The coalition forces of all ethnic groups finally retreated.

This is because all ethnic groups can't put all their eggs in one basket like the blood clan.

In addition to being dirty, the tribes should also be on guard against the white family's surprise attack. Therefore, how many soldiers can be transferred from time to time?

And blood clan is different.

This is the home of blood clan!

From this time on, the friars in Tianma land knew that the conflicts between the blood clan and the various races could no longer be reconciled.

Therefore, for a long time, the fight between various clans and blood clans will not stop.

However, after the withdrawal of all ethnic groups, all ethnic groups are recuperating.

This time, the losses of all ethnic groups are very heavy.

But three months later, the demons made a challenge to the demon clan, and asked the demon clan to hand over the third level master who killed the demonic soldiers.

How can the demon clan hand it over?

Don't say you don't know. Even if you know, you can't hand it in.

Just when the two sides were fighting a water battle, a group of soldiers of the demon clan attacked a residence of the demon clan, and the hundreds of thousands of demon people in that station, whether they were women, children or soldiers, were slaughtered.

The demon clan immediately retaliated after learning the news.

After you came and went, the conflicts between the two clans became more and more serious. When the clan war was about to take place, it was stopped by all parties. In the process of negotiation, the famine clan and the bone clan were also involved, and as time went on, the conflicts of all ethnic groups broke out.

The tribes fought against each other.

It's a surprise to the Terrans.

How are the races fighting?

But the Terrans are happy to see it.

The harder each race fights, the more happy the people are.

At this time, Bai Hongtao ordered the Terrans in each defense area to keep a low profile.

What Bai Hongtao didn't expect was that it had not been three months before the high-level people of all ethnic groups had stopped fighting and had peace talks in Baitoushan.

Peace talks?

How can this be?

Bai Hongtao was in a hurry.

Bai Hongtao quickly contacts Bai Yingxiong and asks him if Ye Hao has any plans?

"Mr. Ye, do you have any follow-up plans for peace talks among all ethnic groups in Baitoushan?" After finding Ye Hao, Bai Yingxiong opens the door to see the mountain road.

Ye Hao said with a dignified look, "it is reasonable to say that the time for the conflicts among the ethnic groups to break out now, but now all ethnic groups choose peace talks at this time, which only shows that there is a strong presence to stop all ethnic groups."

"Who do you think it is?"

"I suspect it's the demon of the demon clan."

"Butterfly demon?" White hero a Zheng, "butterfly demon clan has always been weak, these years have no master." Speaking of this, white hero suddenly thought of something, "is it him?"

"The beginning of ancient times." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Before the beginning of ancient times, he was known as the first person of the younger generation in Tianma continent. When he was on the 11th floor, he killed the demigods of the second realm." White hero's face a little uneasy way, "but later this irritated my father, my father personally shot him into the first forbidden area in Tianma land."

"The first forbidden area?" Hearing this word, Ye Hao's eyes showed a color of relief, "my people saw a butterfly demon in the demon clan, and also heard the words of the first forbidden area."

"It's a problem." White hero looks uneasy.

"It's not as much trouble as I thought." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I guess the cultivation of the early ancient times did not reach the limit. Otherwise, the early ancient times would have knocked on the door, and there was no need to summon all the clans again, right?"

"At the beginning of ancient times, it is very likely that he was the legendary level 12 genius or even higher." White hero looked at Ye Hao and said with a bitter smile, "once you reach the limit of cultivation, you can really sweep the whole land of Tianma."

"Is baiqingcheng not the opponent of the early ancient times when he reaches the limit?"

"Qingcheng is not in the first place yet?"

"Then use the time crystal."

"To tell you the truth, the time is running out." When the white hero said this sentence, his face was full of helpless color, "otherwise, as long as we give us a hundred years, our white family will be able to have one more living God."

"I can't give you a hundred years. I'll give you ten years." Ye Hao thought for a moment and handed the white hero a bag of heaven and earth.

The white hero's mind swept once and was surprised to find that there were ten inferior time crystals in the bag of heaven and earth.

With Ye Hao's present value, even if he takes out a hundred inferior products, time crystal will not be distressed.

The question is why did Ye Hao take out so much time crystal?

Bai Qingcheng that girl is not very friendly to herself?

White hero's eyes suddenly showed a color of excitement, "thank you, Mr. Ye."

With these ten inferior pieces of time, the strength of crystal white family can be improved by a stage.

After thanking the white hero, he left the bloodthirsty area in a hurry.

After the white hero left, Chen Yuelan went to Ye Hao and said, "childe, what are we going to do now?"

"I think all ethnic groups now suspect that we are behind the scenes." Ye Hao pondered for a while and said, "let's keep a low profile during this period.""Will the tribes attack us?"

"Not in a short time."



This is the holy mountain of the demon clan.

On this day, the high-level of all ethnic groups gathered in this holy mountain.

However, after seeing each other, the senior officials of all ethnic groups still face each other coldly.

Just then, a middle-aged man in military uniform slowly landed from mid air.

There is no shocking oppression, no domineering momentum, but it is this return to nature that makes many monks look dignified.

"What is the state of this?"

"Why can't I see it through?"

"I have reached the limit of the third level." During the discussion of many demigods in the third state, the faces of the three living gods here also became dignified.

"Old devil, can you see through it?" A figure filled with desolation looked at a tall figure.

Hearing this, the old devil looked at a gray haired old man with a dignified look. "What kind of realm has the old monster reached at the beginning of ancient times?"

An old man with wrinkles on his face said faintly, "at the beginning of ancient times, I just stepped into the third state."

"What?" The old devil's face changed wildly.

"But even if he had just set foot in the third realm in the early days of ancient times, his fighting power was superior to ours." The old demon saw the old devil of the demon clan and the old face of the waste clan, and then said.

At this time, the handsome middle-aged eyes in military uniform fell on several people's bodies.

"My strength is not as high as master crane said. In fact, my cultivation is not as good as it is now. However, because I master more powerful powers, I can barely defeat you if I fight for life and death." At the beginning of ancient times, he came to the three.

These three gods are the living gods of the demon clan, the living gods of the demon clan, and the living gods of the barren tribe. It can be said that they have the most right to speak.

"During these days, all ethnic groups have been fighting against each other. I think the three people are like mirrors. What should be the matter?" At the beginning of ancient times, he said.

"We sense that there is a dark hand in the dark pushing all this forward." Said the old man of the barbarians.

Today is the tenth anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake.

Ten years ago, I was a high school student. When I heard this news, I was shocked.

When I see the pictures on the news, I can't let go of that feeling for a long time.

Life and death, too sad.

May such a tragedy never happen again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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