"When I came a hundred years ago, that one ate only one-third of it." Lei Yuan's eyes showed a worried look.

The speed of this swallowing is too fast.

"It seems that within a few hundred years, this man will devour the resources of the world Ye Hao said earnestly.

"Do you want to interrupt this one's phagocytosis?" Ding Hai needle thought about it and said.

Dinghai needle is afraid of this one.

It doesn't mean to be afraid.

"There's no need to disturb him." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said, "we plunder the resources here step by step."

Speaking of this, Ye Hao called out the three spirits and the three spirits.

Six separate bodies form a defense line nearby.

It's to prevent this guy from making a sudden move.

Then Ye Hao waved his hand and 100000 immortal kings appeared around him.

"You go and plunder the resources here." Ye Hao said faintly.


With the departure of these fairies, Lei Yuan has a kind of muddled feeling.

What did he see?

A hundred thousand fairies!

Even the powerful Tianyan clan has only a few thousand, OK?

But then he thought of something.

"Does the downfall of the Tianyan clan have anything to do with you?"


"Can you give me a way to live for the Thunder Dragon people?"

"The monks of the hidden alliance will not fight against you Lei long clan any more. Of course, if you Lei long people die and challenge the lieyangzong, it has nothing to do with me." Ye Hao slightly pondered or said.

Thank you very much Lei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.


The continent is vast.

It is not inferior to that of heaven.

What's more, because the continent has just recovered, its resources are all of the original level.

But even if the resources are too much, they will not be able to withstand the hundred thousand fairy King's crazy plunder.

So two days later, the sleeping being was awakened.

It wakes up because it finds that the energy it can absorb is declining.

But how could that be possible?

According to its estimation, it will take two or three hundred years to achieve this.

The moment the statue awakens, Ye Hao's six avatars send out an early warning, and Ye Hao, Dinghai needle and Lei Yuan open their eyes at the same time.

"Is it you?" It was a monster that looked like a jackal. It realized something when it saw Lei Yuan.

"The strength of this one is more terrifying than it was." Lei Yuan can't help changing color.

"Stop it." Ye Hao takes a look at Lei Yuan.

With these words, Ye Hao issued a warning to the Immortal King of this land.

The next moment, the hundred thousand fairies quickly converged towards the continental margin.

"You want to die." The spirit of the beast was angry after a glance.

Can you not be angry?

Two thirds of the continent's resources have been looted.


The breath of his whole body exploded in an instant.

Ye Hao's three separate bodies could not help but retreat.

Ye Hao's face changed.

"Its strength is strong even among the secondary gods." Dinghai needle said here to meet up.

Dinghai needle is also strong in this realm.

What's more, Dinghai needle has mastered a lot of metaphysics, so what to fear.

Ye Hao takes a look at his three spirits, and then he goes to the edge of the mainland.

The three spirits are clearly aware that Ye Hao asked them to build a defense line, but also to guard against the thunder yuan.

How fast is the fairy king?

Therefore, it did not take long for Ye Hao to collect all the 100000 immortal kings into the small world.

At this time, Ye Hao noticed that the monster beast was coming towards him.

When he fixed his eyes, he saw that two of Ye Hao's three avatars had fallen, and one of them had fallen.

"Kill you, that hundred thousand fairy kings will be buried with you." The monster looked at Ye Hao with a ferocious look in his eyes.

"If you can kill me?" Ye Hao sneered.

Ye Hao is not an ordinary demigod.

His fighting power has stepped into the realm of gods.

When all the mana was working, Ye Hao gave a blow.

Hanhai Shenquan.

A vast sea suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

The vast sea fills a hundred thousand miles.

It's vast.

It's endless.

With a kind of overbearing attitude towards the beast rolling.

But the monster drank for a long time and opened his mouth to drink up the vast sea.

Seeing this, Ye Hao has a feeling of muddleheaded comparison.This - what's the situation?


At the moment when the monster devoured the sea, a terrible sound wave spread.

Ye Hao was the first to bear the brunt.

With a puff, Ye Hao spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and even his body was unstable.

"Be careful." Seeing the monster, Ye Hao was about to swallow Dinghai needle into a group of scorching sun and hit it hard.

After rolling around for several times, the monster's eyes bloomed with a bloodthirsty look.

"You are all going to die."

"Childe, the fighting power of this monster is comparable to that of the third level gods." At this time Dinghai needle was busy shouting, "I can't stop it at all."

Ye Hao tore up a piece of legal edict without too much hesitation.

When the decree was torn, a terrible killing intention came.

The killing intention is extremely strong.

It has been materialized.

The face of the monster showed a look of panic.

"This - this is the wave of the four gods and beasts?"

"Do you know the four gods and beasts?" Ye Hao stopped the four gods from making further moves.

"How can I not know that the four sacred beasts are heaven level beasts?" The monster glanced at Ye Hao, and his eyes were full of scorn.

"You don't seem to understand the current situation?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"Your scroll is really domineering, but it is impossible to obliterate me." The monster stared at Ye Hao and said earnestly.

"Let's talk about it." Ye Hao pondered for a moment.

"Give me the plundered resources." The beast said in a deep voice.

"You think too much." Ye Hao said without thinking.

Are you kidding?

"Then fight." What Ye Hao didn't expect was that the monster said such a thing.

Is that really not afraid of death?

But when things get to this point, does Ye Hao have another choice?

Death comes.

Strong erase.

The powerful body of the monster was like a thousand sharp swords and miserable.

When the intention of killing disappears, Ye Hao notices that the breath of the monster disappears.

"Falling?" Dinghai needle looked at the monster road in disbelief.

Ye Hao pondered for a moment, waved his hand and called out the medicine King Ding. Then he threw the corpse of the mountain like monster into the medicine King tripod.

"Can it be refined?" Ye Hao asked.

A moment later, Yao Wang Ding said softly, "I'll try."

Yaowangding now has the ability of the third level with the help of Ye Hao.

But Ye Hao didn't use it easily.

As the runes on the medicine King tripod flicker one by one, the domineering flame ignites.

But after three breaths, a sound of impact came from the medicine King tripod.

"Is that fellow alive?" Yao Wang Ding exclaimed.

PS: recommend a good brother's book "the reversion of rebirth" by Chibai www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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