"Absolutely?" Hearing this, Jiang Licheng said with a sneer, "if Mr. Ye is not here today, we all have to be slaughtered, right? If you can do the first day of junior high school, we can't do fifteen? "

"Aren't you afraid of revenge from our ancestors?" The head of Luan que clan stares at Ye Hao.

Jiang Licheng can't help but look at Ye Hao.

"That reminds me." Ye Hao then said with a smile, "master Jiang, you immediately organize an army and follow me to the Luan que clan."

Speaking of this, Ye Hao's side appeared a spirit body.

"Separation?" Jiang Licheng was surprised.

Jiang Licheng believed that Ye Hao was stronger than the leader of the Luan que clan.

But he doesn't think Ye Hao's character can compete with each other?

"I still have no problem killing the ancestors of Luan que clan." When Ye Hao said this, he looked deep into the forbidden area and said, "he Hong, if you don't feel at ease, you can go together."

Ye Hao's divinity has long sensed that he Hong has been spying in the dark.

He Hong walked out of the forbidden area.

"Mr. Ye, I don't believe you." When he Honggang said this, he was interrupted by Ye Hao, "go and crush the array."

He Hong pondered and nodded.

Jiang Licheng soon assembled an elite group of 30000 people.

"All of you, join me in the destruction of the Luan finch clan." Jiang Licheng glanced at the audience and said excitedly.

All the monks in the hall cried out with excitement.

In recent years, the lieyangzong has been exploited by the Luan que clan, and their resentment has been accumulated to the extreme.

When Jiang Licheng led 30000 soldiers to the battle, Ye Hao stopped Jiang Licheng.

"That's what you're going to do?"

"What's the problem?" Jiang Licheng asked suspiciously.

"Why not take a warship?"

"We only have king's medium class warships." When Jiang Licheng said this, his face was full of embarrassment.

"No king or high rank?" Ye Hao was astonished.

Jiang Licheng shook his head.

Ye Hao immediately understood why Jiang Licheng did not use the warship.

King class medium class warships will slow down their progress even if they are fully operational.

"This one is for you." Ye Hao said, with a wave of his hand, a warship appeared in the air.

Looking at the golden vessels in the air, including he Hong, all of them were speechless.

"Such fluctuations?"

"Is this the fluctuation of the fairy King's peak?"

"King class top warship."

"Warships of this level can only be found among big families."

The full capacity of the grand warship is 10000 soldiers.

The full capacity of the king class warship is 30000 soldiers.

Therefore, this warship can fully meet the needs of these soldiers.

"This time, let's see how many resources you can seize. If you have enough resources, I will help you build a number of warships." Ye Hao said faintly.

Hearing Ye Hao say so, Jiang Licheng's eyes showed a color of ecstasy.

Who doesn't know the deterrence and combat effectiveness of warships.

The question is whether everyone is entitled to it.

"Can I go?" Nan Qing looks at the warship and looks forward to Ye Hao's way.

"Go ahead." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Nanqing is excited to rise in the air and land on the warship.

After entering the warship, Nanqing went straight to the battle center.

At this time, Jiang Licheng and other high-level have reached the central position.

This is the king's top warship.

Jiang Licheng and others still want this warship to play a role?

"What level of energy gun can this warship fire?" Jiang Licheng asked carefully.

The figure of the spirit immediately appeared beside Jiang Licheng, "unless it is the existence of the demon level, otherwise the twelve layers of the fairy king can be killed." The top warship of King class built by Ye Hao is several times more powerful than that of the same level.

There was an uproar.

Then their eyes became hot.

"This warship is divided into two states, one is the primary combat state, and the other is the ultimate combat state." The spirit continued.

"What's the difference between primary combat and ultimate combat?" Jiang Licheng asked.

"The primary combat state is to activate a battery, which can be fired three times in a row, and after three times it takes a quarter of an hour to cool down; the ultimate combat state is to activate two turrets and also activate the defensive formation on the warship."

Jiang Licheng and others were surprised to say nothing.

They've never heard of warships doing this?

"How many high-quality immortal stones does an energy cannon need?" Jiang Licheng calmed down for a moment.

"100 million top grade fairy stones.""100 million top grade fairy stones?" Jiang Licheng exclaimed.

"There are 100 energy beams left by the young master on this warship." At this time, the spirit pointed to the main armory and said.

People's eyes were full of shock.

A hundred energy beams?

What a big deal?

"In addition to that, the warship has a spare weapons depot, and there are a thousand energy beams in the spare armory." It can be said that the words of the spirit are not surprising, and they die endlessly.

"Do you mean Mr. Ye left 110 billion high-grade immortal stones on this warship?" Asked one of the elders, trembling.

"Yes, but in addition to these immortal stones, the young master also left some spare materials. These materials are some easily damaged parts of the warship." Along with the spirit of the instrument, one of the high-level people in the field can't speak for a long time.

"What's more, the prince of the warship has been given to Chien Jiang." After waiting for a while, the spirit looked at Jiang Licheng respectfully and said, "from now on, you are my master."

Luan bird clan!

The high-level of the Luan finch clan gathered in the hall, and their faces were full of fear.

Because just now they found that the life cards of tens of thousands of soldiers who went to the Lieyang sect were all broken.

Including the patriarch.

What is life card?

The friar put a trace of soul mark on his life card.

As long as the monk falls, the life card will be broken.

After all, there are many dangers in the monastic world.

Only in this way can we determine whether the monk who went out to practice is still alive?

Under normal circumstances, it's normal for one or two life cards to be broken.

But just now tens of thousands of tokens were broken.

"The strong sun clan has the strength to kill so many masters?"

"If the strong sun clan has this strength, why should it hide until this time?"

"Cultivation has never been achieved overnight."

"Did the patriarch encounter danger on the way?"

"If you want to do this, even the strong people in the second stage can't do it in a short time." The ancestor of the Luan bird clan said slowly.

The ancestor of Luan que nationality is an old strong man in the first place.

He knows that he can't do it even if he does too much.

After all, there were 300 powerful fairies.

The three hundred immortal kings themselves may not be afraid, but if they want to kill all of them, they have to pay a huge price.

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