In fact, not only the living gods, even the semi gods, cherish their feathers.

No one would do such a dirty thing?

But Ye Hao and Dinghai needle have no such scruples.

Therefore, both the ghost clan and the Tianyan clan did not suspect that there was a misunderstanding.

Then a fight is inevitable.

"I just want to know how far the two sides can fight?" Ye Hao said faintly.

"There are more living gods in the sky eye clan than in the ghost clan, and the extra one is still a second level living God. Unless the ghost family uses a large number of demigods to besiege, it will not take long for the other party to break through." Dinghai needle looked at it for a while and said softly, "but there are too few demigods in Tianyan clan. In order to reduce the death as much as possible, the fairy king has to be on top. Since then, I don't know how many fairies will die?"

"All in all, it's a tug of war."

"I don't know how many deaths and injuries have been suffered by both sides?"

Dinghai needle's guess is correct.

The hundred demigods led by Li Mian have not come yet. Tai Ashi, with one stroke of his hand, drives sun Laogui back and rushes into the battle circle of the ghost family.

Tai a Shi was too aware of the lethality of the demigod strong, so he used great killing skills when he came up.

When sun Laogui rushed over, Tai Ashi had already killed hundreds of demigods.

After killing these demigods, tai'a stone tore up the space and appeared elsewhere.

As soon as Tai Ashi made a move, he left immediately.

Never love war.

"Don't go back." Sun Laogui saw this scene and said with red eyes, "stop him recklessly."

It has to be said that the demigods of the GUI people are cruel stubbles.

Because after hearing the words of old ghost sun, they rushed up one by one.

But even in this way, he was washed out by Tai a Shi.

After all, Tai a Shi's strength lies there.

Second level living God.

But when taiashi killed hundreds of living gods, he was trapped.

Because too a stone after another hand consumption is too big.

The semi God strong is not the Immortal King strong, can kill casually.

This requires taiashi to use all his strength.

After Tai a Shi was trapped, the old ghost of sun rushed up.

"I'm going to kill you." Sun Laogui roared.

Old sun is angry.

These are demigods.

As a result, hundreds of them were killed by taiashi within a few breaths.

Sun Laogui is angry, but he doesn't know that Tianyan clan is more angry.

In order to stop the semi God strong of the ghost clan, the powerful Immortal King one after another died.

But even if this is not enough, after all, the number gap between the two sides is too big.

"Tai aYuan, the Hui people bring all the details of the family." Tai a Sheng and Tai a yuan in the fight, "and all the masters in the clan are transferred to me."

Tai a yuan nodded and then tore a piece of Dharma Edict and left quickly.

Before long, Tai a yuan arrived here with dozens of demigods and thousands of powerful fairies.

And these are the last masters of Tianyan clan.

After arriving, dozens of demigods tore one after another of the Dharma decrees.

These decrees are all demigods.

At the same time, tai'ayuan also torn one after another of the gods' decrees.

This is the real spirit level!

The semi gods of the ghost clan fell one after another.

"Tai aYuan, go to the ancestral land and get the decree." Tai'ashi spoke to tai'ayuan.

When Tai a yuan nodded to himself, he rushed toward the hall under the protection of dozens of demigods.

The ghost monk naturalism came to this scene.

However, under the protection of dozens of semi gods fearless of death, Tai aYuan smoothly entered the palace.

"Won't you go in?" Dinghai needle asked softly.

"There must be three gods in the palace. If I go in, I will inevitably alert them." Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said, "so don't disturb them to fight."

"But judging from the current situation, I think most of the Tianyan people can't stop the wolf like ghosts." Dinghai needle whispered.

The living gods of the Tianyan clan are dominant.

But who let each other's demigods too much.

If there are many demigods, even the living gods can die.

Didn't you see that Tai a Shi didn't have much strength to fight back?

After a long time, Tai a yuan came out of the temple, his mind moved, and two figures appeared beside him.

These two figures are his own.

Immediately, tai'ayuan and the two great Fenshen tore up the decree at the same time.

At the moment when the three gods' decrees were detonated, chaos rose.

One after another, the ghost demigods fell."Damn it."

"Don't you think we have no legal order?"

"It's red to take out the edict." The semi gods of the ghost clan roared.

When Tai aYuan heard this, he tore up the three gods' decrees again.

After tearing the three pieces, he opened the plates one by one.

These array plates were full of brilliance and filled the audience.

I have to say that Tai a yuan's array is timely, because all the ghosts were trapped in a moment.

But the price is that Tai aYuan threw out all the top array plates in his ancestral land.

Then Tai a yuan threw out another forbidden device.

This is demigod.

Within half a quarter of an hour, a quarter of the officers and men of the ghost clan fell.

Looking at a revered demigod out of difficulty, there is no trace of blood on Tai a yuan's face.

All the cards of Tianyan clan have been used up.

But they don't have the edge yet.

Only one hundred of the three hundred semi gods were destroyed, and one thousand were lost from the seven thousand fairies. The 200000 gods had only time to withdraw 130000. That is to say, the 70000 gods were buried in the aftermath of the battle. The three million immortal masters now have less than one million. This is because the immortal Lord's bearing capacity is much weaker than the immortal one.

Tai a yuan knows that the Tianyan clan is over.

Even if the ghosts left them now, they could not escape the attack of the Allied forces of all ethnic groups.

"Kill." Then Tai a yuan collected the spirit and rushed forward with the sword.

"Tai aYuan, we Tianyan people are doomed. I want you to leave now." At this time, Tai a yuan's voice rang in his father's ear.

"Dad." Why is Tai aYuan willing to leave?

"When you go back to your family, take some of your people and remain anonymous." After waiting for you to come out of the world, I will go to the world for you

How many people are there in Tianyan?

It's not realistic for Tai a yuan to take away.

TAIA Sheng just let him take some of them.

"I'm not going." Tai a yuan growled in a low voice with red eyes.

"If you don't leave, we Tianyan people will become history." Tai a Sheng said in a dignified tone.

Tai a yuan was silent for a while and then resolutely rushed to the distance.

"Stop him."

"That's the young patriarch of the Tianyan clan."

"You can't let him escape."

There are too many demigods in the ghost clan, so they have time to search for souls and find out the identity of Tai aYuan through soul searching. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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