This dharma was refined by Ye Hao when he became a powerful God.

With Ye Hao's inside information to become a strong God, we can imagine the power of this law.

The vast wave like waves swept across nine days and ten places in an instant. In the air, Andrea, metal and horny magic were shocked.

"This wave." Andrea's whole body was shaking.

When facing Dinghai needle, Andrea still has the courage to fight, but when facing this fluctuation, his heart is full of fear.

"What level of divine edict is this?" Vajra's face was white.

"Ten breaths." Ye Hao said faintly, "if ten breathing angle demons have not fallen, I will tear this dharma edict."

Andefa and Kumgang immediately realized that Ye Hao saw their careful thinking.

"Horny, offended."

"Horny, don't blame me for not giving you a way."

Vajra and Ender use a great kill as they send a message to the horndemon.

In fact, this period of time, Vajra and andfa have been secretly procrastinating.

It's not that they don't know the truth.

So you can't let Hornets fall here.

Otherwise, when the Terrans turn upside down, they will have no capital to fight against.

But who could have thought that Ye Hao took out a piece of legal edict that made them all feel cold?

One breath passed!

Two breaths past!

Three breaths are over!

The horny devil is still holding on, but his whole body is covered with blood.

Four breaths are over!

Five breaths are over!

Six breaths are over!

King Kong wood and Andrew are going crazy.

Because Hornets didn't fall.

Just now Ye Hao made it clear that if the ten breathing angle demons did not fall, he would tear the Dharma edict in his hand.

Neither adamantine nor andriva has the strength to stop it.

It is the so-called death of friends and not death of the poor.

Who is polite to whom at this time?

Seven breaths!

Eight breaths!

Nine breaths!

Before the tenth breath came, the horned demon was torn hard by the diamond wood.

Seeing the blood all over the sky, Ye Hao said faintly, "this is my prize."

King Kong wood reluctantly returned the body of the horned demon to Ye Hao.

No, not yet?

Ye Hao put the flesh and blood away, then waved and said, "you two can leave."

King Kong wood and andefa saluted Ye Hao and left respectfully.

At this time, Ye Hao's eyes fell on Lei Yuan.

"Give me a way for the Thunder Dragon." Lei Yuan's voice condenses.

"Are you ready to sacrifice yourself?" Ye Hao said jokingly.

"Ye Hao." Lei Yuan was furious.

"One thing you seem to be wrong about is that we can kill you whether you commit suicide or not." Ye Hao said faintly, "so your sacrifice has little effect on us." At this point, Ye Hao waves his hand, and Chen Mingde and other semi gods retreat towards the distance, forming a circle after ring in the distance.

At the same time, Ye Hao's three spirits and three separate bodies formed the first line of defense, and the second line of defense was composed of twenty-seven soldiers who were transformed into soldiers.

"In your present state, it is impossible to break the defense of Dinghai needle and me." Ye Hao looked at Lei Yuan, whose face was iron green. "If you break our two defenses by chance, I don't know if you can break through the next three lines of defense?"

Can you?


"I can tell you a secret." Lei Yuan was silent for a long time and said slowly.

Ye Hao said nothing with a smile.

"I found a primitive continent." Lei Yuan said here, Ye Hao's eyes showed a look of interest.

"Go on."

"That continent, therefore, is in an undeveloped state."

"Is that continent dangerous?"

"When I broke in, I met a creature. The fighting power of that creature was terrible. I was not an opponent."

"I want to know how many of those levels exist?"

"I only met that one."

Ye haolue pondered and threw the legal decree to Chen Mingde, "if we don't come back within three days, you will uproot the Lei long clan."

"Yes." Chen Mingde said respectfully.

Does Chen Mingde and other thousands of demigods need to use the Dharma?

No need!

The reason for Chen Mingde's law is to prevent King Kong wood and andefa from playing tricks.

"Lead the way." Ye Hao looked at Lei Yuan and said faintly.Dinghai needle was silent for a while, "do you want to set a ban on him?"

"No need." Ye Hao shook his head. "I believe he dare not play tricks."

This is absolute confidence in strength.

Dinghai needle will no longer say anything.

After all, his strength is also there.

What else can Lei Yuan play?

What's more, does Lei Yuan care about the life and death of the Lei long clan?


Lei Yuan came to chaos with Ye Hao and Dinghai needle. It took him half a day to get there.

You know, Lei Yuan is a living God.

It took so long at his speed.

You can imagine how far it is.

"Black holes." Ye Hao looked at a deep hole in front of him.

"That primitive world is in the black hole." Lei Yuan said seriously.

"Lead the way." Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said.

Lei Yuan just wanted to go forward and set the sea needle, so he patted him on the shoulder, "I hope you don't play tricks."

"How dare you?" Lei Yuan said with a bitter smile.

The most terrible thing about black holes is the tearing force.

Without the strength of demigod level, there is no way to stop it.

However, this is nothing for Ye Hao's three people. They enter the black hole smoothly.

After entering the black hole, they pause for a few breaths, and then a majestic world appears in front of them.




Dinghai needle's mind swept away and he said in dismay, "in a moment grass, purple gold stone, accompanying grass -"

Dinghai needle does not practice Dan Dao, but does not mean that he does not know.

"The world really hasn't been developed yet." Ye Hao noticed that there are too many resources in the world.

There are all kinds of resources.

But soon Ye Hao's face became dignified.

"This wave."

Dinghai needle looked at the center of the world and said, "that existence is very difficult."

With Dinghai needle's current strength, can you imagine how strong that strength is?

Ye Hao's figure flashed toward the central position. It wasn't long before Ye Hao arrived far away.

This looks at Ye Hao slightly frowned, "this is constantly absorbing the resources of this world."

The reason why Ye Hao said this is because the area around the existence center has dried up, and the dried up area has no resources.

"One sixth of the resources are consumed by this one." Dinghai needle sank into the voice.

"When I came a hundred years ago, that one ate only one-third of it." Lei Yuan's eyes showed a worried look. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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