Ye Hao now has the power of the living gods.

With time, how far can Ye Hao go?

Moreover, who can guarantee that there is no master behind Ye Hao? And Ye Hao such as the existence of the level may not have cards?

They all know that Ye Hao's lucky son can't be killed easily.

Moreover, there are too many demigods on Ye Hao's side.

How can the three of them change the situation?

Ye Hao's look at andefa's eyes is full of banter, "let me promise?"

Andre's face changed slightly. "Our blood clan didn't want to fight with the Terrans, and we could give up half of the southern region."

As soon as Andre's voice fell, all the monks' faces changed.

No one would have thought that Andrea would be so servile?

Do you need counseling?

Is it a living God anyway?

Ye Hao looks at andefa suspiciously.

He didn't expect Andrea to say that.

After a little meditation, Ye Hao nodded and said, "yes."

"You can send someone to the southern regions at any time. If it is useful to get the place of my blood clan, just say hello." Andre's eyes brightened.

Ye Hao nodded gently.

"We demons can also give up half of the western regions." The horned devil was busy.

"We King Kong wood clan gives up half of the northern region." Said Vajra.

"Remember what you said." Ye Hao said lightly, "I will not move your ancestral land, but in addition to your ancestral land, half of the area is chosen by us."

Ye Hao knows the urine of these guys.

If they were to send out half of their territory, they would be places with scarce resources.

The faces of the three Horned Demons changed.

"In addition to the ancestral land, there are some traditional areas of influence among the three ethnic groups." Andrea said after a moment's meditation.

"Our Terrans won't do too much. Normally, we won't occupy those areas." Ye Hao said faintly.

"There are a total of 108 regions in the northern region. Except for the 38 regions of our Horned Demons, we can give up the rest." The horny devil looked at Ye Hao and said earnestly.

"Don't I understand what I'm saying?" Ye Hao's look is not good.

"Now our demon clan has not given up half of the territory." The eyes twinkle.

"You Horned Demons have occupied the most prosperous territory in the western regions, but now they throw the garbage like territory to our people." Ye Hao sneered, "why, don't you think our people are easy to bully?"

"Ye Hao, everything is enough." The horned devil frowned.

"What if we can't stop?" Just then a cold voice broke through the sky.

The hornet's face changed greatly.

The sound was too abrupt.

What cultivation do you want to know about the horn demon?

God in the world?

Can any existence hide his mind?


A bluish dagger stabbed at his heart.

Horned Demons are worthy of living gods.

Even if the man made a sneak attack, he avoided some.

The dagger went into his arm.

"Back." The hornogre retreated into the distance in great pain.

After retreating to the distance, the horned demon took a look at the wound and his face became ugly.

"The soft muscle powder of the third state."

This kind of soft muscle powder is very precious.

At least once in these years.

But that time the dose was extremely rare.

Normally speaking, once the master of the third level is hit by the soft muscle, the strength of his whole body has to lose at least half.

As a living God, it is impossible to lose most of his strength.

But it can still lose about 10%.

However, in the case of little difference in strength between the two sides, the loss of one achievement determines the victory or failure of the battle.

Not to mention that the Hornets were also badly hit.

This is undoubtedly worse.

"This wave."

"Secondary gods." Andrea's and diamond wood's faces suddenly changed.

No one thought that there was such a master behind Ye Hao.

"Mean." The horn demon looked at Dinghai needle and roared angrily.

"I just didn't want to waste my time." Dinghai needle looked at the corner devil's face, full of disdain, "you and I face a battle, you think you are my opponent?"

Is there a big gap between the second level gods and the first level gods?


Normally speaking, the first level gods will not be the opponents of the second level gods in any case!

"Are you two going to stop it?" Dinghai needle looked a little arrogant to ask.Three first level gods can compete with one second level gods.

The problem is that Dinghai needle is not an ordinary second-class deity. Moreover, the horned demon is attacked by Dinghai needle. It's good to have half of the battle power left now. In this case, even three people can't fight together.

"No, I don't mean it." Andrea stepped back and hurried.

"I never wanted to stop you." Said Vajra.

Previously, I only guessed that there was a master behind Ye Hao, but now it has been confirmed, OK?

"How do you prove it?" Dinghai needle looked at them jokingly.

Andefa and diamond wood look at each other, and immediately they both hand.


Let's go.

It's just that the object of the hand is a horned demon.

The horny's eyes were full of shock. "What do you two do?"

It's not that horny devil hasn't done it all these years, but when it's his turn, he can't accept it.


"The situation is better than people. I hope you understand."

The horny devil wants to understand you?

But he also knows that this is not the time to get involved.

The horned devil begged Ye Hao for mercy.

But Ye Hao paid no attention.

Andfa and Kumgang don't understand what Ye Hao means.


When these two suppress the Horned Demons, the battle between the hidden alliance and the Thunder Dragon Clan is coming to an end.

No way!

The master of the hidden League is much higher than that of the leilong clan.

Even if the Thunder Dragon is brave and fearless, it will not help.

When the master of the hidden alliance solved the demigod, he shot at the Immortal King of leilong clan.

A thousand demigods to a thousand fairies.

This is no longer a fight.

This is a massacre.

Lei Yuan didn't do it again.

Because his whole body is locked by Dinghai needle.

As long as Lei Yuan has any change, he will welcome dinghaizhen's violent attack. Moreover, in the process of his collision with Ye Hao, his consumption is astonishing.

The next thing will be much simpler when all the powerful fairies of the leilong clan have fallen.

Plunder resources, clean up the battlefield.

But the battle in mid air continues.

"Andy fat and diamond wood are afraid to have different ideas." Ye Hao said in a low voice.

"The two men seem to be in full swing, but in fact they leave room for each step." Dinghai needle nodded its head.

"It seems that I need to add a lot of information." Ye Hao said that there was a scroll in his hand.

PS: a good brother's book "reversion of rebirth" by Chibai , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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