"We sense that there is a dark hand in the dark pushing all this forward." Said the old man of the barbarians.

"This black hand is likely to be the one who came to Tianma." The old devil whispered.

"Do you want to form a coalition to declare war on the Terrans?" The old demon asked with burning eyes.

"If there was only one Bai Hongtao, the four of us would have won the battle, but now the Terran still has a living God of level 11." Gu Chu gently shook his head and said, "if these two join hands, we are not rivals at all."

"What about that?" The old devil's face is heavy.

"You have two choices at the moment." At the beginning of ancient times, he said, "the first choice is that we slowly hibernate. When my cultivation reaches the limit of the third level, I will lead the demon clan to fight against the Terran. The second choice is that all clans take out the time crystal stone, and I use the time crystal to improve the cultivation as soon as possible. Of course, in return, I only need a small part of the Terran resources after breaking the Terran."

Hearing the old devil, Lao Huang's face changed.

The meaning of the beginning of ancient times is obvious.

If you take out the time crystal now, you may get a share of your share in the future, but if you don't take the time crystal, then it will have nothing to do with you.

"Old devil, what do you think?" Lao Huang preached in secret.

"Now we are in a dilemma." The old devil said with a gloomy face, "if that guy at the beginning of ancient times had gone to the limit, would you have dealt with us after killing the Terran?"

"If I had been in ancient times, I would have done it." Lao Huang didn't want to be on his way.

"Do you think we should unite with the Terrans to kill the ancient Chu?" The old devil said with pity.

"Don't forget where the ancient times came from?" Lao Huang slowly shook his head and said, "that one came out of the first forbidden area. God knows what cards this one has in his hand?"

"If we know that this one will deal with us in the future, why do we have to take out the time crystal?" The old devil said with a firm look in his eyes, "when we attack the Terrans at the beginning of ancient times, we will observe its change."

"Good." Lao Huang nodded.

After the two reached a strategic agreement, Lao Huang said to Gu Chu, "in order to enhance the strength of the clan, the time crystal has been used up for a long time."

"Yes, our patriarch has none." The old devil said helplessly.

At the beginning of ancient times, he looked at them with a smile, "since the two clans don't want to play with us demon clan, the ancient beginning is not forced." Then he turned around and left.

And in the moment of turning around, the face of Gu Chu became gloomy.

The two refused to let Gu Chu's heart very uncomfortable.

He wanted to kill both of them.

But considering the strength of the two, the ancient had to restrain.

Fortunately, at the beginning of ancient times, they didn't leave. Instead, they told all ethnic groups that a series of disputes happened recently, and that it was the Terrans who played tricks behind their backs.

However, after the ethnic groups returned to their families, they were shocked to find that all ethnic groups had been seriously attacked during their meeting.

No matter the barbarians or the demons or the bone clans, great forces have been uprooted. What makes them wonder is that the demon clan has not been attacked.

"Why is the demon clan OK?"

"This must be a trick the Terrans are trying to alienate us?"

"But I've got information that Terrans are honest these days."

"Why can't this be done by the demon clan? Now the demon clan has amazing talent, the ancient beginning of the alliance, simply do not put our various races in the eye

"I want to know why it's such a coincidence? Let's go to Baitoushan for peace talks, and all our clans will be severely damaged here? "

"Don't put everything on the Terrans, will you?"

Contradictions and disputes can not be solved by a single peace talk.

Even if a high-pressure situation is adopted, it may not work.

What's more, now the royal family and the demon clan intentionally push forward, which makes the big clan groups dissatisfied with the demon clan.

In short, the final result of the peace talks is that the ethnic groups are divided into three forces.

The first force is the demon clan and the ethnic groups that follow it.

The second force is mainly the barbarians and demons.

The third force is an alliance of ethnic groups such as the bone clan and the spirit clan.

Here we have to talk about bone clan and spirit clan.

These two groups once had living gods, and even the bone clan had two living gods.

But when the tribes attacked the Terrans, Bai Qingcheng used Xiao Rongguang's edict to her.

The edict killed the living gods of both the bone clan and the spirit clan. As for the demons, the barbarians and other living gods survived because they fought with Bai Hongtao outside the sky.

In addition to these forces, there is another force.

That's the blood clan.

The blood clan doesn't deal with any clan now.

However, the comprehensive forces are not weak.After all, there is a living God of the blood clan, even if the living God is old.

It's a situation that the Terrans are happy to see.

Because it means that it is no longer possible for all ethnic groups to form a coalition like before.

But the Terran high-level also knew that as long as the ancient times went to the third level, the extreme war would open again.

Bai family!

When the incident of Baitoushan came to an end, Bai Hongtao sent most of the Terrans to the Bai family.

"The reason why I call you here today is to give you a chance to make a fortune." Bai Hongtao glanced at the audience and then looked back.

Hearing the speech, all the monks in the hall had a look of astonishment in their eyes.

"I don't know what the white alliance leader said about nature?" The patriarch of a clan asked softly.

"The leader of the hidden alliance gave us ten inferior time crystals." Bai Hongtao said with a smile, "I'm going to use all the ten time crystals."

"Hidden alliance leader?"

"How could the leader of the hidden alliance send such precious things?"

"Have we made an alliance?" In the face of the inquiries from the top echelons of the Terran forces, Bai Hongtao nodded, "the hidden alliance has come all the way to help us tide over the difficulties."

"But after the hidden Alliance came to Tianma, they did nothing?" The leader of yujianzong said after a silence.

"Yes, what I see is that the hidden alliance is operating a bloodthirsty territory." Listen to the rain Pavilion Master said.

"What was the situation in Tianma before the League came, and what was the situation in Tianma after the League came? Don't you have some answers in mind?" White hero can't help but say.

"What do you mean?" Listen to the rain pavilion's owner is a graceful woman, heard the white hero said that seems to think of something.

"The first thing that the hidden Alliance came to Tianma was to kill Ebola, one of the three great clans of the blood clan, and then led the Allied forces of all ethnic groups to fight against the blood clan." The white hero looked at the leader of the pavilion and said, "during this period of time, all ethnic groups have been attacking each other. Do you think it's really the conflicts among different nationalities that have broken out?" Speaking of this, the white hero sneered, "naive, if there is no master Ye's Secret hand, how can all nationalities be unable to restrain it?"

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