"In fact, the third princess Hua felt sorry for herself and married Qianhuan childe. You know, few young people have reached the semi divine state."

"What kind of woman can't get it as a thousand fantasy childe?"

"Hua's self pity is a little affected."

Listening to the discussion of friars around, Hua's self pity face did not change in the slightest, but her eyes showed a thick color of unwilling.

But what can she do?

Neither the Nalan clan nor the Jiugong clan could be provoked by the Donghua emperor.

There must be a choice between the two.

Both Donghua emperor and Hua Pengcheng left the right of choice to China's self pity.

Because now China's self pity is not weaker than these two.

After a long time of self pity, Hua finally chose Qianhuan.

It can be said that this is her choice, so no matter how unwilling she is in her heart, she can only passively accept it.

"Thousand illusions." At this time, the flaming young master opened his eyes and said.

Thousand unreal looking at the flame childe, "are you waiting for snow banishment fairy?"


"Good luck." Thousand unreal smile a way.

Snow banishment immortal thousand illusions also moved the mind, but the snow banished fairy is too arrogant.

This kind of arrogance is shown in his bones. Qianhuan thinks that he can't fight the other side, so he gives up after several encounters.

"I will catch up with the snow banished fairy." He said in a dignified voice.

But the thousand illusions don't think so.

If the snow banished fairy is so easy to catch up with, it will not be called the pure snow fairy?

Speaking, a girl in Palace Dress came slowly with a pretty maid.

The temperament of the maiden in palace dress is a little cold, which gives people a feeling that no one is allowed to enter. However, her face is so beautiful that no woman can compare with her.

Hua's self pity was one of several beauties in the East China Dynasty, but it was not as good as this maiden in palace dress.

The flame childe's eyes suddenly showed a burning color, and then he strode towards the palace girl.

"Banished immortals."

The snow banished fairy took a look at the flame and took back his eyes.

The snow banishment fairy's neglect lets the flame young master some to hang the face.

"Banished immortals."

"My lady is not so close to you?" At this time, the maid standing beside the snow banished fairy said faintly.

The flaming young master looked at the maid with a bad look. "Do you have a part to speak here?"

"Who gave you the courage to talk to my maid like that?" The snow banished fairy looks at the flame childe without expression and says gently.

The snow banished fairy's look has no joy and no generation.

It's hard to see what's going on inside her face.

"Banished immortals." The flaming young master was stunned.

He didn't expect that the snow banished immortal would not give him face in full view.

"Face is earned by oneself, not by others." Snow banished Fairy Light said, "I don't know you so well, and I don't want to be familiar with you. Don't disturb me in the future."

"Banished immortal, you should understand my mind." Mr. flame is a little anxious.

The snow banished fairy's eyebrows immediately wrinkled up.

Seeing this scene, her maid rushed forward, "don't disturb my lady any more."

"Go away." At this time, the flaming young master was at the time of Wohuo, so he saw that the maid of the snow banished fairy stopped him and immediately yelled at him.

Let who did not think of is snow banishment fairy maid is angry, "have seed you just say again?"

What's the situation?

All the monks on the scene were shocked except for the snow banished immortals.

Can you figure out who you are?

You're just a snow fairy?


The eyes of the flaming young master are full of the cold light.

The pressure made all the monks in the hall change color.

But the maid of the snow banished fairy didn't feel the look, calmly looked at the flaming young master, "are you all these skills?"

"Looking for death." Master Huo is angry.

As the words fell down, the flame all over his body became agitated. Then he turned into a fire sword connecting the sky and the earth. It was full of waves that made the Six Harmonies and eight wastelands tremble, and it was cut down in an instant towards the maid who was banished from the snow.

The maid of the snow banished fairy kneaded the seal unhurriedly. At the next moment, an invisible wave diffused. When the wave collided with the fire dragon, the fire dragon seemed to be swallowed by the devil.

The flaming young master was surprised and looked at her suspiciously, "who are you on earth?"

If we say that the cold light in the eyes before is just a trial, then we just tried our best, but even if we didn't win the other party, it shows the problem.

Each other is at the same level as himself.

"I am the lady's sword servant." Wen Yan snow banishment fairy maid said coldly."Sword?" Hearing this woman say so, the face of the flame childe can't help but change.

"Miss, what accomplishments are you such rubbish can covet?" Shijian stares at the flame childe and sneers, "the reason why Miss doesn't do it is that she doesn't want to be high-profile, but she doesn't want to be such a garbage pusher."

"You." The flaming young master pointed to the sword and said in surprise and anger.

"Flame, sword is my word." The snow banished immortal said here, her eyes bloomed out a wisp of prestige, which made the flaming childe regress ten steps in succession, "if you dare to disturb me in the future, I don't mind abandoning your cultivation."

"Second place?" A look of horror flashed in the eyes of the flaming young master.

You know, it doesn't take long for you to set foot in the first place?

Why did the snow banished fairy set foot in the second place?

That doesn't make sense!

But the flame childe also knew that he was not expected to catch up with the snow banished fairy.

It seems that there is only one realm of difference between the two.

But practice is always leading step by step.

Snow banished fairy will go further than him in the future.

In other words, he is not worthy of each other.

With strong?

Who dares?

There is an old monster in the snow palace, which even the ancestors are afraid of.

All the monks in the hall were stunned.

Second place?

There are not many strong people at this level in the whole quadruple day!

It can be said that the second place out of a few old monsters, snow banished fairy can walk horizontally.


"Can my goddess not be strong?"

"The snow palace is going to rise."

"Who said no?"

"When the snow banished fairy stepped into the third place, who would dare to provoke the snow god palace?"

Looking at the snow banished fairy entering the auction house, Chen Dian said softly, "childe, snow banished fairy has set foot in the second place?"

"I've been in the second place for a while." Ye Hao nodded.

"Young master, can you defeat the snow banished fairy?" The fox's soft voice.

"Snow banished immortal's real combat power should have reached the third level, but I don't know which stage it reached." Ye Hao said with a smile, "but I can tell you for sure that she is not my opponent."

Ye Hao knew that she was very strong when she saw the snow banished fairy in jiuchongtian.

The fact also proved Ye Hao's conjecture.

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