This ghost ship is a third world warship.

It can be said that even the extreme strong in the third environment can not easily break through its defense.

But this certainly does not include Dinghai needle.

Dinghai needle does not use Fuhai sword Sutra, but where is the cultivation of Dinghai needle?

The sword was too abrupt.

None of the monks on the ghost ship responded.

This caused dozens of demigods to fall on the spot, and dozens more were severely damaged.

"Damn it."

"Dare to attack the ghost ship secretly?"

"I'll take him to pieces."

Then the soldiers on the ghost ship looked at the Dinghai needle in the distance one by one.

Dinghai needle glanced at these officers and soldiers and then punched the warship.



The two living gods on the ghost ship rushed out of the warship, and they tried to block the Dinghai needle.

But the result is that they keep retreating in the chaos.

"Second grade gods in the world."

"The old ghost of Deyuan made a move."

After the two living gods looked at each other, one of them awakened the yuan old ghost who was deeply closed.

Yuan old ghost woke up and opened his eyes.

When he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes showed a color of surprise and anger, "you want to die."

But what yuan Laogui didn't expect was that as soon as he rushed out, Dinghai needle ran towards the distance.

"Get him." Yuan said angrily.

Yuan old ghost said and ran after Dinghai needle.

"I'm going to help. You're tracking the ship with you." Feng Laogui said to sun Laogui and ran after him in the distance.

Sun answered and returned to the warship.

Along the way, there are traces left by the old ghost of Feng and the old ghost of sun, so the old ghost of sun only needs to follow the breath.

But with the passage of time, the distance is getting farther and farther, but after only half a day, the distance keeps approaching.

What's the situation?

Then old sun realized that Dinghai needle was coming back.

"Is this a comeback?" Sun Laogui thought like this to check whether the warship has the tracking mark left by Dinghai needle?

But after a check, there was no reason.

"That one should keep going round and round." Sun Laogui thought.

However, sun Laogui still played the spirit of 12 points, ready to attack at any time.

He is confident that even if he is not the opponent of Dinghai needle, but in a short time or no problem.

The time passed by in this way.

In this way, after three days, Dinghai needle deliberately led the old ghost of Yuan Dynasty to the direction of the heavenly continent.

Around the altar!

Before the ancestral land came, the officers and men of Tianyan clan gathered here.

Two hundred and half gods, six thousand fairies, two hundred thousand immortals and three million gods.

One by one, these officers and men looked devoutly at the slowly falling palace.

They knew that this temple was the birthplace of Tianyan people.

In the ancestral land, there are three living gods of Tianyan clan.

"How long has it been since I called my ancestral land again?" Then a majestic voice exploded in the chaos.

"Tai asheng, how did you become the patriarch?" The second voice was full of discontent.

Wen Yan and Tai a yuan have three similar middle-aged faces, showing a thick bitterness.

"I am helpless." Tai a Sheng said helplessly.

"Tell me, what happened?" The third voice asked faintly.

TAIA Sheng was about to say something when he suddenly felt an amazing wave.

At the next moment, Tai asheng saw a terrible sword light chopping towards them.

"Secondary living gods." Tai a Sheng's pupil shrinks.

Then Tai asheng gave the sword a blow.

When they collide with each other, they burst into amazing waves, and the terrifying shock waves drown out the surrounding space.

At this time, Tai a Sheng heard the shrill and shrill screams. He fixed his eyes on the hundreds of soldiers killed and wounded.

"I'm going to kill you." Tai a Sheng was angry.

At the same time, I saw the shadow of Taisheng in the distance.

This is Feng Laogui.

"This is the base of each other." Feng Laogui's face changed slightly.

"What about the base camp?" Yuan Laogui snorted coldly, "can we still be afraid?"

"There are four living gods on the other side, but we have many demigods." Feng Laogui took a breath and resolutely rushed over.

When yuanlaogui and taiasheng fight together, Feng Laogui and Tai Afang fight together, the other two gods of Tianyan clan are confused.What happened?

Where did these two come from?

How dare they charge against their Tianyan people?

And just as they were ready to shoot, old ghost sun arrived here in a warship.

Sun looked at the whole audience, and his eyes showed a touch of scarlet.


Sun Laogui and three thousand demigods rushed up without hesitation.

Now the generals and men of Tianyan clan are scared.

Is there a mistake?

Three thousand demigods?

There are only 600 demigods in their family now.

Five times the gap!

Soon, hundreds of top demigods entangled the last demigod of Tianyan clan, and the remaining 2900 demigods rushed into the army.

"There is no way back at this time."


"There are four gods in the world. As long as we can delay one or two, the final victory is ours." At the same time, the high-level of Tianyan clan raised their morale.

You can't escape at this time.

Who knows how many people will die?

Sun's face turned green as soon as he had a fight.

He found himself in the presence of a second degree God.

The problem is that old sun is just a living God.

"Li Mian, one hundred demigods will come to help me." Sun Laogui quickly spread his voice to the distance.

The first living God is certainly not the opponent of the second living God.

Only with the help of demigod masters can we entangle each other.

In the dark, Dinghai needle and Ye Hao collected the fluctuation of the whole body and looked at the scene with ease.

"You are such a genius." Dinghai needle looked at Ye Hao and said sincerely.

It's easy to say, but complicated to operate.

There's no way to use the magic power of the sea.

It's just a simple attack.


Because Dinghai needle used a variety of changes when he attacked the ghost ship. The fluctuation of his body was that of Tianyan clan, and his appearance was that of Tai a Sheng.

This is also why the old ghost of Yuan Dynasty saw Tai a Sheng.

When Tai a Sheng shot at the old ghost of Yuan Dynasty, the Dinghai needle hidden in the dark killed hundreds of Tianyan people.

At this time, the trace of Dinghai needle's hand is the trace of GUI people.

In this case, the Tianyan clan is thoroughly stimulated. Where can they ask why they can't get along with themselves?

"In fact, it's still a living God, too shameful." Ye Hao said leisurely. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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