With the passage of time, from Luan thin body gushed bursts of meat fragrance.

Many of the monks were salivating.

But no one dared to come forward?

This is the young patriarch of the Luan finch clan.

Can the Phoenix sparrow clan not retaliate?

When Ye Hao saw the fire was about the same time, he put out the flame, and then waved to Nanqing on the side and said, "come and eat meat."

"Still not." Nan Qing shook her head.

Ye Hao tore off a leg and ate it.

"It's not bad. Would you like to try it?" Ye Hao looked at Nanqing and said with a smile.

Wen Yan Nan Qing couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Ye Hao smears all kinds of spices on luanbo's body, coupled with Ye Hao's unique barbecue technology, making Luan Bo look extremely attractive.

"All right." Nanqing finally did not resist the temptation.

After she tasted it, she widened her eyes. "How could it taste so delicious?"

"I used the time just now." Ye Hao said the hand appeared a second grade time crystal, "I spent 49 days curing."

All the monks were shocked.

How precious is the power of time?

Ye Hao used the power of time to marinate barbecue?

Is there a mistake?

"See you off." Ye Hao said and handed Nanqing the time crystal stone he had just used.

"Give it to me?" Nanqing was shocked.

How precious the time crystal is, Nanqing is very clear.

In recent years, there are only three pieces of "lieyangzong".

But Ye Hao gives her a piece now.

"It's just a piece of time crystal." Ye Hao said lightly, "if you eat more of these barbecues, you can supplement your origin and enhance your fighting power."

Ye Hao, this is not aimless.

Luan Bo is the existence of the eight layers of Immortal King. How much energy does his body contain.

Nanqing nodded and ate.

Looking at Ye Hao and Nanqing's high-level food market, you look at me, I look at you, are hesitating whether to go forward?

"Come along, gentlemen." Ye Hao's invitation to the high level of lieyangzong.

Hearing this, Jiang Licheng and others no longer hesitated to come up one after another.


"Mr. Ye, I didn't expect you to have a barbecue."

"I've never had such a good barbecue."

"It's delicious."

"I think my accomplishments are increasing."

"I think the blood is almost ignited."

"Three elders, leave some for me."

"Four elders, you don't care about it." Luan thin into the body is very large, but no matter how large, they can not stand these guys to eat.

Therefore, before long Luan thin was eaten clean, even the bone marrow in the bone was chewed by these guys.

"It's not enough." Three elder picks teeth to say.

"Isn't that easy?" Ye Hao said and looked at the distance, "the master of Luan bird clan has arrived."

Hearing this, all the high-level leaders of the lieyangzong looked into the distance.

After about a few breaths, they saw that tens of thousands of Luan finch masters were coming towards the burning sun sect.

"A bird from the nest?"

"Is the patriarch of the Luan and finch people coming?"

"It is said that the head of the Luan finch clan is the existence of the twelve layers of the fairy king."

"In addition to the head of the clan, the great elder, the two elders, the four elders, the five elders and the six elders are all here."

"Can we stand in the way?"

Ye Hao looked at tens of thousands of Luan birds with a smile and said, "master Jiang, do you have many cooks in the Lieyang clan?"



"Yes, a lot." Jiang Licheng was busy.

How can the lieyangzong not have a cook?

"Please call all the cooks of the lieyangzong." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"What do you want them to do?" Jiang Licheng said somewhat confused.

"Eat it up." Ye Hao blinked.

Jiang Licheng's eyes are full of doubts.

Eat it fast?

What do you mean?

"Jiang Licheng, where is my son Luan?" The patriarch of the Luan que clan snapped.

In fact, the Luan finch family only knew that Luan Bo had an accident, but he didn't know how it happened.

"Here it is." At this time, Ye Hao pointed to a bone stubble on the ground and said, "it's roasted. It tastes good."

The head of the Luan finch clan's eyes turned red.

How dare the lieyangzong?

"I'm going to tear you into pieces!" The head of Luan finch clan pointed to Ye Hao and said, "kill me, kill me, one will not stay."


"Kill.""Kill." Tens of thousands of Luan finch clan's soldiers roared and rushed to the sun clan.

Jiang Licheng looked at the stunned general and roared, "don't you start the mountain protection array?"

At the moment when the soldiers of the lieyangzong were ready to start, Ye Hao's voice floated into every monk's ear.

"Why so much trouble?" Ye Hao said faintly.

All the friars immediately looked at Ye Hao.

"Get out of here." Ye Hao looks at the Luan bird family that rushes over and yells.

At the next moment, the scene that frightened the soldiers of the lieyangzong happened.

No matter it is the master of xianzun level or the strong one of Xianwang level, they all fall like the angel with broken wings.

When he fell to the ground, he screamed with blood.

Nanqing is stunned.

Jiang Licheng was stunned.

The whole Lieyang clan was stunned.

In a word, tens of thousands of monks were deeply hurt.

Even he Hong, who has set foot in the first place, can't do it?

There is a gap between the first scene and the peak of Xianwang, but the gap is not so big, right?

"Master Jiang, where is the cook I asked you to look for?" Ye Hao looks at Jiang Licheng.

"Ah." Jiang Licheng was surprised.

"Bloodletting one by one." Ye Hao turned over Jiang Licheng and said, "can't you let me bake all these?"

Jiang Licheng was stunned and asked in a low voice, "do you really want to do this?"

"Otherwise?" Ye Hao said lightly.

Jiang Licheng pondered a little and said, "four elders, go and find all the servants' cooks. No, let all the servants come here."

Tens of thousands of soldiers of Luan bird clan.

Don't you have so many cooks?

The four elders left in a hurry.

"Master Jiang, aren't you going to clean up the battlefield?"

Is it inconvenient for us to clean up the battlefield Jiang Licheng said so, but his heart was hot.

All the high-level of Luan que clan have been mobilized. How many resources do they have?

It can be said that there are not so many storehouses of the lieyangzong.

"Go ahead and bleed one by one." Ye Hao looked at Jiang Licheng and said, "the flesh of the powerful Immortal King can't be moved by those cooks."

"The elder, the second elder, the Third Elder - go and bleed one by one." Jiang Licheng said immediately.

The reason why Jiang Licheng is so resolute is that he Hong has just sent a message to him, telling him that most of Ye Hao's accomplishments have reached the second level.

Second place!

Is it necessary to be afraid of the rookies?

The ancestor of Luan que clan is only the first place, OK?

The head of Luan finch clan saw that the people were bloodletting one by one, and his eyes showed a look of panic.

"Jiang Licheng, do you have to do everything absolutely?"

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