"God's gold is used up?" Bai Qingcheng was stunned.

"It was used up before you came back." Bai Yingwei nodded.

"Why don't you tell me?" Bai Qingcheng glared at Bai Yingwei.

"Do you have one?"

"No Bai Qingcheng lowered his head.

Bai Yingwei looks at Bai Qingcheng in silence.

He wants to say you don't have a word?

"You can't get a piece of it for years." Bai Hongtao sighed.

"If only the boy was here." Bai Qingcheng murmured.

"Which boy?" Bai Yingwei's eyes brightened.

"The boy who did the right thing for me." Bai Qingcheng looked at Bai Yingwei and said, "there must be a lot of god gold on that boy."

"No matter how much he has, it doesn't matter to us." Bai Yingwei smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

Bai Yingwei had heard Bai Qingcheng talk about Ye Hao before.

At that time, Bai Yingwei was shocked.

He did not think that there is a more amazing existence in this world than baiqingcheng?

But soon Bai Yingwei no longer cared about Ye Hao.

It's not that he didn't care.

But Bai Qingcheng doesn't know which continent they are?

Where can I find it?

"I thought the Allied forces of all ethnic groups would be stable for a hundred years. After all, the edict of the Qing Dynasty was too frightening." Bai Hongtao sighed, "but who would have thought that they would be ready to move again in less than 20 years."

"Yes, if you give me another hundred years, I will be a living God." Bai Yingwei said reluctantly.

Bai Yingwei was not qualified to be a living God before, but after receiving the blessing of the energy ball, he can become a living God as long as he practices to the limit.


After all, the coalition forces of all ethnic groups did not give them much time.

If you give another 100 years to the vernacular family, there will be two more living gods.

With these two living gods, are you afraid of a woollen coalition?

"When I reach the third level of cultivation, I will push all ethnic groups horizontally." Bai Qingcheng said with some restraint.

Bai Qingcheng is fully qualified to say such a thing.

When baiqingcheng reaches the third level, even the living God baiqingcheng can be killed.

"So we have to procrastinate as long as we can now." Bai Hongtao looked at Bai Qingcheng and said, "because the future of our Bai family is bright."

But Bai Hongtao has one more thing to say.

Is that the time given to the Terrans by the coalition forces?

Bai Hongtao doesn't know!


There is a sea area to the east of Tianma.

The sea people are the absolute overlord in that sea area.

When the white hero arrived at the sea with a thousand fairy kings, all of them were shocked.

Because in front of them, they are all sea people.

"A hundred demigods."

"Three thousand fairies."

"One hundred thousand immortals."

"Three million gods."

"Is the strength of the sea people so strong?"

"This is just a part of the elite soldiers of the Hai nationality."

"How do we want to know?"

"How? How to play? What are you doing? "

This moment is more than a thousand fairies, even white heroes don't know what to say.

The strength of the other side can completely crush ah!

"Did your people send these men?" A middle-aged man said sarcastically.

This middle-aged man is the head of the deep-sea whale race.

The strength is strong, many years ago, set foot in the third place.

White hero's eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise and anger.

Do you look down on them?

So the white hero turned to look at the thousand immortal kings and said, "now the sea people look down on us. What do you think we should do?"

"Kill." With the white hero's son Bai Yiran called out the word, the rest of the fairy King seems to be infected, one by one with a loud voice.



After roaring a voice, these fairies found that the blood in their bodies was ignited. Then they looked at the sea people not far away, and there was no fear in their eyes.

"Death is the death of ears. Why fear?"

"We are willing to fight for our people."

"With my sword, I will sweep away the enemy."

Looking at the thousands of fairies, the generals and soldiers of the sea clan laughed.

"No matter how generous and tragic the words are, we can't escape death."

"None of you can swing. You are doomed to fall."

"You are scum in front of our navy army."

"Are you embodying yourself?""It's killing me."

"The weak will always roar."

The friars on the Terran side were very angry when they heard that.

"Don't you sea people depend on the large number of people?"

"One on one?"

"They don't have the guts."

"You sea people will only hide in the cold water these years."

It's the so-called loser does not lose array.

Who's afraid of the fight? Who's coming?

"Is that enough?" Said the head of the deep sea whale race.

His voice was so penetrating that it went through the room easily.

The fairy king of the human race suddenly stops.

"If that's enough, you should be on your way." At this point, he waved his hand, flashed a cold light in his eyes, and was about to order his hand when a sound of laughter rang out.

"I wish Shurong finally went home."

The head of the deep sea whale clan is stunned.

Zhu Shurong?

Who is he?

At this time, Mengbi also had the Immortal King of the Terran side.

Because when the sea clan was ready to fight, the Terran side was ready to fight.

You can't do without fighting.

Otherwise, even the first wave of attack will not be able to block.

Zhu Shurong, who roared out a voice, suddenly felt refreshed, and just as he was about to roar his second voice, he saw the dark shadow in front of him.

His mind swept and his face changed.

"Stop quickly."

At this time, the figures of Ye Hao and Zhu Xijun appear at the bow of the ship.

Ye Hao's mind swept for a moment and then he was stunned.

"Are the sea people gathering?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

"The sea people are fighting against the Terrans." Zhu Xijun said after seeing the Terrans in the distance.

"It seems that the war has not started yet." Ye Hao nodded his head and said, "it seems that we are not late."

"Mr. Ye, don't you want to go there?" Zhu Shurong was surprised.

"Are you afraid?" Ye Hao looks at Zhu Shurong with a smile.

"As long as you say a word, you will dare to go there." Zhu Shurong said without thinking.

"Then call all the people of the Zhu family and tell them they are ready to fight." Ye Hao said faintly.

Soon, three thousand immortal kings of Zhu family appeared on the warship.

The waves on their bodies are not covered in the slightest, so wanton to diffuse around.

"Three thousand fairies."

"Which faction of the Terran is this?"

"We are saved."

"With these three thousand fairies, at least we can't be wiped out."

"Heaven does not die me."

One thousand fairies on the side of the Terran were excited.

On the other hand, the high-level look of the sea people has become dignified.

If the Terran had these 3000 immortal kings to join, then they would not have much advantage.

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