"At the beginning of ancient times, we wanted to form a strong alliance in Baitoushan, but now the alliance of all ethnic groups has split into three major forces. Have you not considered the deep-seated reasons?" With the white hero's voice, the face of the friars in the hall changed.

They realized how much Ye Hao had done for them.

The funny thing is that they still feel that the hidden alliance has done nothing.

I have to say it's a big irony.

"But the hidden Alliance came to Tianma and constantly plundered the major forces." Gong Wenchang, the leader of Bingpi sect, said faintly.

"Do you think the hidden alliance should help us unconditionally?" White hero looked at Gong Wenchang with disdain on his face and said, "I want to ask what gongzongzhu Yinmeng owes us?"

"What I want to say is that the hidden Alliance came to Tianma to plunder resources." Gong Wenchang said with a sneer.

"Shut up." Bai Hongtao exclaimed.

Gong Wenchang was about to say something when a cold voice cut through the audience.

"Do you know how many resources our secret alliance has spent in order to attack the Ebola royal family?" Chen Minghui's figure is more and more popular. "You Tianma people don't want to be grateful, but you still slander us for the resources of other nationalities."

"Isn't it?" Gong Wenchang stares at Chen Minghui.

"Ridiculous." Chen Minghui looks at Gong Wenchang as if he is looking at a silly comparison. "With the strength of our hidden alliance, we want resources, and we can attack other continents. Why fear the head and feet like now?" Speaking of this, Chen Minghui shook his sleeves and said, "I will report this to my childe." With these words, Chen Minghui turned and left.

Gong Wenchang's face changed.

He didn't expect Chen Minghui to leave as soon as he said.

"Brother Chen." Bai Yingwei quickly blocked Chen Minghui's way.

"Do you want to detain people in the white family?" Chen Minghui stares at Bai Yingwei and says slowly.

Bai Yingwei's face showed a wry smile, "brother Chen, you are joking."

"Then why did you stop me?"

"Brother Chen, this is a misunderstanding." Bai Yingwei said here, he looked at Gong Wenchang and said, "Lord Gong, don't apologize to brother Chen quickly."

Gong Wenchang kept his mouth shut.

At this time, the leader of the Epee clan coldly looked at Gong Wenchang, "how hard it was for us to live before the hidden Alliance came to Tianma land. Don't you forget it so soon?"

"Don't say that the hidden alliance is not for the sake of resources. Even if other people come for resources, they will solve our crisis for him. This kind of kindness will not be finished in our life."

"Even a dog knows how to be grateful?"

"I didn't expect there were white eyed wolves in our league?" There are still many senior leaders in the league who know how to be grateful.

"You can't say that." Listen to the rain attic Lord but hold the opposite opinion, "God knows hidden alliance is not holding the mind to replace us?"

"You can't help it." The leader of yujianzong nodded and said.

Chen Minghui's face turned livid.

He didn't expect these guys to frame Ye Hao like this.

This is what Chen Minghui can't tolerate.

"You are very well." Chen Minghui coldly glanced at Gong Wenchang and others and turned into a streamer to leave.

Bai Hongtao looks at Gong Wenchang and other three people's eyes full of anger.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Gong Wenchang choked his neck and said, "when can the alliance even speak?"

"You." Bai Hongtao wants to slap Gong Wenchang to death, but he also knows that he can't do it at this time.

Terrans are not suitable for infighting at this time.

Bai Hongtao is not unaware that there are contradictions among the major forces of the Terran, but these contradictions have been forcibly covered up under the strong oppression of the alliance of various ethnic groups in recent years.

And now, as soon as the alliance is broken, these guys are out.

"Dad, put down these evil guys." White hero's eyes are full of ferocity.

White hero spent a lot of time in the hidden League. He knew how powerful the hidden alliance was.

Such a force is not weaker than the Terran alliance led by the Bai family.

The outside world has seriously underestimated the strength of the hidden alliance.

Bai Hongtao was silent.

Gong Wenchang's three faces became gloomy.

"White hero, pay attention to your words." Listening to the rain, the pavilion master's beautiful eyes bloomed with a cold light.

"Do you think we can rest assured now?" Bai Yingwei said coldly, "the alliance of all races against us is indeed falling apart, but this does not mean that we are their opponents. When the cultivation in the early ancient times goes further, we can form a stronger alliance than before. I'd like to know how we can deal with ourselves then? "

"What good is it for you to drive the hidden alliance away?" Luan Feng Pavilion master angry voice scolded way.

"I'd like to know if you three are spies?" The leader of Qingquan sect was shocked and uncertain."We've lost a lot over the years, not once or twice. I've long suspected that there's a traitor in the league." The master of the Heishui clan showed a look of examination.

Hearing the high-level in the field one by one, Gong Wenchang's three faces were full of surprise and anger.

Angry is did not expect that there are so many high-level targeted, is surprised that Bai Hongtao will not attack them?

Little by little, the time passed.

About a few minutes later, a graceful figure led by a bodyguard came to the hall.

As soon as the woman appeared, the friars in the Hall fell on her involuntarily.

Graceful and graceful, the country and the city.

What shocked the whole audience was the fluctuation in the woman.

This wave of fluctuation is hidden, but filled with bursts of pressure.

"May a strong man in the fairyland have such pressure?"

"Is this woman a genius of level 9?"

"Bai Yingwei and Bai Yingxiong are both level 9 talents, but they didn't have the same pressure back then."

"Level 10 genius."

"If this kind of existence goes to the third place, it will not be able to sweep across the land of Tianma?"

"It's impossible to sweep Tianma mainland, but it's OK to dominate."

During the discussion, the woman looked at Bai Hongtao and said, "Lord Bai, I'm here to say goodbye to you on behalf of my young master."

"Farewell?" Bai Hongtao's face changed.

"Our secret alliance came here simply to help you, but it was misunderstood as an attempt to grab profits." Chen Yuelan looked calm and said, "in this case, we will leave Tianma immediately, and your life and death will have nothing to do with us."

"Miss Chen." White hero's face changed greatly.

Chen Yuelan looked at the white hero and immediately turned around and left.

"Miss Chen." Bai Hongtao said quickly, "this is a misunderstanding."

"It doesn't matter if there is a misunderstanding. In short, we have to go." Chen Yuelan disagreed and said, "take care, ladies and gentlemen."

Chen Yuelan said to leave without hesitation.

The look at the top of the Terran changed.

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