At this time, the ancestor of Luan que clan suddenly felt a burst of danger.

The next moment, a terrible sword light suddenly cut through the sky and fell on the top of the hall.


The sound turned into a cloud of blood as soon as they could hear it.

At the critical moment, the ancestor of Luan que clan burst into a sound, turning the immortal power in his body to the extreme, and slammed it hard towards the sword light. However, it was still pierced by the sword light, and the whole person was half kneeling on the ground miserably.

At the same time, all the walls around the hall collapsed.

Therefore, whether it is the friars of Luan que clan or the friars of Lieyang sect, they can see clearly.

"Is Mr. Ye's separation so strong?"

"A sword light hit the ancestor of Luan que clan."

"More than a dozen senior members of the Luan que clan have been severely damaged."

"What kind of realm has Ye reached When the generals and soldiers of the Lieyang sect discussed, Ye Hao looked at Jiang Licheng and said, "master Jiang, the next one will be given to you."

Jiang Licheng nodded heavily, and then he looked at the soldiers of the Lieyang clan, "you will follow me to destroy the Luan bird clan."




At the same time, he Hong continued to eliminate the high-level existence of the fairyland.

He Hong is now in the first place.

How is the high rank of the fairy king his opponent?


But Nanqing, who controls the warship, uses the top warship of King level to open the way.

This is the king's top energy gun.

Even the ordinary fairy King's existence on the 12th floor can't be stopped.

Therefore, it can be used to attack the city and plunder the land.

Almost all the masters of Luan que clan died in the Lieyang sect, so it didn't take long for them to be destroyed.

After the destruction, it is the crazy plunder of resources.

The plunder of the lieyangzong was very clean.

Because when the sun clan left, the Luan que clan became a ruin.


Jiang Licheng personally arranged Ye Hao's courtyard.

"Mr. Ye, are you satisfied?" Jiang Licheng looked around and whispered.

Ye Hao nodded gently.

"Mr. Ye, this is what I got in Luan que clan this time." Jiang Licheng handed Ye Hao a bag of heaven and earth.

Ye Hao looks at Jiang Licheng with a satisfied look in his eyes.

Jiang Licheng still knows the rules.

Ye Hao conveniently took over and said, "I will make these resources into pills and magic weapons and so on."

After a pause, Ye Hao said, "I'm going to stay in Tianxing for ten years, and I'll leave Tianxing after ten years."

"Ten years?" Jiang Licheng's face changed and said, "is this too short?"

"I'm talking about the decade outside." Ye Hao said with a light smile, "it's actually 50 years."

"What do you mean?" Just talking about this, Jiang Licheng realized something.

"You're right. I'll use the time crystal." Ye Hao looked at Jiang Licheng and said, "in 50 years' time, I have the confidence to build the lieyangzong into the top power in the Tianxing mainland."

"This one." Jiang Licheng's face showed hesitation.

If it were 500 years, Jiang Licheng would not say anything.

But how can it be done in 50 years?

Ye Hao knows what Jiang Licheng is thinking when he looks at him.

"Master Jiang, how many forces does Tianxing have in mainland China?"

"I don't know what level of influence ye asked?"

"There is the power of the demigods to take charge."

"Let me see." Jiang Licheng thought for a while and then said, "812."

Ye Hao thought about it for granted.

If there are not so many demigods, how can each race have been involved with Tianyan clan for such a long time?

"From today on, we're going to take on one faction every month." Ye Hao pondered for a moment.

Jiang Licheng's face changed.

"Mr. Ye, are you sure it's not a joke?"

One power a month?

Even Tianyan people dare not.

"Do you think I might be kidding you?" Ye Hao said faintly, "the goal of the expedition starts from the neighborhood of the lieyangzong."

"Mr. Ye, in this way, our people will become the target of public criticism." Jiang Licheng couldn't help saying.

"Do you know how the Tianyan clan was destroyed?" Ye Hao looks at Jiang Licheng with a smile.

Jiang Licheng's face changed.

"Is it Mr. Ye you --"

Ye Hao's mind moved and a beautiful woman appeared beside him.

Jiang Licheng took a look at the woman, and his mind was trembling.What a beautiful woman.

Over the years, Jiang Licheng has seen a lot of extraordinary things.

But there is not much that can be compared with the woman in front of her.

However, Jiang Licheng immediately recovered his eyes.

He knew very well that this woman was not something he could covet.

But soon Jiang Licheng thought of something.

Jiang Licheng's eyes widened.

"I don't know what to call this girl?"

"This is my maid Chen Yuelan." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Jiang Licheng met Miss Chen." Jiang Licheng's posture is very low.

Chen Yuelan nodded gently.

"Yuelan, you can choose a thousand monks from the small world. These monks need to cover all levels." Ye Hao looked at Chen Yuelan and said, "I think there is a fault in the inheritance of lieyangzong. You can choose some skills to teach."

"Yes." Chen Yuelan whispered.

Jiang Licheng was shocked.

Ye Hao, is it necessary to cultivate the rhythm of Lieyang sect in an all-round way?

"There is a sentence I don't know if I should ask?" Jiang Licheng thought for a moment or asked.

"Lord Jiang, if you have something to say, it is."

"I don't know what kind of cultivation Miss Chen has done? Why can't I see it? " Jiang Licheng is also a strong man on the 10th floor of Xianwang.

"I set foot in the first place 30 years ago." Chen Yuelan said calmly.

Jiang Licheng's mind trembled fiercely.

The first scene?


Is it not to say that the woman in front of her is more powerful than the elder he Hong?

It took Jiang Licheng a long time to digest the news.

At this time, under the leadership of Chen Yuelan, a thousand soldiers descended on Ye Hao's courtyard.

Some of the monks did not cover up the fluctuation of their bodies, so the whole Lieyang sect was shocked.




One shadow after another appeared near Ye Hao's courtyard.

"What a strong fluctuation."

"Is this the fluctuation of fairy King's peak?"

"Why do I think the fluctuation of those people is stronger than the peak of fairy king?"

"Don't you tell me those are demigods?"

"How could it be? Is demigod not Chinese cabbage

He Hong appeared here during the discussion among the monks.

When he Hong glanced, his face turned pale.

"This - this."

"Master, what's the matter?" Nan Qing asked curiously when she saw the master's look different.

"Seven hundred of these 1000 monks are the peak of the Immortal King." He Hong was shivering all over his body when he said this. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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