.

In fact, Bai Hongtao should not sit in this position, but who let his son Bai Yingwei live in the town?

"Our Terrans are confronting the water demon clan near the sea people. If the sea people participate in it, we can't stop it." Bai Yingwei suddenly said.

"I think it's a trial from the alliance of nations." At this time, a handsome girl said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Bai Hongtao nodded, "this is indeed a trial of the alliance of all nationalities, but the problem is that we are not good at using our cards."

"Master Bai, the strength of the sea clan is not weaker than that of the demon clan. I think we can use the bottom card to wipe out the sea clan." The master of the sword orchid sect said slowly.

"The cards of that level are used against living gods." However, Bai Hongtao shook his head slowly. "It's not worth wasting on the Hai people." Speaking of this, Bai Hongtao looked at the middle-aged man in the armor and said, "white hero, you lead the king of 1000 immortals to support the ancient river clan."

The middle-aged man in armor stood up and said respectfully, "take orders."

"Dad, do you want the hero to bring a decree?" Bai Yingwei pondered for a moment and then said.

"No need." Bai Hongtao said faintly, "if the sea people dare to use the power of gods, I will kill them in their old nest."

All the monks were shocked.

Worthy of being a living God!

But only the living gods dare to say such words?

In Bai Hongtao's study.

"Grandfather, why don't you let uncle Bai take a copy of the edict?" Bai Qingcheng asked.

Just now Bai Qingcheng didn't ask questions, but now I don't have this scruple.

"Fool, there are no gods and decrees in the family." At this time, Bai Yingwei, standing beside Bai Qingcheng, said with a bitter smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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