It's too fast.

It's almost to the point where he can't see.


The sword easily broke his chest and then hanged wildly in his body.

The ancestor of white rhinoceros used immortal power to suppress it, but soon he realized that he couldn't do it because his sword sense was too strong.

"What is this sword formula?" The ancestor of white rhinoceros looked at Chen Minghui with an ugly face.

"Shadow kill sword formula." Chen Minghui stood up with a sword and said lightly.

"Never heard of it." The ancestor of white rhinoceros thought about it for a while, but he didn't think who founded the shadow killing sword formula?

"Do you think you need to know that now?" Speaking of this, he held up his sword in his hand, and at the next moment, a series of thunder came together.

The whole East China Dynasty was covered by the power of terrible thunder.

No matter how strong the cultivation was, the whole Donghua Dynasty was shocked.

"The prestige."

"Even the early existence of the third state can't be stopped?"

"Laozi is the early existence of the third state. I think I will die under the thunder."

"Is it so terrible?"

"You'll find out later."

When the semi gods in the void communicate with each other, the ancestors of the white rhinoceros show an endless look of fear.

"Stop, stop, stop."

He was scared.

Because he realized that he couldn't stop it.

May Chen Minghui keep his hand?

Obviously not.

When the power of thunder converges to the limit, it turns into a huge thunder dragon, swallowing the ancestor of white rhinoceros into his stomach.


The ancestor of white rhinoceros was struggling in the stomach of Thunder Dragon.

After about a dozen breaths, it disappeared, and after a few breaths, the Thunder Dragon disappeared.

There was nothing in the air.

"What a pity." Chen Minghui's face showed a look of egg pain.

"What's the matter?" Leiluan fairy asked softly.

"The old man's bag of heaven and earth was just annihilated by Thunder Dragon." Chen Minghui sighed.

Leiluan fairy opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

The ancestor of white rhinoceros is a third level existence.

His fall will startle the whole quadruple sky.

But Chen Ming Hui doesn't seem to have this consciousness.

"You - you killed your grandfather?" Bai Wen looked at Chen Minghui and said with trembling.

Chen Minghui took a look at Bai Wen and suddenly thought of something, "but forget that there are many resources in your family." With that, Chen Minghui broke away.

Bai Wen was surprised.

I dare to remind Chen Minghui.

"Lei Luan fairy, please give me a way to live." A moment later, Bai Wen looked at the fairyland of leiluan.

"What do you think?" Lei Luan fairy sneered.

"I can give you all the resources I have." White busy said.

"Your resources are not yours." Leiluan fairy said and went to pick the bag of heaven and earth from Bai Wen's waist.

"You." Bai Wen stares at Lei Luan fairy for a while, "you let me go, I tell you a land of nature."

"The land of nature?"

"If you go to the land of nature, you can promote your accomplishments to the peak of the fairy king?"

"Are you sure?" Leiluan fairy's eyes showed a look of interest.

"I'm sure." Bai Wen's voice fell and felt a burst of terror of God invaded his knowledge of the sea, "leiluan, what do you want to do?"

Bai Wen's face was full of panic.

"If I search your soul, I will know everything." Leiluan fairy said while moving towards his soul habitat.

Bai Wen's cultivation is more than one realm than leiluan fairy.

The problem is that Bai Wen has been hit hard both physically and mentally.

How much combat power can he have now?

Therefore, it did not take long for leiluan fairy to successfully invade his soul habitat.

After reading his memory, leiluan fairy's eyes were full of ecstasy.

She didn't think that Bai Wen's story was true.

Bai Wen does know that there is a place of nature, which can warm itself up and enhance its potential on a large scale.

If leiluan fairy had been worried that someone would rob him, but after Chen Minghui killed the ancestor of the white rhinoceros, there were not many people in the whole four heaven who dared to attack leiluan fairy.


Is the Tong family the first weapon refining force of the four times heaven?

Many monks are arguing about this topic.

Because in addition to the Tong family, there are also four heaven's local weapon refining forces, as well as the demon clan's tool demon clan and demon clan's demon refining clan.But just three days ago, Tong Guan, the young patriarch of the Tong family, announced that three days later, the Tong family would come up with a number of heavy-duty magic weapons in order to establish the status of the fourth heaven's first weapon refining family.

When the news came out, the whole four days were startled.

Is Tong's family going to work?

In the following three days, rumors came out from time to time.

It is said that some children's families will auction the semi God level swords, some will auction the semi God level's decrees, and even some will auction the semi God level warships.

In a word, opinions vary.

Fortunately, all this will be revealed tonight.

Royal auction house!

To borrow the power of Tong family to the auction house of Donghua Dynasty is a word.

At night, a man of high stature arrived at the Royal auction house.

"Is the one who is bathed in flames

"There will be no one else who has such a vision, except master Huo."

"Why didn't you go in

"Don't you know that Mr. flame is pursuing the snow banished immortals in the snow god palace?"

"Snow Fairy."

"The two have opposite attributes. If they become partners, it will be good for both sides."

Mr. flame is very proud.

After standing at the door, the eyes look at the nose, the nose looks at the mouth, and the mouth looks at the heart.

This is a monk who obviously disdains to go in and out.

But no one can say that he is not?

In addition to the semi God strong, who can guarantee to control the Immortal King's twelve level cultivation?

Soon there was another cry in the crowd.

But a man in white came slowly with the company of a woman.

The man in white has a faint smile on his face, but this light smile is a little strange. His whole person is more relaxed and freehand, giving a kind of unrestrained expression.

The woman beside him was dressed in a Golden Phoenix robe, and her whole body was flowing with a strong sense of dignity. However, she did not have a smile on her face at this time, and she seemed very reluctant to come here.

"Master Qianhuan."

"The three princesses feel sorry for themselves."

"What's the situation? Why did the three princesses accompany Mr. Qian Huan

"Did the Donghua emperor decide to follow the nine palace clan?"

"The strength of the nine palaces seems to be slightly inferior to the Nalan family."

"I think most of the Donghua emperors chose marriage, because in this way, the popularity of the nine palaces would not be too ugly."

"It makes sense."

"But it seems to me that the three princesses are reluctant to do so?"

"How can you be willing? The three princesses are the heirs of Donghua Dynasty, but now they have to marry Qianhuan childe? The ambition and hegemony of this life are doomed to be gone. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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