
Looking at the altar, Ye Hao's eyes showed a look of surprise.

Tianyan clan is not calling for anything?

With such thoughts, ye haoyin lost his figure.

Ye Hao's current cultivation of the third state is not his opponent, and if Ye Hao wants to hide, no one can find his body unless he is a living God.

A day has passed!

Two days have passed!

Three days have passed!

Half a month later, a familiar figure appeared in front of Ye Hao.

Who is not Tai aYuan?

"The boy didn't fall?" Ye Hao murmured.

Immediately Ye Hao realized that there must be death talismans in the Tianyan clan.

Otherwise, how could Tai aYuan survive that situation?

"Wu Lao, how long does it take for the ancestral land to come?" Tai a yuan looked respectfully at an old man in a black robe.

This old man is the ancestor level of the sorcerer.

Even Tai aYuan's father must give three parts of noodles.

The old man called for the old witch raised his eyes and said, "three days."

"Wu Lao, I know this kind of thing I should not ask, but I still want to say that the ancestral land will not produce anything hungry son?" Tai a yuan asked after sipping her lips.

When the Shenci Lake came down, the sky eye clan lost one third of its height.

But such a big loss will not be able to supplement for a while, which makes the Tianyan people retreat in the face of the Allied forces of all ethnic groups. If they retreat again, they will retreat to the base camp, and the Tianyan family have to use their last resort, ancestral land.

"In the ancestral land, there are three living gods and the means left by nine living gods." The old man said slowly, "who do you think dares to cut off Hu?"

Tai a yuan nodded.

But I don't know why his heart still has a touch of worry?

If there is any problem in the ancestral land this time, the Tianyan clan may be defeated by the Allied forces of all ethnic groups.

Ye Hao's face changed slightly in the dark.

It seems that the tianbai family is more powerful than this.

Cut the beard?

How to cut the beard?

After thinking about it, Ye Hao hid his body shape and fully realized the ever-changing skill.

He believed that when his ever-changing skills were upgraded to a higher level, even if the living gods did not carefully examine them, they would not be able to find out.

However, this kind of promotion does not mean that promotion can be promoted.

So three years later, when Ye Hao was almost trained, he found Dinghai needle.

"Feel it." Ye Hao looks at Dinghai.

With that, Ye Hao's breath changed.

Gradually, Ye Hao's body is filled with the same wave as Tai a yuan.

Dinghai needle simply checked for a moment, slightly shook his head, but wait until Dinghai needle carefully after the way, "or can be detected."

Ye Hao was silent.

Is it possible that the living gods of the heavenly eye clan do not examine them carefully?

The answer is No.

"Do I want to improve my accomplishments?" Ye Hao thought in his heart.

He doesn't want to improve his accomplishments quickly now.

Because he wanted to practice step by step.

Ye Hao believes that when his accomplishments reach the limit of ordinary third level, he can't even see through the myriad changes.

However, if Ye Hao wants to reach this point, he has to step on the top of the first level.

Is it worthwhile to rashly upgrade cultivation for the chance of Tianyan clan?

When Ye Hao hesitates, Ye Hao's mind is moving and faintly sensing something.

Ye Hao's mind moved and walked out toward the small world, and then went to the distance.

A few hours later, Ye Hao came to the side of a body.

Ye Hao had asked Fenshen to monitor the arrival of his ancestral land nearby.

"What happened?" Ye Hao asked softly.

"I've got a trace of the ghost ship."

"Ghost ship?" Ye Hao's face changed greatly.

"This ghost ship is the one you have met. There are 3000 powerful demigods on the warship."

"Where have you been?"

"In that direction."

Ye Hao immediately broke through the chaos and rushed in the direction of the ghost ship.

It wasn't long before Ye Hao tracked down the ghost ship.

At this time, Ye Hao called out Dinghai needle from the small world.

"How many living gods are there on this ghost ship Ye Hao looked at Dinghai needle and said earnestly.

Dinghai needle felt a little bit, and then he was surprised and said, "there are three living gods on this warship."

"Three living gods?" Ye Hao could not help feeling the power of the nether world."The two living gods are ordinary living gods, and the other one is at the same level as me, but this one is now in a deep level of enlightenment." Dinghai needle said here and looked at Ye Hao, "it's hard to deal with this ghost ship with our strength."

Dinghai needle can restrain three living gods.

But it's just containment.

I have to run after a long time!

And the other demigods are as high as 3000.

After years of development, the number of semi gods has reached 1500.

It's definitely not someone else's opponent.

"We can kill people with a knife." Ye Hao thought for a while, and suddenly he thought of something.

"How can you kill with a knife?"

"Isn't the ancestral land of Tianyan people coming?" Ye Hao said with a smile, "I believe that when it comes, many generals and men of Tianyan clan will come."

"Do you mean to let the Tianyan clan deal with the ghosts?"


"The question now is how to lure them to the heavenly land?"

"This needs you." Ye Hao looks at Dinghai needle way with a smile.

"Three days." Dinghai needle thought for a moment and then said, "yes."

With the help of Daobei, Dinghai needle has cultivated five skills taught by Xiao Rongguang.

Defense Magic - water wave shield, attack power - Hanhai magic fist, one sword skill - covering the sea sword Sutra, one body method - Kunpeng spreading his wings, one secret skill - SA Dou Cheng Bing.

As for the sixth major skill, the art of Qi Dao, Dinghai needle has no time to practice.

In fact, in recent years, Dinghai needle mainly practiced Hanhai Shenquan, Shuibo shield and Kunpeng spreading wings. As for Fuhai sword Sutra and Sadou Chengbing, even Xiaocheng realm has not been reached.

Xiao Rongguang once said that if you don't have more than 500 qualifications, you can't cultivate successfully.

Facts have proved that Xiao Rongguang is right.

Because even under the guidance of Ye Hao and the understanding of Daobei, Dinghai needle has only reached the level of Xiaocheng.

But Dinghai needle felt enough.

Dinghai needle has tried to cultivate three top body methods in recent years, but none of them can compare with Kun Peng's spreading wings.

Dinghai needle believes that with the passage of time, he will become stronger and stronger.

"I'll help you plan your route now." Ye Hao said in a deep voice.


The meaning of the existence of the ghost ship is to plunder the resources of other worlds.

These years, the ghost ship attacked the city and plundered the resources.

It has no fixed path forward.

Where to go, where to plunder?

Few of the continents it has attacked these years can stop them.

On this day, a terrible sword light broke through the defense of the ghost ship like lightning, and mercilessly rushed into the crowd. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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