"There's no demigod class warship in the whole quadruple sky?" Fox Mei Er can't help but stare big eyes.

"There should be some in ancient times and Archean times, but there won't be many demigods." Ye Hao said softly.

"Are you afraid of being too showy?" Fox Mei Er suddenly understood what.

"Well." Ye Hao nods.

"Do you have a demigod warship in your hand?" Chen Dian finally recognized something.

Ye Hao's mind moved and a black warship appeared in the air.

At the next moment, from this warship, there was a vast wave of demigods.

Chen Dian's face changed with a brush.

"Is the warship in the first scene so strong?" Chen Dian changed color.

"This warship will be able to smash a vessel at the beginning of the third state with one shot." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"So strong?"

"If this warship is going all out, even those in the late third phase will have to stay away for a while." Ye Hao put the warship into a heaven and earth bag, and then he threw the bag to Chen Dian.

"Give it to me?" Chen Dian was shocked.

"Zuixianlou will certainly encounter some troubles in the future. This warship is used for the last self-defense." Speaking of this, there are three fighting puppets around Ye Hao.

"Among the three fighting puppets, one is from the third level and two are from the second level." Ye Hao then said, "among them, the one in the third state can use it three times, and the other two in the second state can use it six times. When the fighting puppet runes are almost the same, it is the yanhuangzong. "

"Can I use the warships of the third territory?" Chen Dian said after pondering for a moment.

"That warship has the effect of stealth. There is not much you can see through the whole four sky. If you want to use it, you can't do it." Ye Hao nodded his head and said, "but you pay too much for one use."

"How many immortal stones do you need to consume in one shot?"

"Ten billion top grade immortal stones." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Chen Dian's face changed.

10 billion?

Zuixianlou has only 10 billion high-grade immortal stones in recent years?

Is it not to say that this gun has cleaned up the storage and consumption of Zuixian building these years?

"You should think so." Fox Mei son said at this time, "ten billion on a third level of semi God, this business is not very cost-effective?"

Chen Dian was stunned to hear Hu mei'er say so.

The demigods of the third state?

However, Chen Dian then said with a wry smile, "that warship is just a shot in Zuixian tower."

"There are 100 energy beams in the main weapons depot and 300 energy beams in the backup weapons depot." Ye Hao looks at Chen Dian's annoyed look and says with a smile.

"Ah." Chen Dian was really surprised this time.

400 energy beams?

Doesn't it mean 400 million top grade immortal stones?

When I think of this number, Chen has a sense of disorder.

He has never seen so many fairy stones in his life, OK?

"Young master, isn't this --" Then Chen Dian, you think this warship is too precious.

"Here you are. Take it." Ye Hao said here to change the topic, "to make a few special dishes."

"I'm going to get ready." Chen Dian left in a hurry.


The city center of Donghua Dynasty was already besieged.

It all comes from a middle-aged man who hung Baiwen's shoulder blade on a copper pillar.

"Is this middle-aged person impatient to live? How can the little master of the white rhinoceros dare to do it?"

"Yes, don't you know that the ancestor of the white rhinoceros is a strong man in the third world?"

"Do you think you don't know? Even if he didn't know it before, he knows it now. "

Don't you know?

Now the monks are talking about it?

Unless Chen Ming Hui is deaf.

Is the problem possible?

In this way, after a few minutes, more than a dozen figures tore the space and appeared above the copper pillars.

A middle-aged man with three points in common with Bai Wen saw Bai Wen's tragedy and burst into anger in his eyes, "do you know this will bring disaster to your family?"

Chen Minghui took a look at the middle-aged man and sneered, "the mole ants in the first situation dare to shout in front of Laozi?"

All the monks were in a daze.

What is Chen Minghui saying?

Mole ants in the first place?

When did the first scene become a mole ant?

Just when the middle-aged wanted to say something, Chen Minghui made a move.

A punch!

The middle-aged man's face changed with a brush.

He realized that Chen Minghui was a peerless master, and he was probably three points stronger than his ancestor in terms of strength.

It's not something you can resist.He wanted to dodge more, but soon found that the surrounding space was confined.

In other words, he had to fight.

The problem is to fight against a hair?

Isn't that the same level as your opponent?


It was the sound of broken bones.

Half a breath time did not arrive, the white rhinoceros clan's patriarch was broken, at the same time was broken along with more than a dozen experts who came with him.

All the monks were staring at the scene.

What do they see?

The head of the white rhinoceros, the strong man in the first place.

Killed by a blow?

Who can tell me if this is true?

The fairy leiluan pinched herself hard and realized that this was not a dream.

Shocked in her eyes, she finally believed that Ye Hao had said that Chen Minghui could suppress the white rhinoceros by himself?

"Have you seen enough?" At this time, Chen Minghui looked up and looked at a cold way somewhere in the air.

"Who are you?" A moment later, an old man with white hair came out of the dark.

Seeing the old man, all the monks exclaimed.

"The ancestor of the white rhinoceros."

"The super strong in the third place."

"I didn't expect that the existence of this level is now in the world."

"The head of the white rhinoceros clan has been damaged. When will he not appear?"

"I just don't know if this Terran is the opponent of the ancestor of the white rhinoceros?"

"I don't know."

Chen Minghui stares at the old man with white hair for a while and says, "but just stepped into the third level, how deep do I think it is?"

"You." The old ancestor of white rhinoceros said.

To his surprise, Chen Minghui could see his cultivation at a glance, but his anger was that Chen Minghui did not put him in his eyes.

"Three ways to kill you." Chen Minghui held out three fingers and sneered.

"Arrogant." The old white rhino's lungs are going to explode.

He had never seen such a crazy guy in all these years.

"The first move." Chen Minghui said that there was a sword made of star gold in his hand.


Star sword out of sheath!

The sword idea cuts through the limit of time and space in an instant.

The pupil of the ancestor of white rhinoceros shrinks fiercely.

In fact, from the moment he appeared, he was ready to fight Chen Minghui.

He thought he was well prepared.

But when Chen Minghui really made a move, he realized that his preparation was far from enough.

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